Hello everyone,
I'm using RT1170 evk board with a 1ZM-M2 Murata module for BT. As BT stack I'm using edgefast BT provided by NXP.
Using the edgefast_bluetooth_shell example on 2.14 SDK I discovered a strange behavior:
This behavior happens for each sent command (next track, previous track, etc...): on Android 14 it NEVER works (instead with the same FW it works with Android 11).
Does anyone know how to fix this issue?
Thanks for your help
I debugged more the edgefast_BT and I saw that it receive from BT_avrcp_al_send_passthrough_cmd_rsp(...) function the following error code: 0x6713.
This code on BT_error.h file refer to: AVRCP_ERR_ID (module) and 0x0013 error that means AVRCP_COMMAND_CONTEXT_ALLOC_FAILED.
So it seems that I have some memory internal issue on BT stack: how and which parameter I need to increase to not having this type of error?
Could you please help me confirm your WiFi device?
Hope you are doing well. Could you please help me confirm your EVK version? Did you modify the SDK example?
Best Regards,
I have a RT1170-EVK https://www.nxp.com/part/MIMXRT1170-EVK#/ (NOT the B version).
I'm using the edgefast_bluetooth stack on our own application but it also happens with evkmimxrt1170_edgefast_bluetooth_shell example on SDK pkg.
Could you please clarify how are you adding the edgefast_bluetooth stack on your application? As this is not included on this SDK version.
Also, what are the steps you are following to test this scenario?
please not focus on how it is integrated on our application because it happens also with SDK example evkmimxrt1170_edgefast_bluetooth_shell.
To reproduce this behavior:
Please let me know if you need other info or logs.