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Dear sirs,
reading the document i.MX RT1060 Processor Reference Manual, Chapter 8.13 ROM APIs describes a set of ROM APIs to simply the In-Application Programming and WDOG operation.
We're wondering if the same ROM APIs are available for other i.MX RT processors, because i.MX RT1020 Processor Reference Manual has not ROM APIs Chapter, as well as i.MX RT1050 Processor Reference Manual.
Thank you in advance for clarification.
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Hi Daniele Pagani
No, unfortunately, the ROM code is different between RT1050 and RT1060, so it has the different API tree, RT1060 open the API entry and API tree for customer use the ROM API, but RT1050 don't do this.
Have a great day,
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I use the ROM API on RT1060 EVK. It is fantastic. ROM API saved days, if not weeks, of development time. I tried it on RT1020 EVK and it crashes immediately (calling the basic get_config function). Is there a reason why RT1020 or RT1050 won't open ROM API for our use? Will you have later revision of the chip that will open it up?

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Hi Daniele Pagani
No, unfortunately, the ROM code is different between RT1050 and RT1060, so it has the different API tree, RT1060 open the API entry and API tree for customer use the ROM API, but RT1050 don't do this.
Have a great day,
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