Debugging and tracing the RT1060 EVK using IAR and I-Jet probe

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Hello Team,
My customer is trying to use Trace while debugging our RT1060 EVK.
The i.MXRT1062 that is used on the i.MXRT1060 eval board is capable of SWO but when looking at the schematic of the board it seems that GPIO_B0_13 that is listed as “ARM_TRACE_SWO” is used for the LCDIF:
Could you please advise if there be something to be done in order to make the SWO pins can support Tracing on the eval-board using #IAR #I-Jet debugger?
Thanks in advance

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Hello Shai,
I recommend you to use the JTAG_TDO pin for SWO that is already routed to the debug header.
Please check the link below that explains how you can use SWO feature for MIMXRT1064 board but it can work as well for your board.
SWO with NXP i.MX RT1064-EVK Board - NXP Community
Best regards,
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