Generate BEE XIP image on 1015RT

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Hi, I am new for 1015RT,
My purpose is create a BEE XIP image on my product.
After my study, I think my secure boot for 1015RT can simply separate three type.
1: No any security encrypt for image, after mcuxpresso create the bin. and load into QSPI, it can run.
2. HAB: The mode must run the code into RAM memory, this is not my target, so skip it.
3. BEE XIP encrypt, after mcuxpresso compiler, use a tool to convert to BEE XIP encrypt type.
My question is how to generate BEE XIP file?
Which tool? elftosb ?
I cannot find any "BEE" key word in this tool manual?
From this
I think I need a image_enc.exe tool.
Should I apply to NXP for this tool?
Because I had apply to NXP for AES128 encrypt tool while I using LPC1830S.

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Hi Ken Su ,
Can you use the Baidu Cloud?
If yes, you can download it from the following link:
痞子衡嵌入式:开启NXP-MCUBootUtility工具的BEE/OTFAD加密功能 - image_enc - 痞子衡 - 博客园
Please download the second one, v2.x.
Then you can add this image_enc in the MCUBootUtility tool, and do the BEE encryption operation.
More details, you can refer to this link:
Have a great day,
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Hi Kerry
Very Thanks for your reply.
I try to download from this link, but no data.
Could you help me double confirm?
Actually, I am very curious about two things.
1. Why this tool is download from Baidu Cloud, not NXP official link?
2. I cannot find any NXP official released application node about how to use image_enc.exe.
I know there are some information in community. But why NXP cannot release a simple SOP/Application node or manual for image_enc.exe officially?
And there are manual about elftosb, blhost, sdphost. However, no manual for image_enc.exe.
It's look like NXP don't expect the developer use image_enc.exe?
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Hi Ken Su,
If you want to download baidu from Taiwan, you need to through VPN connection.

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Hi Ken Su,
Please try the second one:
This is shared by the MCUBootUtility tool author, today, I also told him the download difficulties for the customer who is not in China, maybe he will put in the Github in the future.
As you know, RT is the new product, so the related tools and document is not very complete, anyway, I will also transfer your request to our related department, wish have a new application note about it in the future.
In the meanwhile, MCUbootUtility tool with image_enc2.exe will be useful to you.
Sorry for the inconvenience we bring you.
Have a great day,
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Hi Kerry
Thanks for your double confirm, now I know why I cannot download the link.
I ask my china friend to help to download this tool.
Now I can use this tool.
And I hope there will be more doc about BEE XIP.

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Hi Ken Su,
Ok, if you have any question when you use the tool, just let me know.
Have a great day,
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