I have a MIMXRT1180-EVK board, and my IDE is MCUXpresso for VS Code, the SDK version is 2.16.000, J-Link is used, JP4 is shorted. I have questions about debugging.
First, SW5[2:4]=001, the "evkmimxrt1180_rled_blinky_demo_cm33" work well using the "debug" build configuration, I can download and debug the demo code, and the "D6" LED was blinking. But it can't work after power on again.
Second, SW5[2:4]=100, I can download the blinky demo using "flexspi_nor_hyperram_debug", but can't debug it. The breakpoint in the main() can't be reached. I don't know why.
Third, I open the "vkmimxrt1180_rled_blinky_demo_cm33\armgcc\flexspi_nor_hyperram_debug\rled_blinky_demo_cm33.elf", find that it is start from 0x28000B00. And the "vkmimxrt1180_rled_blinky_demo_cm33\armgcc\MIMXRT1189xxxxx_cm33_flexspi_nor_hyperram.ld" show that the app_image_offset is 0x0000B0000.
Why does the image not start from 0x28000000?
Fourth, after power on again, I readout entire flash using J-Link, and I find that the content start from 0x2800B000 is same with rled_blinky_demo_cm33.elf. And the content between 0x28000000 and 0x2800B000 is 0xFF.
Can you help me? I want the code startup after power on again.
Hi @shengs
I tested it on my RT1180EVK Board. It can work.
But i use the MCUXpresso IDE.
The SW5[2:4]=001, and i debug the evkmimxrt1180_rled_blinky_demo_cm33. when i reset the board, it can work.
You can try to download MCUXpresso IDE.
I will also try to use VScode.
Hope this will help you.
Hi, @HangZhang
I tested blink demo using MCUXpresso IDE before, both debug and release mode. It works well. But my team tends to use VS Code as our IDE for some reasons.
SW5[2:4]=100. The LED blinks @1Hz after power on again.
No yet with VS code.
Have you tested it?
Hi @shengs
I have tested it.
As you mentioned.
I imported the evkmimxrt1180_rled_blinky_demo_cm33,
and set flexspi_nor_debug as default.
I didn't change the SW5.
It can work.
Hope this will help you.
Can you debug it? Can it blink power on again?
Can you use J-Link to test again?
The JP4 and JP5 is shorted on my board.
Hi @shengs
Are you configuring flexspi_nor_debug as the default mode?
I tested it with jlink, but it can debug only in debug mode.
I flexspi_nor_debug mode, it can not work.
原因找到了,是XIP_BOOT_HEADER_ENABLE没有使能,见"MCUXpresso_SDK_V2.16_MIMXRT1180-EVK_Repository\docs\Getting Started with MCUXpresso SDK for MIMXRT1180-EVK.pdf"
对于MCUXpresso for VS Code,在evkmimxrt1180_rled_blinky_demo_cm33\armgcc\flags.cmake文件里更改。
I notice that the on-board debugger is used in your setup. But I use J-Link.
Sorry for mistakes.
0x28000B00 should be corrected to 0x28000B000, 0x0000B0000 should be corrected to 0x0000B000.