How to interface CYW43455 WiFi module to i.MX RT 1062 in SDR 104 mode?
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If some one help me for the CYW43455 module SDR104 mode SDIO interfacing with i.MX RT1062 MCU.
If possible ,Can I get any utility example of CYW43455 module with i.MX RT1062 MCU for iperf application.

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Hi Shyam_B,
Until now, we don't have the CYW43455 module examples, but we have the Crypress 4343w 43012 module examples in the RT1060 SDK, that is also using the SDIO interface, you can refer to the SDK which can be downloaded from this link:
After you download the RT1060 sdk, you can find the crypress related module SDIO interface examples from this folder:
Wish it helps you!
If you still have questions about it, please kindly let me know.
Best Regards,