i.MX RT Crossover MCUs Knowledge Base

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i.MX RT Crossover MCUs Knowledge Base


Abstract It has been almost 6 years since the earliest RT1050 series was launched. There are already a lot of discussions and articles on how to configure FlexSPI to boot from SPI FLASH in the NXP community. But there are still so many questions about how to configure FlexSPI and how to start from Quad/Octal/Hyper SPI Flash. The difficulty of getting started with i.MX RT is the same for all embedded engineers around the world. Novice players often don't know where to start when they get chip and SDKs. Although the i.MX RT is claimed to be an MCU, unlike the vast majority of MCUs, it does not have its own built-in Flash, but requires Flash to be installed externally on FLEXSPI. The FLEXSPI interface is very flexible and can be used to plug in various serial Flash devices. Commonly used include four wire (QUAD), eight wire (Octal), and HyperFlash. Due to the different brands, capacity, connection, and bus of external flash devices, it is necessary to modify the configuration of the FLEXSPI interface to adapt to them. In addition, it is necessary to modify the download algorithm to adapt to various debug probes and IDEs. Faced with these difficulties, beginners need to explore for a long time and read a lot of materials to gradually understand. This clearly reduces the speed of project development, especially compared to the SoC with embedded FLASH. The purpose of this article is not to go through all the knowledge in detail, but to provide a complete process framework, so that newcomers can follow the map and complete it step by step, without having to search for information everywhere and spend a considerable amount of time in their minds piecing together puzzles.   The following diagram is the flowchart of the entire flash enablement process. In addition to the early hardware design, there are mainly two parts. One is the flash download algorithm for IDE; The second is the flash configuration header FCB in the application. Once these two are completed, one can officially enter the application development process of the project. As for flash encryption, multi-image startup, and so on, they are all very later matters and have nothing to do with this article. The serial numbers in the flowchart represent annotation and data index.     FLEXSPI can support various SPI bus from 1-bit to 8-bit. And through the FLEXSPI interface, bootROM can start application from NOR SPI Flash and NAND SPI Flash. But so far, most of the RT projects use NOR Flash. Because NOR Flash supports running directly on Flash (XIP), while NAND flash doesn’t. The program must be copied to RAM before it can run. The read and write speed of FLEXSPI is influenced by various factors, including but not limited to the type of Flash interface, maximum speed, interface width, cabling, cache, and so on. The application below is about the performance checking. https://www.nxp.com/docs/en/application-note/AN12437.pdf The FLEXSPI startup configuration is very flexible, but there are also limitations, and each RT devices are different. If it is not the default connection like EVK, it is still necessary to check RM. Besides RM, the article written by Jay Heng is very worth reading. Although they are in Chinese, the tables and figures in these articles are useful to reader. 恩智浦i.MX RTxxx系列MCU启动那些事(6.B)- FlexSPI NOR连接方式大全(RT600) 恩智浦i.MX RTxxx系列MCU启动那些事(6.B)- FlexSPI NOR连接方式大全(RT500) 恩智浦i.MX RT1xxx系列MCU启动那些事(11.B)- FlexSPI NOR连接方式大全(RT1015/1020/1050) 恩智浦i.MX RT1xxx系列MCU启动那些事(11.B)- FlexSPI NOR连接方式大全(RT1060/1064(SIP)) 恩智浦i.MX RT1xxx系列MCU启动那些事(11.B)- FlexSPI NOR连接方式大全(RT1010) 恩智浦i.MX RT1xxx系列MCU启动那些事(11.B)- FlexSPI NOR连接方式大全(RT1160/1170) It is important to note that if the speed of QUAD SPI exceeds 60M, FLEXSPI's DQS pin must be suspended. This has been mentioned in both RM and hardware design guide, but it is not very noticeable.   The way to tell the bootROM/flashloader how flash is connected is setting BOOT_CFG pin or burning eFUSE. Thus bootROM/flashloader can know where to read the FCB before the user program starts. FCB refers to Flash Configuration Block. The FCB position of each RT chip may vary. The FCB position in RT10xx is generally at the 0 address of Flash, while the FCB position in RT11xx and RTxxx is at 0x400. In short, the startup process is to first read eFUSE or BOOT_CFG pins by bootROM/flashloader to get where the flash is, then reads the configuration information of the Flash from the FCB using 30MHz single line SPI mode, and then configures the Flash. After that high-speed execution of user program in Flash is supported. BTW, bootROM and flashloader are different things. In RT10xx, bootROM connect with sdphost.exe to download flashloader to SRAM, and then flashloader connect wtih blhost.exe to do other works. This is called serial download mode. In RT1xxx and RTxxx, bootROM connect with blhost.exe directly. But flashloader is still needed.   To download the program to Flash for debugging and execution, you need to download flash algorithm first. The download algorithm for different flash devices are likely to be different.   RT1024 and RT1064 have already embedded a third-party flash die, so their algorithms are ready-made and already available in the demo in SDK. Additionally, they cannot be started from other external flash connected.   Multilink supports all RT series devices. You can read these two articles https://www.nxpic.org.cn/module/forum/thread-617191-1-1.html https://www.nxpic.org.cn/module/forum/thread-617508-1-1.html Sometimes there will be new algorithm or new device supported, please download from here: https://www.pemicro.com/arm/device_support/NXP_iMX/iMX/index.cfm   SFDP is a standard proposed by the JEDEC organization for serial interface flash, also known as JESD216. It provides a set of registers to represent the characteristics of flash. Flash algorithms can learn how to burn flash through this data. https://www.jedec.org/document_search?search_api_views_fulltext=JESD216   When using the MCUXpresso IDE, Segger Jlink's debugger only uses the flash download algorithm from its own installation package and does not accept the algorithm specified by the IDE. Keil and IAR can enable JLINK to use both the IDE's built-in download algorithm and the algorithm in the JLINK driver package. RT-UFL is a universal download algorithm designed by Jay Heng for JLINK. The supported devices include QSPI, Octal SPI, and HyperFlash. Even if a Flash does not support SFDP, it can still support it. It is really useful. And since this project is open source, users can also port its code to download algorithms for other debug probe. https://github.com/JayHeng/RT-UFL   In MCUXpresso, right-click on the project ->properties ->MCU Settings ->Memory with type flash to select driver. There are candidates like MIMXRT1170_QSPI_SFDP.cfx, or MIMXRT1060_SFDP_HYPERFLASH.cfx. As long as the flash used supports SFDP, you can give it a try.   If the above steps cannot find a suitable download algorithm, then you can only create one by yourself (of course, you can also search the community first, or ask to NXP support people via a ticket in NXP support. But most probability there isn’t). There are templates in the installation directory of MCUXpresso, which can be modified to fit your case. The modified parameters come from the test result of flexspi_nor_polling demo in SDK. MCUXpressoIDE_11.7.1_9221\ide\Examples\Flashdrivers\NXP\iMXRT   Keil also has templete, it is at Keil_v5\ARM\Flash\MiMXRT105x_ATXP032   This is for IAR. https://updates.iar.com/filestore/standard/001/001/123/arm/doc/FlashLoaderGuide.ENU.pdf   NXP officially recommends the Secure Provisioning Tool (SPT). In addition, the NXP-MCUBootUtility, which was born earlier, has almost the same functionality and is also constantly being updated. Secure Provisioning Tool: https://www.nxp.com/design/software/development-software/mcuxpresso-software-and-tools-/mcuxpresso-secure-provisioning-tool:MCUXPRESSO-SECURE-PROVISIONING NXP-MCUBootUtility: https://github.com/JayHeng/NXP-MCUBootUtility   If SFDP is not supported, you can only use the FLEXSPI test program in the SDK package to explore the configuration parameters. Please refer to the NOR or the hyper project. SDK_2_13_0_EVK-MIMXRTxxxx\boards\evkmimxrtxxxx\driver_examples\flexspi\nor   If SFDP is supported, it would be easier to handle. I.MX RT's bootROM supports simplified configuration of flash. By input one or two word configuration words, the bootROM can automatically configure with flash. The meaning of configuration words can be found in the system boot chapter of RM.   Both SPT and MCUBootUtility configure FLEXSPI in this way. Users can select similar models in the menu and modify some parameters. These parameters will eventually become option0/option1 and be passed to the bootROM.     Click on the Test button in the figure above and pray it can pass. If it doesn't pass, modify the parameters and try again. Sometimes it's really can’t configure the flash by simplified way, so you can only use the "User FCB file" option and specify one for it.   Click the "Convert to FCB" button to export the binary file of FCB. This bin file can be used in the future to create complete images for download. There is also a great use here to reverse to flexspi_nor_config_t structure.   In RT1xxx SDK demo, it is flexspi_nor_config_t structure in \xip\evkmimxrt1xxx_flexspi_nor_configure.c. In RTxxx SDK demo, it is in \flash_config\flash_config.c. It will be compiled at allocate to FCB position. The content of this structure is similar to the configuration in flexspi_nor_polling project. Passing that project can also provide a complete reference for this structure. Completing this structure is the goal of this branch (see (3)). The binary file exported can be referred as this picture.   If you feel it is boring, the attachment fcbconverter.py is a python tool which can convert the .bin to flexspi_nor_config_t. After you finished this work, here is a good article which may guide you to the next step. It is because the LUT table generated here is very concise. Users can fill in a complete table as needed. https://community.nxp.com/t5/i-MX-RT-Knowledge-Base/RT10xx-image-reserve-the-APP-FCB-methods/ta-p/1502894 QE bit is very important to Quad Flash. The point here is that if you use option0/option1 to configure flash, the bootROM or flashloader will automatically configure the QE bit. Since QE bits are nonvolatile, there is no need to worry about the QE bit of this board in the future. But if you don't plan to use option0/option1 to configure flash, you have to write this bit by yourself. You can use flexspi_nor_polling demo, which writes QE after initialization. If Octal FLASH is used, here is another article which can guide the entire process. https://community.nxp.com/t5/i-MX-RT-Knowledge-Base/RT1170-Octal-flash-enablement/ta-p/1498369 If a project initiated from FLEXSPI FLASH, it must include header information such as FCB and IVT. DCD is optional. Please refer to the system boot section of RM for specific content. The following AN explains it more clearly. https://www.nxp.com/docs/en/application-note/AN12108.pdf https://www.nxp.com/docs/en/application-note/AN12107.pdf   Conclusion: I.MX RT can support the vast majority of Quad Flash, Octal Flash, or HyperFlash on the market. Following this guide, FLASH problem will not hold you much time.  Finally, no matter what kind of difficulties you encounter, you can ask questions on NXP's community or create support ticket on the official website. NXP will have dedicated person to answer these questions.
Note: for similar EVKs, see: Using J-Link with MIMXRT1060-EVK or MIMXRT1064-EVK Using J-Link with MIMXRT1170-EVKB Using J-Link with MIMXRT1160-EVK or MIMXRT1170-EVK. This article provides details using a J-Link debug probe with this EVK.  There are two options: the onboard debug circuit can be updated with Segger J-Link firmware, or an external J-Link debug probe can be attached to the EVK.  Using the onboard debug circuit is helpful as no other debug probe is required.  However, the onboard debug circuit will no longer power the EVK when updated with the J-Link firmware.  Appnote AN13206 has more details on this, and the comparison of the firmware options for the debug circuit.  This article details the steps to use either J-Link option.     Using external J-Link debug probe Segger offers several J-Link probe options.  To use one of these probes with these EVKs, configure the EVK with these settings: Remove jumpers J9 and J10, to disconnect the SWD signals from onboard debug circuit.  These jumpers or installed by default. Use default power selection on J40 with pins 5-6 shorted. Connect the J-Link probe to J2, 20-pin dual-row 0.1" header. Power the EVK with one of the power supply options.  Typically USB connector J1 is used to power the board, and provides a UART/USB bridge through the onboard debug circuit.   Using onboard debug circuit with J-Link firmware Follow Appnote AN13206 to program the J-Link firmware to the EVK. Use jumper J12 to change the mode of the onboard debug circuit: Install J12 to force bootloader mode, to update the firmware image Remove J12 to use the onboard debugger Install jumpers J9 and J10, to connect the SWD signals from onboard debug circuit.  These jumpers are installed by default. Plug USB cable to J1.  This provides connection for J-Link debugger and UART/USB bridge.  However, with J-Link firmware, J1 no longer powers the EVK Power the EVK with another source.  Here we will use another USB port.  Move the jumper on J40 to short pins 3-4 (default shorts pins 5-6) Connect a 2nd USB cable to J48 to power the EVK.  The green LED next to J40 will be lit when the EVK is properly powered.  
Note: for similar EVKs, see: Using J-Link with MIMXRT1170-EVKB Using J-Link with MIMXRT1060-EVKB or MIMXRT1040-EVK Using J-Link with MIMXRT1060-EVK or MIMXRT1064-EVK This article provides details using a J-Link debug probe with either of these EVKs.  There are two options: the onboard debug circuit can be updated with Segger J-Link firmware, or an external J-Link debug probe can be attached to the EVK.  Using the onboard debug circuit is helpful as no other debug probe is required.  Appnote AN13206 has more details on this, and the comparison of the firmware options for the debug circuit.  This article details the steps to use either J-Link option.   Using external J-Link debug probe Segger offers several J-Link probe options.  To use one of these probes with these EVKs, configure the EVK with these settings: Remove jumpers J6 and J7, to disconnect the SWD signals from the onboard debug circuit.  These jumpers or installed by default. Power the EVK: the default option is connecting the power supply to barrel jack J43, and setting power switch SW5 to On position (3-6).  The green LED D16 next to SW5 will be lit when the EVK is properly powered. Connect the J-Link probe to J1, 20-pin dual-row 0.1" header.   Using onboard debug circuit with J-Link firmware Disconnect any USB cables from the EVK Power the EVK: the default option is connecting the power supply to barrel jack J43, and setting power switch SW5 to On position (3-6).  The green LED D16 next to SW5 will be lit when the EVK is properly powered. Short jumper J22 to force the debug circuit in DFU mode Connect a USB cable to J11, to the on-board debugger Follow Appnote AN13206 to program the J-Link firmware to the EVK Unplug the USB cable at J11 Remove the jumper at J22 Plug the USB cable back in to J11.  Now the on-board debugger should boot as a JLink. Install jumpers J6 and J7, to connect the SWD signals from onboard debug circuit.  These jumpers or installed by default. Note: with the JLink firmware loaded, USB J11 is no longer an option to power the EVK.  Another option is connecting the power supply to barrel jack J43, and setting power switch SW5 to On position (3-6).  For this power option, jumper J38 needs to short 1-2, which is the default setting. 
Goal Our goal is to train a model that can take a value, x, and predict its sine, y. In a real-world application, if you needed the sine of x, you could just calculate it directly. However, by training a model to approximate the result, we can demonstrate the basics of machine learning. TensorFlow and Keras TensorFlow is a set of tools for building, training, evaluating, and deploying machine learning models. Originally developed at Google, TensorFlow is now an open-source project built and maintained by thousands of contributors across the world. It is the most popular and widely used framework for machine learning. Most developers interact with TensorFlow via its Python library. TensorFlow does many different things. In this post, we’ll use Keras, TensorFlow’s high-level API that makes it easy to build and train deep learning networks. To enable TensorFlow on mobile and embedded devices, Google developed the TensorFlow Lite framework. It gives these computationally restricted devices the ability to run inference on pre-trained TensorFlow models that were converted to TensorFlow Lite. These converted models cannot be trained any further but can be optimized through techniques like quantization and pruning. Building the Model To building the Model, we should follow the below steps. Obtain a simple dataset. Train a deep learning model. Evaluate the model’s performance. Convert the model to run on-device. Please navigate to the URL in your browser to open the notebook directly in Colab, this notebook is designed to demonstrate the process of creating a TensorFlow model and converting it to use with TensorFlow Lite. Deploy the mode to the RT MCU Hardware Board: MIMXRT1050 EVK Board Fig 1 MIMXRT1050 EVK Board Template demo code: evkbimxrt1050_tensorflow_lite_cifar10 Code /* Copyright 2017 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2018 NXP. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ==============================================================================*/ #include "board.h" #include "pin_mux.h" #include "clock_config.h" #include "fsl_debug_console.h" #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <vector> #include "timer.h" #include "tensorflow/lite/kernels/register.h" #include "tensorflow/lite/model.h" #include "tensorflow/lite/optional_debug_tools.h" #include "tensorflow/lite/string_util.h" #include "Sine_mode.h" int inference_count = 0; // This is a small number so that it's easy to read the logs const int kInferencesPerCycle = 30; const float kXrange = 2.f * 3.14159265359f; #define LOG(x) std::cout void RunInference() { std::unique_ptr<tflite::FlatBufferModel> model; std::unique_ptr<tflite::Interpreter> interpreter; model = tflite::FlatBufferModel::BuildFromBuffer(sine_model_quantized_tflite, sine_model_quantized_tflite_len); if (!model) { LOG(FATAL) << "Failed to load model\r\n"; exit(-1); } model->error_reporter(); tflite::ops::builtin::BuiltinOpResolver resolver; tflite::InterpreterBuilder(*model, resolver)(&interpreter); if (!interpreter) { LOG(FATAL) << "Failed to construct interpreter\r\n"; exit(-1); } float input = interpreter->inputs()[0]; if (interpreter->AllocateTensors() != kTfLiteOk) { LOG(FATAL) << "Failed to allocate tensors!\r\n"; } while(true) { // Calculate an x value to feed into the model. We compare the current // inference_count to the number of inferences per cycle to determine // our position within the range of possible x values the model was // trained on, and use this to calculate a value. float position = static_cast<float>(inference_count) / static_cast<float>(kInferencesPerCycle); float x_val = position * kXrange; float* input_tensor_data = interpreter->typed_tensor<float>(input); *input_tensor_data = x_val; Delay_time(1000); // Run inference, and report any error TfLiteStatus invoke_status = interpreter->Invoke(); if (invoke_status != kTfLiteOk) { LOG(FATAL) << "Failed to invoke tflite!\r\n"; return; } // Read the predicted y value from the model's output tensor float* y_val = interpreter->typed_output_tensor<float>(0); PRINTF("\r\n x_value: %f, y_value: %f \r\n", x_val, y_val[0]); // Increment the inference_counter, and reset it if we have reached // the total number per cycle inference_count += 1; if (inference_count >= kInferencesPerCycle) inference_count = 0; } } /* * @brief Application entry point. */ int main(void) { /* Init board hardware */ BOARD_ConfigMPU(); BOARD_InitPins(); BOARD_InitDEBUG_UARTPins(); BOARD_BootClockRUN(); BOARD_InitDebugConsole(); NVIC_SetPriorityGrouping(3); InitTimer(); std::cout << "The hello_world demo of TensorFlow Lite model\r\n"; RunInference(); std::flush(std::cout); for (;;) {} } ‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍ Test result On the MIMXRT1050 EVK Board, we log the input data: x_value and the inferenced output data: y_value via the Serial Port. Fig2 Received data In a while loop function, It will run inference for a progression of x values in the range 0 to 2π and then repeat. Each time it runs, a new x value is calculated, the inference is run, and the data is output. Fig3 Test result In further, we use Excel to display the received data against our actual values as the below figure shows. Fig4 Dot Plot You can see that, for the most part, the dots representing predicted values form a smooth sine curve along the center of the distribution of actual values. In general, Our network has learned to approximate a sine curve.
As we know, the RT series MCUs support the XIP (Execute in place) mode and benefit from saving the number of pins, serial NOR Flash is most commonly used, as the FlexSPI module can high efficient fetch the code and data from the Serial NOR flash for Cortex-M7 to execute. The fetch way is implementing via utilizing the Quad IO Fast Read command, meanwhile, the serail NOR flash works in the SDR (Single Data transfer Rate) mode, it receives data on SCLK rise edge and transmits data on SCLK fall edge. Comparing to the SDR mode, the DDR (Dual Data transfer Rate) mode has a higher throughput capacity, whether it can provide better performance of XIP mode, and how to do that if we want the Serial NOR Flash to work in DDR (Dual Data transfer Rate) mode? SDR & DDR mode SDR mode: In SDR (Single Data transfer Rate) mode, data is only clocked on one edge of the clock (either the rising or falling edge). This means that for SDR to have data being transmitted at X Mbps, the clock bit rate needs to be 2X Mbps. DDR mode: For DDR (Dual Data transfer Rate) mode, also known as DTR (Dual Transfer Rate) mode, data is transferred on both the rising and falling edge of the clock. This means data is transmitted at X Mbps only requires the clock bit rate to be X Mbps, hence doubling the bandwidth (as Fig 1 shows).   Fig 1 Enable DDR mode The below steps illustrate how to make the i.MX RT1060 boot from the QSPI with working in DDR mode. Note: The board is MIMXRT1060, IDE is MCUXpresso IDE Open a hello_world as the template Modify the FDCB(Flash Device Configuration Block) a)Set the controllerMiscOption parameter to supports DDR read command. b) Set Serial Flash frequency to 60 MHz. c)Parase the DDR read command into command sequence. The following table shows a template command sequence of DDR Quad IO FAST READ instruction and it's almost matching with the FRQDTR (Fast Read Quad IO DTR) Sequence of IS25WP064 (as Fig 2 shows).   Fig2 FRQDTR Sequence d)Adjust the dummy cycles. The dummy cycles should match with the specific serial clock frequency and the default dummy cycles of the FRQDTR sequence command is 6 (as the below table shows).   However, when the serial clock frequency is 60MHz, the dummy cycle should change to 4 (as the below table shows).   So it needs to configure [P6:P3] bits of the Read Register (as the below table shows) via adding the SET READ PARAMETERS command sequence(as Fig 3 shows) in FDCB manually. Fig 3 SET READ PARAMETERS command sequence In further, in DDR mode, the SCLK cycle is double the serial root clock cycle. The operand value should be set as 2N, 2N-1 or 2*N+1 depending on how the dummy cycles defined in the device datasheet. In the end, we can get an adjusted FCDB like below. // Set Dummy Cycles #define FLASH_DUMMY_CYCLES 8 // Set Read register command sequence's Index in LUT table #define CMD_LUT_SEQ_IDX_SET_READ_PARAM 7 // Read,Read Status,Write Enable command sequences' Index in LUT table #define CMD_LUT_SEQ_IDX_READ 0 #define CMD_LUT_SEQ_IDX_READSTATUS 1 #define CMD_LUT_SEQ_IDX_WRITEENABLE 3 const flexspi_nor_config_t qspiflash_config = { .memConfig = { .tag = FLEXSPI_CFG_BLK_TAG, .version = FLEXSPI_CFG_BLK_VERSION, .readSampleClksrc=kFlexSPIReadSampleClk_LoopbackFromDqsPad, .csHoldTime = 3u, .csSetupTime = 3u, // Enable DDR mode .controllerMiscOption = kFlexSpiMiscOffset_DdrModeEnable | kFlexSpiMiscOffset_SafeConfigFreqEnable, .sflashPadType = kSerialFlash_4Pads, //.serialClkFreq = kFlexSpiSerialClk_100MHz, .serialClkFreq = kFlexSpiSerialClk_60MHz, .sflashA1Size = 8u * 1024u * 1024u, // Enable Flash register configuration .configCmdEnable = 1u, .configModeType[0] = kDeviceConfigCmdType_Generic, .configCmdSeqs[0] = { .seqNum = 1, .seqId = CMD_LUT_SEQ_IDX_SET_READ_PARAM, .reserved = 0, }, .lookupTable = { // Read LUTs [4*CMD_LUT_SEQ_IDX_READ] = FLEXSPI_LUT_SEQ(CMD_SDR, FLEXSPI_1PAD, 0xED, RADDR_DDR, FLEXSPI_4PAD, 0x18), // The MODE8_DDR subsequence costs 2 cycles that is part of the whole dummy cycles [4*CMD_LUT_SEQ_IDX_READ + 1] = FLEXSPI_LUT_SEQ(MODE8_DDR, FLEXSPI_4PAD, 0x00, DUMMY_DDR, FLEXSPI_4PAD, FLASH_DUMMY_CYCLES-2), [4*CMD_LUT_SEQ_IDX_READ + 2] = FLEXSPI_LUT_SEQ(READ_DDR, FLEXSPI_4PAD, 0x04, STOP, FLEXSPI_1PAD, 0x00), // READ STATUS REGISTER [4*CMD_LUT_SEQ_IDX_READSTATUS] = FLEXSPI_LUT_SEQ(CMD_SDR, FLEXSPI_1PAD, 0x05, READ_SDR, FLEXSPI_1PAD, 0x01), [4*CMD_LUT_SEQ_IDX_READSTATUS + 1] = FLEXSPI_LUT_SEQ(STOP, FLEXSPI_1PAD, 0x00, 0, 0, 0), // WRTIE ENABLE [4*CMD_LUT_SEQ_IDX_WRITEENABLE] = FLEXSPI_LUT_SEQ(CMD_SDR,FLEXSPI_1PAD, 0x06, STOP, FLEXSPI_1PAD, 0x00), // Set Read register [4*CMD_LUT_SEQ_IDX_SET_READ_PARAM] = FLEXSPI_LUT_SEQ(CMD_SDR,FLEXSPI_1PAD, 0x63, WRITE_SDR, FLEXSPI_1PAD, 0x01), [4*CMD_LUT_SEQ_IDX_SET_READ_PARAM + 1] = FLEXSPI_LUT_SEQ(STOP,FLEXSPI_1PAD, 0x00, 0, 0, 0), }, }, .pageSize = 256u, .sectorSize = 4u * 1024u, .blockSize = 64u * 1024u, .isUniformBlockSize = false, }; Is DDR mode real better? According to the RT1060's datasheet, the below table illustrates the maximum frequency of FlexSPI operation, as the MIMXRT1060's onboard QSPI flash is IS25WP064AJBLE, it doesn't contain the MQS pin, it means set MCR0.RXCLKsrc=1 (Internal dummy read strobe and loopbacked from DQS) is the most optimized option. operation mode RXCLKsrc=0 RXCLKsrc=1 RXCLKsrc=3 SDR 60 MHz 133 MHz 166 MHz DDR 30 MHz 66 MHz 166 MHz In another word, QSPI can run up to 133 MHz in SDR mode versus 66 MHz in DDR mode. From the perspective of throughput capacity, they're almost the same. It seems like DDR mode is not a better option for IS25WP064AJBLE and the following experiment will validate the assumption. Experiment mbedtls_benchmark I use the mbedtls_benchmark as the first testing demo and I run the demo under the below conditions: 100MH, SDR mode; 133MHz, SDR mode; 66MHz, DDR mode; According to the corresponding printout information (as below shows), I make a table for comparison and I mark the worst performance of implementation items among the above three conditions, just as Fig 4 shows. SDR Mode run at 100 MHz. FlexSPI clock source is 3, FlexSPI Div is 6, PllPfd2Clk is 720000000 mbedTLS version 2.16.6 fsys=600000000 Using following implementations: SHA: DCP HW accelerated AES: DCP HW accelerated AES GCM: Software implementation DES: Software implementation Asymmetric cryptography: Software implementation MD5 : 18139.63 KB/s, 27.10 cycles/byte SHA-1 : 44495.64 KB/s, 12.52 cycles/byte SHA-256 : 47766.54 KB/s, 11.61 cycles/byte SHA-512 : 2190.11 KB/s, 267.88 cycles/byte 3DES : 1263.01 KB/s, 462.49 cycles/byte DES : 2962.18 KB/s, 196.33 cycles/byte AES-CBC-128 : 52883.94 KB/s, 10.45 cycles/byte AES-GCM-128 : 1755.38 KB/s, 329.33 cycles/byte AES-CCM-128 : 2081.99 KB/s, 279.72 cycles/byte CTR_DRBG (NOPR) : 5897.16 KB/s, 98.15 cycles/byte CTR_DRBG (PR) : 4489.58 KB/s, 129.72 cycles/byte HMAC_DRBG SHA-1 (NOPR) : 1297.53 KB/s, 448.03 cycles/byte HMAC_DRBG SHA-1 (PR) : 1205.51 KB/s, 486.04 cycles/byte HMAC_DRBG SHA-256 (NOPR) : 1786.18 KB/s, 327.70 cycles/byte HMAC_DRBG SHA-256 (PR) : 1779.52 KB/s, 328.93 cycles/byte RSA-1024 : 202.33 public/s RSA-1024 : 7.00 private/s DHE-2048 : 0.40 handshake/s DH-2048 : 0.40 handshake/s ECDSA-secp256r1 : 9.00 sign/s ECDSA-secp256r1 : 4.67 verify/s ECDHE-secp256r1 : 5.00 handshake/s ECDH-secp256r1 : 9.33 handshake/s   DDR Mode run at 66 MHz. FlexSPI clock source is 2, FlexSPI Div is 5, PllPfd2Clk is 396000000 mbedTLS version 2.16.6 fsys=600000000 Using following implementations: SHA: DCP HW accelerated AES: DCP HW accelerated AES GCM: Software implementation DES: Software implementation Asymmetric cryptography: Software implementation MD5 : 16047.13 KB/s, 27.12 cycles/byte SHA-1 : 44504.08 KB/s, 12.54 cycles/byte SHA-256 : 47742.88 KB/s, 11.62 cycles/byte SHA-512 : 2187.57 KB/s, 267.18 cycles/byte 3DES : 1262.66 KB/s, 462.59 cycles/byte DES : 2786.81 KB/s, 196.44 cycles/byte AES-CBC-128 : 52807.92 KB/s, 10.47 cycles/byte AES-GCM-128 : 1311.15 KB/s, 446.53 cycles/byte AES-CCM-128 : 2088.84 KB/s, 281.08 cycles/byte CTR_DRBG (NOPR) : 5966.92 KB/s, 97.55 cycles/byte CTR_DRBG (PR) : 4413.15 KB/s, 130.42 cycles/byte HMAC_DRBG SHA-1 (NOPR) : 1291.64 KB/s, 449.47 cycles/byte HMAC_DRBG SHA-1 (PR) : 1202.41 KB/s, 487.05 cycles/byte HMAC_DRBG SHA-256 (NOPR) : 1748.38 KB/s, 328.16 cycles/byte HMAC_DRBG SHA-256 (PR) : 1691.74 KB/s, 329.78 cycles/byte RSA-1024 : 201.67 public/s RSA-1024 : 7.00 private/s DHE-2048 : 0.40 handshake/s DH-2048 : 0.40 handshake/s ECDSA-secp256r1 : 8.67 sign/s ECDSA-secp256r1 : 4.67 verify/s ECDHE-secp256r1 : 4.67 handshake/s ECDH-secp256r1 : 9.00 handshake/s   Fig 4 Performance comparison We can find that most of the implementation items are achieve the worst performance when QSPI works in DDR mode with 66 MHz. Coremark demo The second demo is running the Coremark demo under the above three conditions and the result is illustrated below. SDR Mode run at 100 MHz. FlexSPI clock source is 3, FlexSPI Div is 6, PLL3 PFD0 is 720000000 2K performance run parameters for coremark. CoreMark Size : 666 Total ticks : 391889200 Total time (secs): 16.328717 Iterations/Sec : 2449.671999 Iterations : 40000 Compiler version : MCUXpresso IDE v11.3.1 Compiler flags : Optimization most (-O3) Memory location : STACK seedcrc : 0xe9f5 [0]crclist : 0xe714 [0]crcmatrix : 0x1fd7 [0]crcstate : 0x8e3a [0]crcfinal : 0x25b5 Correct operation validated. See readme.txt for run and reporting rules. CoreMark 1.0 : 2449.671999 / MCUXpresso IDE v11.3.1 Optimization most (-O3) / STACK   SDR Mode run at 133 MHz. FlexSPI clock source is 3, FlexSPI Div is 4, PLL3 PFD0 is 664615368 2K performance run parameters for coremark. CoreMark Size : 666 Total ticks : 391888682 Total time (secs): 16.328695 Iterations/Sec : 2449.675237 Iterations : 40000 Compiler version : MCUXpresso IDE v11.3.1 Compiler flags : Optimization most (-O3) Memory location : STACK seedcrc : 0xe9f5 [0]crclist : 0xe714 [0]crcmatrix : 0x1fd7 [0]crcstate : 0x8e3a [0]crcfinal : 0x25b5 Correct operation validated. See readme.txt for run and reporting rules. CoreMark 1.0 : 2449.675237 / MCUXpresso IDE v11.3.1 Optimization most (-O3) / STACK   DDR Mode run at 66 MHz. FlexSPI clock source is 2, FlexSPI Div is 5, PLL3 PFD0 is 396000000 2K performance run parameters for coremark. CoreMark Size : 666 Total ticks : 391890772 Total time (secs): 16.328782 Iterations/Sec : 2449.662173 Iterations : 40000 Compiler version : MCUXpresso IDE v11.3.1 Compiler flags : Optimization most (-O3) Memory location : STACK seedcrc : 0xe9f5 [0]crclist : 0xe714 [0]crcmatrix : 0x1fd7 [0]crcstate : 0x8e3a [0]crcfinal : 0x25b5 Correct operation validated. See readme.txt for run and reporting rules. CoreMark 1.0 : 2449.662173 / MCUXpresso IDE v11.3.1 Optimization most (-O3) / STACK   After comparing the CoreMark scores, it gets the lowest CoreMark score when QSPI works in DDR mode with 66 MHz. However, they're actually pretty close. Through the above two testings, we can get the DDR mode maybe not a better option, at least for the i.MX RT10xx series MCU.
Introduction NXP i.MXRT106x has two USB2.0 OTG instance. And the RT1060 EVK has both of the USB interface on the board. But the RT1060 SDK only has single USB host example. Although RT1060’s USB host stack support multiple devices, but we still need a USB HUB when user want to connect two device. This article will show you how to make both USB instance as host. RT1060 SDK has single host examples which support multiple devices, like host_hid_mouse_keyboard_bm. But this application don’t use these examples. Instead, MCUXpresso Config Tools is used to build the demo from beginning. The config tool is a very powerful tool which can configure clock, pin and peripherals, especially the USB. In this application demo, it can save 95% coding work. Hardware and software tools RT1060 EVK MCUXpresso 11.4.0 MIMXRT1060 SDK 2.9.1 Step 1 This project will support USB HID mouse and USB CDC. First, create an empty project named MIMXRT1062_usb_host_dual_port. When select SDK components, select “USB host CDC” and “”USB host HID” in Middleware label. IDE will select other necessary component automatically.     After creating the empty project, clock should be configured first. Both of the USB PHY need 480M clock.   Step 2 Next step is to configure USB host in peripheral config tool. Due to the limitation of config tool, only one host instance of the USB component is allowed. In this project, CDC VCOM is added first.   Step 3 After these settings, click “Update Code” in control bar. This will turn all the configurations into code and merge into project. Then click the “copy to clipboard” button. This will copy the host task call function. Paste it in the forever while loop in the project’s main(). Besides that, it also need to add BOARD_InitBootPeripherals() function call in main(). At this point, USB VCOM is ready. The tool will not only copy the file and configure USB, but also create basic implementation framework. If compile and download the project to RT1060 EVK, it can enumerate a USB CDC VCOM device on USB1. If characters are send from CDC device, the project can send it out to DAPLink UART port so that you can see the character on a terminal interface in computer. Step 4 To get USB HID mouse code, it need to create another USB HID project. The workflow is similar to the first project. Here is the screenshot of the USB HID configuration.   Click “Update code”, the HID mouse code will be generated. The config tool generate two files, usb_host_interface_0_hid_mouse.c and usb_host_interface_0_hid_mouse. Copy them to the “source” folder in dual host project.     Step 5 Next step is to modify some USB macro definitions. <usb_host_config.h> #define USB_HOST_CONFIG_EHCI 2 /*means there are two host instance*/ #define USB_HOST_CONFIG_MAX_HOST 2 /*The USB driver can support two ehci*/ #define USB_HOST_CONFIG_HID (1U) /*for mouse*/ Next step is merge usb_host_app.c. The project initialize USB hardware and software in USB_HostApplicationInit(). usb_status_t USB_HostApplicationInit(void) { usb_status_t status; USB_HostClockInit(kUSB_ControllerEhci0); USB_HostClockInit(kUSB_ControllerEhci1); #if ((defined FSL_FEATURE_SOC_SYSMPU_COUNT) && (FSL_FEATURE_SOC_SYSMPU_COUNT)) SYSMPU_Enable(SYSMPU, 0); #endif /* FSL_FEATURE_SOC_SYSMPU_COUNT */ status = USB_HostInit(kUSB_ControllerEhci0, &g_HostHandle[0], USB_HostEvent); status = USB_HostInit(kUSB_ControllerEhci1, &g_HostHandle[1], USB_HostEvent); /*each usb instance have a g_HostHandle*/ if (status != kStatus_USB_Success) { return status; } else { USB_HostInterface0CicVcomInit(); USB_HostInterface0HidMouseInit(); } USB_HostIsrEnable(); return status; } In USB_HostIsrEnable(), add code to enable USB2 interrupt.   irqNumber = usbHOSTEhciIrq[1]; NVIC_SetPriority((IRQn_Type)irqNumber, USB_HOST_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY); EnableIRQ((IRQn_Type)irqNumber); Then add and modify USB interrupt handler. void USB_OTG1_IRQHandler(void) { USB_HostEhciIsrFunction(g_HostHandle[0]); } void USB_OTG2_IRQHandler(void) { USB_HostEhciIsrFunction(g_HostHandle[1]); } Since both USB instance share the USB stack, When USB event come, all the event will call USB_HostEvent() in usb_host_app.c. HID code should also be merged into this function. static usb_status_t USB_HostEvent(usb_device_handle deviceHandle, usb_host_configuration_handle configurationHandle, uint32_t eventCode) { usb_status_t status1; usb_status_t status2; usb_status_t status = kStatus_USB_Success; /* Used to prevent from multiple processing of one interface; * e.g. when class/subclass/protocol is the same then one interface on a device is processed only by one interface on host */ uint8_t processedInterfaces[USB_HOST_CONFIG_CONFIGURATION_MAX_INTERFACE] = {0}; switch (eventCode & 0x0000FFFFU) { case kUSB_HostEventAttach: status1 = USB_HostInterface0CicVcomEvent(deviceHandle, configurationHandle, eventCode, processedInterfaces); status2 = USB_HostInterface0HidMouseEvent(deviceHandle, configurationHandle, eventCode, processedInterfaces); if ((status1 == kStatus_USB_NotSupported) && (status2 == kStatus_USB_NotSupported)) { status = kStatus_USB_NotSupported; } break; case kUSB_HostEventNotSupported: usb_echo("Device not supported.\r\n"); break; case kUSB_HostEventEnumerationDone: status1 = USB_HostInterface0CicVcomEvent(deviceHandle, configurationHandle, eventCode, processedInterfaces); status2 = USB_HostInterface0HidMouseEvent(deviceHandle, configurationHandle, eventCode, processedInterfaces); if ((status1 != kStatus_USB_Success) && (status2 != kStatus_USB_Success)) { status = kStatus_USB_Error; } break; case kUSB_HostEventDetach: status1 = USB_HostInterface0CicVcomEvent(deviceHandle, configurationHandle, eventCode, processedInterfaces); status2 = USB_HostInterface0HidMouseEvent(deviceHandle, configurationHandle, eventCode, processedInterfaces); if ((status1 != kStatus_USB_Success) && (status2 != kStatus_USB_Success)) { status = kStatus_USB_Error; } break; case kUSB_HostEventEnumerationFail: usb_echo("Enumeration failed\r\n"); break; default: break; } return status; } USB_HostTasks() is used to deal with all the USB messages in the main loop. At last, HID work should also be added in this function. void USB_HostTasks(void) { USB_HostTaskFn(g_HostHandle[0]); USB_HostTaskFn(g_HostHandle[1]); USB_HostInterface0CicVcomTask(); USB_HostInterface0HidMouseTask(); }   After all these steps, the dual USB function is ready. User can insert USB mouse and USB CDC device into any of the two USB port simultaneously. Conclusion All the RT/LPC/Kinetis devices with two OTG or HOST can support dual USB host. With the help of MCUXpresso Config Tool, it is easy to implement this function.
RT600 MCUXpresso JLINK debug QSPI flash 1 Introduction     MIMXRT600-EVK is the NXP official board, which onboard flash is the external octal flash, the octal flash is connected to the RT685 flexSPI portB. In practical usage, the customer board may use other flash types, eg QSPI flash, and connect to the FlexSPI A port. Recently, nxp published one RT600 customer flash application note: https://www.nxp.com/docs/en/application-note/AN13386.pdf This document mainly gives the CMSIS DAP related flash algorithm usage, which modifies the option data to generate the new flash algo for the different flash types. Some customer’s own board may use the RT600 QSPI flash+MCUXPresso+JLINK to debug the application code. Recently, one of the customers find on his own customer board, when they use debugger JLINK associated with the MCUXPresso download code to the RT600 QSPI flash, they meet download issues, but when using the CMSIS DAP as a debugger and the related QSPI cfx file, they can download OK. So this document mainly gives the experience of how to use the RT600, MCUXpresso IDE, and JLINK to download and debug the code which is located in the external QSPI flash. 2 JLINK driver prepare and test   MCUXpresso IDE use the JLINK download, it will call the JLINK driver related script and the flash algorithm, but to RT600, the JLINK driver will use the RT600 EVK flexSPI port B octal flash in default, so, if the customer board changes to other flexSPI port and to QSPI flash, they need to provide the related QSPI flash algorithm and script file, otherwise, even they can find the ARM CM33 core, the download will be still failed. If customers want to use the MCUXpresso IDE and the JLINK, they need to make sure the JLINK driver attached tool can do the external flash operation, eg, erase, read, write successfully at first. Now, give the JLINK driver related tool how to add the RT600 QSPI flash driver and script file. 2.1 JLINK driver install   Download the Segger JLINK driver from the following link: https://www.segger.com/downloads/jlink/JLink_Windows_V754b_x86_64.exe This document will use the jlink v7.54b to test, other version is similar. Install the driver, the default driver install path is: C:\Program Files\SEGGER 2.2 Universal flashloader RT-UFL    RT-UFL v1.0 is a universal flashloader, which uses one .FLM file for all i.MXRT chips, and the different external flash, it is mainly used for the Segger JLINK debugger. RT-UFL v1.0 downoad link: https://github.com/JayHeng/RT-UFL/archive/refs/tags/v1.0.zip    Now, to the RT600 QSPI, give the related flash algo file patch.    Copy the following path file: \RT-UFL-1.0\algo\SEGGER\JLink_Vxxx To the JLINK install path: \SEGGER\JLink Then copy the content in file: RT-UFL-master\test\SEGGER\JLink_Vxxx\Devices\NXP\iMXRT6xx\archive2\evkmimxrt685.JLinkScript To replace the content in: C:\Program Files\SEGGER\JLink\Devices\NXP\iMXRT_UFL\iMXRT6xx_CortexM33.JLinkScript Otherwise, the MCUXpresso IDE debug reset button function will not work. So, need to add the JLINKScript code for ResetTarget, which will reset the external flash. pic1 The RT-UFL provide 3 types download flash algo: MIMXRT600_UFL_L0, MIMXRT600_UFL_L1, MIMXRT600_UFL_L2. Pic 2 _L0 used for the QSPI Flash and Octal Flash(page size 256 Bytes, sector size 4KB), _L1/2 used for the hyper flash(Page size 512 Bytes,Sector size 4KB/64KB). The JLINKDevices.xml content also can get the detail information. Different name will call different .FLM, the .FLM is the flash algorithm file, the source code can be found in RT-UFL v1.0, it will use different option0 option1 to configure the different external memory when the memory chip can support SFDP. <Device> <ChipInfo Vendor="NXP" Name="MIMXRT600_UFL_L0" WorkRAMAddr="0x00000000" WorkRAMSize="0x00480000" Core="JLINK_CORE_CORTEX_M33" JLinkScriptFile="Devices/NXP/iMXRT_UFL/iMXRT6xx_CortexM33.JLinkScript" Aliases="MIMXRT633S; MIMXRT685S_M33"/> <FlashBankInfo Name="Octal Flash" BaseAddr="0x08000000" MaxSize="0x08000000" Loader="Devices/NXP/iMXRT_UFL/MIMXRT_FLEXSPI_UFL_256B_4KB.FLM" LoaderType="FLASH_ALGO_TYPE_OPEN" /> </Device> <!------------------------> <Device> <ChipInfo Vendor="NXP" Name="MIMXRT600_UFL_L1" WorkRAMAddr="0x00000000" WorkRAMSize="0x00480000" Core="JLINK_CORE_CORTEX_M33" JLinkScriptFile="Devices/NXP/iMXRT_UFL/iMXRT6xx_CortexM33.JLinkScript" Aliases="MIMXRT633S; MIMXRT685S_M33"/> <FlashBankInfo Name="Octal Flash" BaseAddr="0x08000000" MaxSize="0x08000000" Loader="Devices/NXP/iMXRT_UFL/MIMXRT_FLEXSPI_UFL_512B_4KB.FLM" LoaderType="FLASH_ALGO_TYPE_OPEN" /> </Device> <!------------------------> <Device> <ChipInfo Vendor="NXP" Name="MIMXRT600_UFL_L2" WorkRAMAddr="0x00000000" WorkRAMSize="0x00480000" Core="JLINK_CORE_CORTEX_M33" JLinkScriptFile="Devices/NXP/iMXRT_UFL/iMXRT6xx_CortexM33.JLinkScript" Aliases="MIMXRT633S; MIMXRT685S_M33"/> <FlashBankInfo Name="Octal Flash" BaseAddr="0x08000000" MaxSize="0x08000000" Loader="Devices/NXP/iMXRT_UFL/MIMXRT_FLEXSPI_UFL_512B_64KB.FLM" LoaderType="FLASH_ALGO_TYPE_OPEN" /> </Device> 2.3 JLINK commander test Please note, the device need to select as MIMXRT600_UFL_L0 when using the QSPI flash. Pic 3                                         pic 4 Pic 5 We can find, the JLINK command can realize the external QSPI flash read, erase function. 2.4 Jflash Test Operation steps: Target->connect->production programming Pic 6 We can find, the Jflash also can realize the RT600 external QSPI flash erase and program. Please note, not all the JLINK can support JFLASH, this document is using Segger JLINK plus. 3 MCUXpresso configuration and test MCUXpresso: v11.4.0 SDK_2_10_0_EVK-MIMXRT685 MCUXPresso IDE import the SDK project, eg. Helloworld or led_output. 3.1 QSPI FCB configuration    FCB is located from the flash offset address 0X08000400, which is used for the FlexSPI Nor boot configuration, the detailed content of the FCB can be found from the RT600 user manual Table 997. FlexSPI flash configuration block. Different external Flash, the configuration is different, if need to use the QSPI flash, the FCB should use the QSPI related configuration and its own LUT table.    Modify SDK project flash_config folder flash_config.c and flash_config.h, LUT contains fast read, status read, write enable, sector erase, block erase, page program, erase the whole chip. If the external QSPI flash command is different, the LUT command should be modified by following the flash datasheet mentioned related command. const flexspi_nor_config_t flexspi_config = { .memConfig = { .tag = FLASH_CONFIG_BLOCK_TAG, .version = FLASH_CONFIG_BLOCK_VERSION, .readSampleClksrc=kFlexSPIReadSampleClk_LoopbackInternally, .csHoldTime = 3, .csSetupTime = 3, .columnAddressWidth = 0, .deviceModeCfgEnable = 0, .deviceModeType = 0, .waitTimeCfgCommands = 0, .deviceModeSeq = {.seqNum = 0, .seqId = 0,}, .deviceModeArg = 0, .configCmdEnable = 0, .configModeType = {0}, .configCmdSeqs = {0}, .configCmdArgs = {0}, .controllerMiscOption = (0), .deviceType = 1, .sflashPadType = kSerialFlash_4Pads, .serialClkFreq = kFlexSpiSerialClk_133MHz, .lutCustomSeqEnable = 0, .sflashA1Size = BOARD_FLASH_SIZE, .sflashA2Size = 0, .sflashB1Size = 0, .sflashB2Size = 0, .csPadSettingOverride = 0, .sclkPadSettingOverride = 0, .dataPadSettingOverride = 0, .dqsPadSettingOverride = 0, .timeoutInMs = 0, .commandInterval = 0, .busyOffset = 0, .busyBitPolarity = 0, .lookupTable = { #if 0 [0] = 0x08180403, [1] = 0x00002404, [4] = 0x24040405, [12] = 0x00000604, [20] = 0x081804D8, [36] = 0x08180402, [37] = 0x00002080, [44] = 0x00000460, #endif // Fast Read [4*0+0] = FLEXSPI_LUT_SEQ(CMD_SDR , FLEXSPI_1PAD, 0xEB, RADDR_SDR, FLEXSPI_4PAD, 0x18), [4*0+1] = FLEXSPI_LUT_SEQ(MODE4_SDR, FLEXSPI_4PAD, 0x00, DUMMY_SDR , FLEXSPI_4PAD, 0x09), [4*0+2] = FLEXSPI_LUT_SEQ(READ_SDR , FLEXSPI_4PAD, 0x04, STOP_EXE , FLEXSPI_1PAD, 0x00), //read status [4*1+0] = FLEXSPI_LUT_SEQ(CMD_SDR , FLEXSPI_1PAD, 0x05, READ_SDR, FLEXSPI_1PAD, 0x04), //write Enable [4*3+0] = FLEXSPI_LUT_SEQ(CMD_SDR, FLEXSPI_1PAD, 0x06, STOP_EXE, FLEXSPI_1PAD, 0), // Sector Erase byte LUTs [4*5+0] = FLEXSPI_LUT_SEQ(CMD_SDR, FLEXSPI_1PAD, 0x20, RADDR_SDR, FLEXSPI_1PAD, 0x18), // Block Erase 64Kbyte LUTs [4*8+0] = FLEXSPI_LUT_SEQ(CMD_SDR, FLEXSPI_1PAD, 0xD8, RADDR_SDR, FLEXSPI_1PAD, 0x18), //Page Program - single mode [4*9+0] = FLEXSPI_LUT_SEQ(CMD_SDR, FLEXSPI_1PAD, 0x02, RADDR_SDR, FLEXSPI_1PAD, 0x18), [4*9+1] = FLEXSPI_LUT_SEQ(WRITE_SDR, FLEXSPI_1PAD, 0x04, STOP_EXE, FLEXSPI_1PAD, 0x0), //Erase whole chip [4*11+0]= FLEXSPI_LUT_SEQ(CMD_SDR, FLEXSPI_1PAD, 0x60, STOP_EXE, FLEXSPI_1PAD, 0), }, }, .pageSize = 0x100, .sectorSize = 0x1000, .ipcmdSerialClkFreq = 1, .isUniformBlockSize = 0, .blockSize = 0x10000, }; This code has been tested on the RT685+ QSPI flash MT25QL128ABA1ESE, the code boot is working. 3.2 Debug configuration Configure the JLINK options in the MCUXpresso IDE as the JLINK driver: JLinkGDBServerCL.exe Windows->preferences Pic 7 Press debug, generate .launch file. Pic 8 Run->Debug configurations           Pic 9 Choose the device as MIMXRT600_UFL_L0, if the SWD wire is long and not stable, also can define the speed as the fixed low frequency. 3.3 Download and debug test Before download, need to check the RT685 ISP mode configuration, as this document is using the 4 wire QSPI and connect to the FlexSPI A port, so the ISP boot mode should be FlexSPI boot from Port A: ISP2 PIO1_17 low, ISP1 PIO1_16 high, ISP0 PIO1_15 high Click debug button, we can see the code enter the debug mode, and enter the main function, the code address is located in the flexSPI remap address. Pic 10 Click run, we can find the RT685 pin P0_26 is toggling, and the UART interface also can printf information. The application code is working. 4 External SPI flash operation checking To the customer designed board, normally we will use the JLINK command to check whether it can find the ARM core or not at first, make sure the RT chip can work, then will check the external flash operation or not. 4.1 SDK IAP flash code test We can use the SDK related code to test the external flash operation or not at first, the SDK code path is: SDK_2_10_0_EVK-MIMXRT685\boards\evkmimxrt685\driver_examples\iap\iap_flash Then, check the external flash, and modify the code’s related option0, option1 to match the external flash. About the option 0 and option1 definition, we can find it from the RT600 user manual Table 1004.Option0 definition and Table 1005.Option1 definition Pic 11 Pic 12 To the external QSPI flash which is connected to the FLexSPI portA, we can modify the option to the following code:     option.option0.U = 0xC0000001;//EXAMPLE_NOR_FLASH;     option.option1.U = 0x00000000;//EXAMPLE_NOR_FLASH_OPTION1; Then burn the IAP_flash project to the RT685 internal RAM, debug to run it. Pic 13 We can find, the external QSPI flash initialization, erase, read and write all works, and the memory also can find the correct data. 4.2 MCUBootUtility test   Chip enter the ISP mode, then use the MCUBootUtility tool to connect the RT685 and QSPI flash, to do the application code program and read test. ISP mode:ISP2:high, ISP1: high ISP0 low Configure FlexSPI NOR Device Configuration as QSPI, we can use the template: ISSI_IS25LPxxxA_IS25WPxxxA. Pic 14 Click connect to ROM button, check whether it can recognize the external flash: Pic 15 After connection, we can use the tool attached RT685 image to download: NXP-MCUBootUtility-3.3.1\apps\NXP_MIMXRT685-EVK_Rev.E\led_blinky_0x08001000_fdcb.srec Pic 16 We can find, the connection, erase, program and read are all work, it also indicates the RT685+external QSPI flash is working. Then can go to debug it with IDE and debugger.    
LittleFS is a file system used for microcontroller internal flash and external NOR flash. Since it is more suitable for small embedded systems than traditional FAT file systems, more and more people are using it in their projects. So in addition to NOR/NAND flash type storage devices, can LittleFS be used in SD cards? It seems that it is okay too. This article will use the littlefs_shell and sdcard_fatfs demo project in the i.mxRT1050 SDK to make a new littefs_shell project for reading and writing SD cards. This experiment uses MCUXpresso IDE v11.7, and the SDK uses version 2.13. The littleFS file system has only 4 files, of which the current version shown in lfs.h is littleFS 2.5. The first step, of course, is to add SD-related code to the littlefs_shell project. The easiest way is to import another sdcard_fatfs project and copy all of the sdmmc directories into our project. Then copy sdmmc_config.c and sdmmc_config.h in the /board directory, and fsl_usdhc.c and fsl_usdhc.h in the /drivers directory. The second step is to modify the program to include SD card detection and initialization, adding a bridge from LittleFS to SD drivers. Add the following code to littlefs_shell.c. extern sd_card_t m_sdCard; status_t sdcardWaitCardInsert(void) { BOARD_SD_Config(&m_sdCard, NULL, BOARD_SDMMC_SD_HOST_IRQ_PRIORITY, NULL); /* SD host init function */ if (SD_HostInit(&m_sdCard) != kStatus_Success) { PRINTF("\r\nSD host init fail\r\n"); return kStatus_Fail; } /* wait card insert */ if (SD_PollingCardInsert(&m_sdCard, kSD_Inserted) == kStatus_Success) { PRINTF("\r\nCard inserted.\r\n"); /* power off card */ SD_SetCardPower(&m_sdCard, false); /* power on the card */ SD_SetCardPower(&m_sdCard, true); // SdMmc_Init(); } else { PRINTF("\r\nCard detect fail.\r\n"); return kStatus_Fail; } return kStatus_Success; } status_t sd_disk_initialize() { static bool isCardInitialized = false; /* demostrate the normal flow of card re-initialization. If re-initialization is not neccessary, return RES_OK directly will be fine */ if(isCardInitialized) { SD_Deinit(&m_sdCard); } if (kStatus_Success != SD_Init(&m_sdCard)) { SD_Deinit(&m_sdCard); memset(&m_sdCard, 0U, sizeof(m_sdCard)); return kStatus_Fail; } isCardInitialized = true; return kStatus_Success; } In main(), add these code if (sdcardWaitCardInsert() != kStatus_Success) { return -1; } status = sd_disk_initialize(); Next, create two new c files, lfs_sdmmc.c and lfs_sdmmc_bridge.c. The call order is littlefs->lfs_sdmmc.c->lfs_sdmmc_bridge.c->fsl_sd.c. lfs_sdmmc.c and lfs_sdmmc_bridge.c acting as intermediate layers that can connect the LITTLEFS and SD upper layer drivers. One of the things that must be noted is the mapping of addresses. The address given by littleFS is the block address + offset address. See figure below. This is a read command issued by the ‘mount’ command. The block address refers to the address of the erased sector address in SD. The read and write operation uses the smallest read-write block address (BLOCK) of SD, as described below. Therefore, in lfs_sdmmc.c, the address given by littleFS is first converted to the byte address. Then change the SD card read-write address to the BLOCK address in lfs_sdmmc_bridge.c. Since most SD cards today exceed 4GB, the byte address requires a 64-bit variable. Finally, the most important step is littleFS parameter configuration. There is a structure LittlsFS_config in peripherals.c, which contains not only the operation functions of the SD card, but also the read and write sectors and cache size. The setup of this structure is critical. If the setting is not good, it will not only affect the performance, but also cause errors in operation. Before setting it up, let's introduce some of the general ideal of SD card and littleFS. The storage unit of the SD card is BLOCK, and both reading and writing can be carried out according to BLOCK. The size of each block can be different for different cards. For standard SD cards, the length of the block command can be set with CMD16, and the block command length is fixed at 512 bytes for SDHC cards. The SD card is erased sector by sector. The size of each sector needs to be checked in the CSD register of the SD card. If the CSD register ERASE_BLK_EN = 0, Sector is the smallest erase unit, and its unit is "block". The value of sector size is equal to the value of the SECTOR_SIZE field in the CSD register plus 1. For example, if SECTOR_SIZE is 127, then the minimum erase unit is 512*(127+1)=65536 bytes. In addition, sometimes there are doubts, many of the current SD cards actually have wear functions to reduce the loss caused by frequent erasing and writing, and extend the service life. So in fact, delete operations or read and write operations are not necessarily real physical addresses. Instead, it is mapped by the SD controller. But for the user, this mapping is transparent. So don't worry about this affecting normal operation. LittleFS is a lightweight file system that has power loss recovery and dynamic wear leveling compared to FAT systems. Once mounted, littleFS provides a complete set of POSIX-like file and directory functions, so it can be operated like a common file system. LittleFS has only 4 files in total, and it basically does not need to be modified when used. Since the NOR/NAND flash to be operated by LittleFS is essentially a block device, in order to facilitate use, LittleFS is read and written in blocks, and the underlying NOR/NAND Flash interface drivers are carried out in blocks. Let's take a look at the specific content of LittleFS configuration parameters. const struct lfs_config LittleFS_config = { .context = (void*)0, .read = lfs_sdmmc_read, .prog = lfs_sdmmc_prog, .erase = lfs_sdmmc_erase, .sync = lfs_sdmmc_sync, .read_size = 512, .prog_size = 512, .block_size = 65536, .block_count = 128, .block_cycles = 100, .cache_size = 512, .lookahead_size = LITTLEFS_LOOKAHEAD_SIZE }; Among them, the first item (.context) is not used in this project, and is used in the original project to save the offset of the file system stored in Flash. Items two (.read) through five (.sync) point to the handlers for each operation. The sixth item (.read_size) is the smallest unit of read operation. This value is roughly equal to the BLOCK size of the SD card. In the SD card driver, this size has been fixed to 512. So for convenience, it is also set to 512. The seventh item (.prog_size) is the number of bytes written each time, which is 512 bytes like .read_size. The eighth item is .block_size. This can be considered to be the smallest erase block supported by the SD card when performing an erase operation. Here the default value is not important, you need to set it in the program according to the actual value after the SD card is initialized. The card used in this experiment is 64k bytes as an erase block, so 65536 is used directly here. Item 9 (.block_count) is used to indicate how many erasable blocks there are. Multiply the .block_size to get the size of the card. If the card is replaceable, it needs to be determined according to the parameters after the SD card is initialized. The tenth item (.block_cycles) is the number of erase cycles per block. Item 11 (.cache_size) is about the cache buffer. It feels like bigger is better, but actually modifies this value won't work. So still 512. Item 12 (lookahead_size), littleFS uses a lookahead buffer to manage and allocate blocks. A lookahead buffer is a fixed-size bitmap that records information about block allocations within an area. The lookahead buffer only records the information of block allocations in one area, and when you need to know the allocation of other regions, you need to scan the file system to find allocated blocks. If there are no free blocks in the lookahead buffer, you need to move the lookahead buffer to find other free blocks in the file system. The lookahead buffer position shifts one lookahead_size at a time. Use the original value here.  That’s all for the porting work. We can test the project now. You can see it works fine. The littleFS-SD project can read/write/create folder and erase. And it also support append to an exist file. But after more testing, a problem was found, if you repeatedly add->-close->-add-> close a file, the file will open more and more slowly, even taking a few seconds. This is what should be added and is not written directly in the last block of the file, but will apply for a new block, regardless of whether the previous block is full or not. See figure below. The figure above prints out all the read, write, and erase operations used in each write command. You can see that each time in the lfs_file_open there is one more read than the last write operation. In this way, after dozens or hundreds of cycles, a file will involve many blocks. It is very time-consuming to read these blocks in turn. Tests found that more than 100 read took longer than seconds. To speed things up, it is recommended to copy the contents of one file to another file after adding it dozens of times. In this way, the scattered content will be consolidated to write a small number of blocks. This can greatly speed up reading and writing.
i.MX RT6xx The RT6xx is a crossover MCU family is a breakthrough product combining the best of MCU and DSP functionality for ultra-low power secure Machine Learning (ML) / Artificial Intelligence (AI) edge processing, performance-intensive far-field voice and immersive 3D audio playback applications. Fig 1 is the block diagram for the i.MX RT600. It consists of a Cortex-M33 core that runs up to 300 MHz with 32KB FlexSPI cache and an optional HiFi4 DSP that runs up to 600MHz with 96KB DSP cache and 128KB DSP TCM. It also contains a cryptography engine and DSP/Math accelerator in the PowerQuad co-processor. The device has 4.5MB on-chip SRAM. Key features include the rich audio peripherals, the high-speed USB with PHY and the advanced on-chip security. There is a Flexcomm peripheral that supports the configuration of numerous UARTs, SPI, I2C, I2S, etc. Fig 1 Create a eIQ (TensorFlow Lite library) demo In the latest version of SDK for the i.MX RT600, it still doesn't contain the demos about the Machine Learning (ML) / Artificial Intelligence (AI), so it needs the developers to create this kind of demo by themself. To implement it, port the eIQ demos cross from i.MX RT1050/1060 to i.MX RT685 is the quickest way. The below presents the steps of creating a eIQ (TensorFlow Lite library) demo. Greate a new C++ project Install SDK library Fig 2 Create a new C++ project using installed SDK Part In the MCUXpresso IDE User Guide, Chapter 5 Creating New Projects using installed SDK Part Support presents how to create a new project, please refer to it for details Porting tensorflow-lite Copy the tensorflow-lite library to the target project Copy the TensorFlow-lite library corresponding files to the target project Fig 3 Add the paths for the above files Fig 4 Fig 5 Fig 6 Porting main code The main() code is from the post: The “Hello World” of TensorFlow Lite Testing On the MIMXRT685 EVK Board (Fig 7), we record the input data: x_value and the inferenced output data: y_value via the Serial Port (Fig 8). Fig 7 Fig 8 In addition, we use Excel to display the received data against our actual values as the below figure shows. Fig 9 In general, In general, it has replicated the result of the The “Hello World” of TensorFlow Lite Troubleshoot In default, the created project doesn't support print float, so it needs to enable this feature by adding below symbols (Fig 10). Fig 10 When a neural network is executed, the results of one layer are fed into subsequent operations and so must be kept around for some time. The lifetimes of these activation layers vary depending on their position in the graph, and the memory size needed for each is controlled by the shape of the array that a layer writes out. These variations mean that it’s necessary to calculate a plan over time to fit all these temporary buffers into as small an area of memory as possible. Currently, this is done when the model is first loaded by the interpreter, so if the area is not big enough, you’ll see a crash event happen. Regard to this application demo, the default heap size is 4 KB, obviously, it's not big enough to store the model’s input, output, and intermediate tensors, as the codes will be stuck at hard-fault interrupt function (Fig 11). Fig 11 So, how large should we allocate the heap area? That’s a good question. Unfortunately, there’s not a simple answer. Different model architectures have different sizes and numbers of input, output, and intermediate tensors, so it’s difficult to know how much memory we’ll need. The number doesn’t need to be exact—we can reserve more memory than we need—but since microcontrollers have limited RAM, we should keep it as small as possible so there’s space for the rest of our program. We can do this through trial and error. For this application demo, the code works well after increasing ten times than the previous heap size (Fig 12). Fig 12
  RT1176 has two core. Normally, the CM7 core is the main core. When boot up, CM7 will boot up first. Then it will copy CM4’s image to RAM and kick off CM4 core. The details can be found in AN13264. In RT1176, CM4 has 128K ITCM and 128K DTCM. This space is not big. It is enough for CM4 to do some auxiliary work. But sometimes, customer need CM4 to do more. For example, the CM7 may run an ML algorithm and CM4 to deal with USB/ENET and camera. That need more code space than 128K. In this case, CM4 image should be moved to OCRAM1/2 or SDRAM. OCRAM and SDRAM are both connect to a NIC-301 AXI bus arbiter IP. They have similar performance and character. This article will try to use SDRAM because it is more difficult to move to. Before moving, customer should know an important thing. the R/W speed of CM4 accessing OCRAM/SDRAM is slow. Because the CM4 requests data from SDRAM through XB (LPSR domain - AHB protocol) and then through NIC (WAKEUPMIX domain AXI protocol) and the clock limitation is BUS / BUS_LPSR. If both code and data placed in SDRAM the performance will significantly be reduced. SDRAM is accessible only via SYSTEM bus (so, in such case no harward possible). If any other bus masters are accessing the same memory the performance is even more degraded due to arbitration (on XB or NIC). So, user should arrange the whole memory space very well to eliminate access conflict.   Prepare for the work 1.1 Test environment: • SDK: 2.9.1 for i.MX RT1170 • MCUXpresso: 11.4.0 Example: SDK_root\boards\evkmimxrt1170\multicore_examples\hello_world. Set hardware and software Set the board to XIP boot mode by setting SW1 to OFF OFF ON OFF. Import the hello_world example from SDK. Build the project.   Moving to SDRAM for debug option In CM7 project, add SDRAM space in properties->MCU settings->Memory detail   Then in properties->settings->Multicore, change the CM4 master memory region to SDRAM.   Unlike other IDE, MCUXpresso can wake up M4 project thread and download M4 image by IDE itself. it calls implicit. This field tell IDE where to place CM4 image. In properties->settings->Preprocessor, add XIP_BOOT_HEADER_DCD_ENABLE. This is to add DCD to image's head. DCD can be used to program the SDRAM controller for optimal settings, improving the boot performance. Next, switch to CM4 project. Add SDRAM space to memory table, just like what we do in CM7 project.     In properties-> Managed Linker Script, it’s better to announce Heap and stack space in DTCM. It also can be placed in SDRAM, but this should be careful. After that, we can start debugging. You can see that the SDRAM has been filled with CM4 image. Click Resume button, the CM4 project will stop at the beginning of the Main.   Moving to SDRAM for release option To compile the project in release mode, CORE1_IMAGE_COPY_TO_RAM should be added to Defined symbols table. But that is not enough. The CM7 project of SDK doesn’t copy the CM4 image. We must add this to CM7 project. 3.1 Create a new file named incbin.S. This is the code .section .core_m4slave , "ax" @progbits @preinit_array .global dsp_text_image_start .type dsp_text_image_start, %object .align 2 dsp_text_image_start: .incbin "evkmimxrt1170_hello_world_cm4.bin" .global dsp_text_image_end .type dsp_text_image_end, %object dsp_text_image_end: .global dsp_data_image_start .type dsp_data_image_start, %object .align 2 dsp_ncache_image_end: .global dsp_text_image_size .type dsp_text_image_size, %object .align 2 dsp_text_image_size: .int dsp_text_image_end - dsp_text_image_start 3.2 In hello_world_core0.c, add these code #ifdef CORE1_IMAGE_COPY_TO_RAM extern const char dsp_text_image_start[]; extern int dsp_text_image_size; #define CORE1_IMAGE_START ((uint32_t *)dsp_text_image_start) #define CORE1_IMAGE_SIZE ((int32_t)dsp_text_image_size) #endif 3.3 Right click the evkmimxrt1170_hello_world_cm4.axf in Project Explorer window, select Binary Utilities->Create Binary. A binary file called evkmimxrt1170_hello_world_cm4.bin will be created. Copy it to the release folder of CM7 project. If you want this work to be done automatically, you can add the command to properties->settings->Build stepes->Post-build steps   Compile the project and download. Press reset button. After a while, you will see a small led blinking. This led is driven by CM4. Debug the CM4 project on SDRAM only As we know that CM4 can debug alone without CM7 starting. But that is in ITCM and DTCM. Can it also work in SDRAM. Yes, but the original debug script file is not support this function. I attached a new script file. It can initialize SDRAM before downloading CM4 code. Replace the old .scp file with this one, nothing else need to be changed.
INTRODUCTION REQUIREMENTS INTEGRATION     1. INTRODUCTION   This document provides an step-by-step guide to migrate the webcam application explained on AN12103 "Developing a simple UVC device based on i.MX RT1050" to EVKB-MIMXRT1050. The goal is getting the application working on rev. B silicon, using the current SDK components (v2.4.2) and with MCUXpresso IDE (v10.2.1), because the original implementation from the application note is using rev. A silicon and is developed on IAR IDE.   2. REQUIREMENTS   A) Download and install MCUXpresso IDE v10.2.1. B) Build an MCUXpresso SDK v2.4.2 for EVKB-MIMXRT1050 from the "SDK Builder web page", ensuring that CSI and USB components are included, and MCUXpresso IDE is selected, and install it. For A) and B) steps, you could refer to the following Community document: https://community.nxp.com/docs/DOC-341985  C) Download the source code related to AN12103. D) Having the EVKB-MIMXRT1050 board, with MT9M1114 camera module. 3. INTEGRATION   a) Open MCUXpresso IDE, and click on "Import SDK example" shortcut, select the "evkbimxrt1050" board and click on "Next" button. b) Select the "driver_examples->csi->csi_rgb565" and "usb_examples->dev_video_virtual_camera_bm" examples, and click on "Finish" button. c) Copy the "fsl_csi.h", "fsl_csi.c", "fsl_lpi2c.h" and "fsl_lpi2c.c" files from the "drivers" folder of CSI project, to the "drivers" folder of the Virtual_Camera project. d) Copy the "pin_mux.h" and "pin_mux.c" files from the "board" folder of CSI project, to the "board->src" folder of the Virtual_Camera project, replacing the already included files. e) Copy the "camera" folder from AN12103 software package from the path below, to the Virtual_Camera project: <AN12103SW\boards\evkmimxrt1050\user_apps\uvc_demo\src\camera> Also copy the "main.c" file from AN12103 software package to the "sources" folder of the Virtual_Camera project. Ensure selecting the option "Copy files and folders" when copying folders/files. f) Right click on the recently added "camera" folder, and select "Properties". Then, on the "C/C++ Build" menu, remove the checkbox "Exclude resource from build" option, and then click on "Apply and Close" button. g) Right click on the Virtual_Camera project, and select "Properties". Then, select the "C/C++ Build -> Settings -> MCU C Compiler -> Preprocessor" menu, and click on the "+" button to add the following value: "SDK_I2C_BASED_COMPONENT_USED=1", and click on "OK" button. h) Now, move to the "Includes" menu of the same window, and click on the "+" button to add the following value: "../camera". Repeat the same procedure on "MCU Assembler -> General" menu, and then, click on "Apply and Close" button. i) Refer to "usb" folder from AN12103 software package from the path below, and copy "video_camera.h", "video_camera.c", "usb_device_descriptor.h" and "usb_device_descriptor.c" files to the "sources" folder of Virtual_Camera project, ensuring selecting the option "Copy files and folders" and overwriting the already included files: <AN12103SW\boards\evkmimxrt1050\user_apps\uvc_demo\src\usb> j) Select "video_data.h", "video_data.c", "virtual_camera.h" and "virtual_camera.c" files and "doc" folder, then right click and select "Delete". Click on "OK" button of the confirmation window to remove these resources from the Virtual_Camera project. k) Refer to "fsl_mt9m114.c" file from "camera" folder of Virtual_Camera project, and delete the "static" definition from functions "MT9M114_Init", "MT9M114_Deinit", "MT9M114_Start", "MT9M114_Stop", "MT9M114_Control" and "MT9M114_InitExt". l) Refer to "main.c" file from "sources" folder of Virtual_Camera project, and comment out the call to the function "BOARD_InitLPI2C1Pins". Also, refer to "board.c" file from "board->src" folder of Virtual_Camera project, and comment out the call to the function "SCB_EnableDCache". m) Refer to "camera_device.c" file from "camera" folder of Virtual_Camera project, and comment out the line "AT_NONCACHEABLE_SECTION_ALIGN(static uint16_t s_cameraFrameBuffer[CAMERA_FRAME_BUFFER_COUNT][CAMERA_VERTICAL_POINTS * CAMERA_HORIZONTAL_POINTS + 32u], FRAME_BUFFER_ALIGN);" and add the following line: static uint16_t __attribute__((section (".noinit.$BOARD_SDRAM"))) s_cameraFrameBuffer[CAMERA_FRAME_BUFFER_COUNT][CAMERA_VERTICAL_POINTS * CAMERA_HORIZONTAL_POINTS + 32u] __attribute__ ((aligned (FRAME_BUFFER_ALIGN))); n) Compile and download the application into the EVKB-MIMXRT1050 board. The memory usage is shown below: o) When running the application, if you also have the serial terminal connected, you should see the print message. Additionally, if connected to Windows OS, you could find it as "CSI Camera Device" under the "Imaging devices" category. p) Optionally, you could rename the Virtual_Camera project to any other desired name, with rigth click on Project, and selecting "Rename" option, and finally, click on "OK" button. It is also attached the migrated MCUXpresso IDE project including all the steps mentioned on the present document. Hope this will be useful for you. Best regards! Some additional references: https://community.nxp.com/thread/321587  Defining Variables at Absolute Addresses with gcc | MCU on Eclipse   
The path of SDRAM Clock in Clock Tree                 According CCM clock tree in i.MXRT1050 reference manual, we can abstract part of SDRAM clock, and draw it’s diagram below.   Descriptions for Diagram 1 (1) PLL2 PFD2                 ① Registers related to PLL2 PFD2 ---CCM_ANALOG_PLL_SYSn (page 767, in reference manual) Address: 0x400D_8030h important bits: bit[15:14]---- select clock source. Bit[13] ----- Enable PLL output Bit[0]------- This field controls the PLL loop divider. 0 - Fout=Fref*20; 1 - Fout=Fref*22. ---CCM_ANALOG_PLL_SYS_NUM(page 768, in reference manual) Address: 0x400D_8050h important bits: bit[29:0]--- 30 bit numerator (A) of fractional loop divider (signed integer) ---CCM_ANALOG_PLL_SYS_DENOM (page 769, in reference manual) Address: 0x400D_8060h important bits: bit[29:0]---- 30 bit Denominator (B) of fractional loop divider (unsigned integer).   ---CCM_ANALOG_PFD_528n (page 769, in reference manual) Address: 0x400D_8100h important bits: bit[21:16]----- This field controls the fractional divide value. The resulting frequency shall be 528*18/PFD2_FRAC where PFD2_FRAC is in the range 12-35.   ② Computational formula PLL2_PFD2_OUT=(External 24MHz)*(Fout + A/B) * 18/ PFD2_FRAC   ③ Example for PLL2_PFD2_OUT computation CCM_ANALOG_PLL_SYSn[0] = 1  // Fout=Fref*22 CCM_ANALOG_PLL_SYS_NUM[29:0] = 56  // A = 56 CCM_ANALOG_PLL_SYS_DENOM[29:0] = 256  // B=256 CCM_ANALOG_PFD_528n[21:16] = 29                       // PFD2_FRAC=29   PLL2_PFD2_OUT = 24 * (22 + 56/256)*18/29 = 331MHz (330.98MHz)   (2) Clock Select Register : CCM_CBCDR Address: 0x 400F_C014h important bits: SEMC_ALT_CLK_SEL & SEMC_CLK_SEL & SEMC_PODF bit[7] --- bit[SEMC_ALT_CLK_SEL] 0---PLL2 PFD2 will be selected as alternative clock for SEMC root clock 1---PLL3 PFD1 will be selected as alternative clock for SEMC root clock Bit[6] --- bit[SEMC_CLK_SEL] 0----Periph_clk output will be used as SEMC clock root 1----SEMC alternative clock will be used as SEMC clock root Bit[18:16] --- bit[SEMC_PODF] Post divider for SEMC clock. NOTE: Any change of this divider might involve handshake with EMI. See CDHIPR register for the handshake busy bits. 000 divide by 1 001 divide by 2 010 divide by 3 011 divide by 4 100 divide by 5 101 divide by 6 110 divide by 7 111 divide by 8 Example for configuration of SDRAM Clock   Example : 166MHz SDRAM Clock   ---- 0x400D8030 = 0x00002001 // wirte  0x00002001 to CCM_ANALOG_PLL_SYSn ---- 0x400D8050 = 0x00000038 // write 0x00000038 to CCM_ANALOG_PLL_SYS_NUM ---- 0x400D8060 = 0x00000100 // write 0x00000100 to CCM_ANALOG_PLL_SYS_DENOM ---- 0x400D8100 = 0x001d0000 // write 0x001d0000 to CCM_ANALOG_PFD_528n ---- 0x400FC014 = 0x00010D40 // write 0x00010D40 to CCM_CBCDR, divided by 2         NXP TIC team Weidong Sun 2018-06-01
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RT1015 APP BEE encryption operation method 1 Introduction    NXP RT product BEE encryption can use the master key(the fixed OTPMK SNVS key) or the User Key method. The Master key method is the fixed key, and the user can’t modify it, in the practical usage, a lot of customers need to define their own key, in this situation, customer can use the use key method. This document will take the NXP RT1015 as an example, use the flexible user key method to realize the BEE encryption without the HAB certification.     The BEE encryption test will on the MIMXRT1015-EVK board, mainly three ways to realize it: MCUBootUtility tool , the Commander line method with MFGTool and the MCUXPresso Secure Provisioning tool to download the BEE encryption code.   2 Preparation 2.1  Tool preparation    MCUBootUtility download link:     https://github.com/JayHeng/NXP-MCUBootUtility/archive/v2.3.0.zip    image_enc2.zip download link: https://www.cnblogs.com/henjay724/p/10189602.html After unzip the image_enc2.zip, will get the image_enc.exe, put it under the MCUBootUtility tool folder: NXP-MCUBootUtility-2.3.0\tools\image_enc2\win RT1015 SDK download link: https://mcuxpresso.nxp.com/ 2.2 app file preparation    This document will use the iled_blinky MCUXpresso IDE project in the SDK_2.8.0_EVK-MIMXRT1015 as an example, to generate the app without the XIP boot header. Generate evkmimxrt1015_igpio_led_output.s19 will be used later. Fig 1 3 MCUbootUtility BEE encryption with user key   This chapter will use MCUBootUtility tool to realize the app BEE encryption with the user key, no HAB certification. 3.1 MIMXRT1015-EVK original fuse map    Before doing the BEE encryption, readout the original fuse map, it will be used to compare with the fuse map after the BEE encryption operation. Use the MCUbootUtility tool effuse operation utility page can read out all the fuse map. Fig 2 3.2 MCUbootutility BEE encryption configuration Fig 3 This document just use the BEE encryption, without the HAB certificate, so in the “Enable Certificate for HAB(BEE/OTFAD) encryption”, select: No.    Check Fig4, Select the”Key storage region” as flexible user keys, the protect region 0 start from 0X60001000, length is 0x2000, didn’t encrypt all the app region, just used to compare the original app with the BEE encrypted app code, we can find from 0X60003000, the code will be the plaintext code. But from 0X60001000 to 0X60002FFF will be the BEE encrypted code. After the configuration, Click the button”all in one action”, burn the code to the external QSPI flash. Fig 4 Fig 5 SW_GP2 region in the fuse can be burned separated, click the button”burn DEK data” is OK. Fig 6 Then read out all the fuse map again, we can find in the cfg1, BEE_KEY0_SEL is SW-GP2, it defines the BEE key is using the flexible use key method, not the fixed master key. Fig 7 Then, readout the BEE burned code from the flash with the normal burned code from the flash, and compare with it, the detail situation is: Fig 8 Fig 9 Fig 10 Fig 11 Fig 12    We can find, after the BEE encryption, 0X60001000 to 0X60002FFF is the encrypted code, 0X6000400 area add the EKIB0 data, 0X6000480 area add the EPRDB0 data. Because we just select the BEE engine 0, no BEE engine 1, then we can find 0X60000800 EKIB1 and EPRDB1 are all 0, not the valid data. From 0X60003000, we can find the app data is the plaintext data, the same result with our expected BEE configuration app encrypted range.    Until now, we already realize the MCUBootUtility tool BEE encryption. Exit the serial download mode, configure the MIMXRT10150-EVK on board SW8 as: 1-ON, 2-OFF, 3-ON, 4-OFF, reset the board, we can find the on board user LED is blinking, the BEE encrypted code is working. 4 BEE encryption with the Commander line mode    In practical usage, a lot of customers also need to use the commander line mode to realize the BEE encryption operation, and choose MFGTool download method. So this document will also give the way how to use the SDK SDK_2.8.0_EVK-MIMXRT1015\middleware\mcu-boot\bin\Tools and image_enc tool to realize the BEE commander line method encryption operation, then use the MFGTool download the BEE encrypted code to the RT1015 external QSPI flash.     Because from SDK2.8.0, blhost, elftosb related tools will not be packed in the SDK middleware directly, the customer need to download it from this link: www.nxp.com/mcuboot   4.1 Commander line file preparation     Prepare one folder, put elftosb.exe, image_enc.exe,app file evkmimxrt1015_iled_blinky_0x60002000.s19,RemoveBinaryBytes.exe to that folder. RemoveBinaryBytes.exe is used to modify the bin file, it can be downloaded from this link: https://community.nxp.com/pwmxy87654/attachments/pwmxy87654/imxrt/8733/2/Test.zip (https://community.nxp.com/t5/i-MX-RT/RT1015-BEE-XIP-Step-Confirm/m-p/1070076/page/2)    Then prepare the following files: imx-flexspinor-normal-unsigned.bd imxrt1015_app_flash_sb_gen.bd burn_fuse.bd 4.1.1 imx-flexspinor-normal-unsigned.bd imx-flexspinor-normal-unsigned.bd files is used to generate the app file evkmimxrt1015_iled_blinky_0x60002000.s19 related boot .bin file, which is include the IVT header code: ivt_evkmimxrt1015_iled_blinky_0x60002000.bin ivt_evkmimxrt1015_iled_blinky_0x60002000_nopadding.bin bd file content is   /*********************file start****************************/ options {     flags = 0x00;     startAddress = 0x60000000;     ivtOffset = 0x1000;     initialLoadSize = 0x2000;     //DCDFilePath = "dcd.bin";     # Note: This is required if the default entrypoint is not the Reset_Handler     #       Please set the entryPointAddress to Reset_Handler address     // entryPointAddress = 0x60002000; }   sources {     elfFile = extern(0); }   section (0) { } /*********************file end****************************/‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍   4.1.2 imxrt1015_app_flash_sb_gen.bd    This file is used to configure the external QSPI flash, and realize the program function, normally use this .bd file to generate the .sb file, then use the MFGtool select this .sb file and download the code to the external flash.   /*********************file start****************************/ sources {     myBinFile = extern (0); }   section (0) {     load 0xc0000007 > 0x20202000;     load 0x0 > 0x20202004;     enable flexspinor 0x20202000;     erase  0x60000000..0x60005000;     load 0xf000000f > 0x20203000;     enable flexspinor 0x20203000;     load  myBinFile > 0x60000400; } /*********************file end****************************/‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍   4.1.3 burn_fuse.bd     BEE encryption operation need to burn the fuse map, but the fuse data is the one time operation from 0 to 1, here will separate the burn fuse operation, only do the burn fuse operation during the first time which the RT chip still didn’t be modified the fuse map. Otherwise, in the next operation, just modify the app code, don’t need to burn the fuse. Burn_fuse.bd is mainly used to configure the fuse data which need to burn the related fuse map, then generate the .sb file, and use the MFGTool burn it with the app together.   /*********************file start****************************/ # The source block assign file name to identifiers sources { }   constants { }   #                !!!!!!!!!!!! WARNING !!!!!!!!!!!! # The section block specifies the sequence of boot commands to be written to the SB file # Note: this is just a template, please update it to actual values in users' project section (0) {     # program SW_GP2     load fuse 0x76543210 > 0x29;     load fuse 0xfedcba98 > 0x2a;     load fuse 0x89abcdef > 0x2b;     load fuse 0x01234567 > 0x2c;         # Program BEE_KEY0_SEL     load fuse 0x00003000 > 0x6;     } /*********************file end****************************/‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍ 4.2 BEE commander line operation steps  Create the rt1015_bee_userkey_gp2.bat file, the content is:   elftosb.exe -f imx -V -c imx-flexspinor-normal-unsigned.bd -o ivt_evkmimxrt1015_iled_blinky_0x60002000.bin evkmimxrt1015_iled_blinky_0x60002000.s19 image_enc.exe hw_eng=bee ifile=ivt_evkmimxrt1015_iled_blinky_0x60002000.bin ofile=evkmimxrt1015_iled_blinky_0x60002000_bee_encrypted.bin base_addr=0x60000000 region0_key=0123456789abcdeffedcba9876543210 region0_arg=1,[0x60001000,0x2000,0] region0_lock=0 use_zero_key=1 is_boot_image=1 RemoveBinaryBytes.exe evkmimxrt1015_iled_blinky_0x60002000_bee_encrypted.bin evkmimxrt1015_iled_blinky_0x60002000_bee_encrypted_remove1K.bin 1024 elftosb.exe -f kinetis -V -c program_imxrt1015_qspi_encrypt_sw_gp2.bd -o boot_image_encrypt.sb evkmimxrt1015_iled_blinky_0x60002000_bee_encrypted_remove1K.bin elftosb.exe -f kinetis -V -c burn_fuse.bd -o burn_fuse.sb pause‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍ Fig 13 Fig 14 it mainly has 5 steps: 4.2.1 elftosb generate app file with IVT header elftosb.exe -f imx -V -c imx-flexspinor-normal-unsigned.bd -o ivt_evkmimxrt1015_iled_blinky_0x60002000.bin evkmimxrt1015_iled_blinky_0x60002000.s19 After this commander, will generate two files with the IVT header: ivt_evkmimxrt1015_iled_blinky_0x60002000.bin,ivt_evkmimxrt1015_iled_blinky_0x60002000_nopadding.bin Here, we will use the ivt_evkmimxrt1015_iled_blinky_0x60002000.bin 4.2.2 image_enc generate the app related BEE encrypted code image_enc.exe hw_eng=bee ifile=ivt_evkmimxrt1015_iled_blinky_0x60002000.bin ofile=evkmimxrt1015_iled_blinky_0x60002000_bee_encrypted.bin base_addr=0x60000000 region0_key=0123456789abcdeffedcba9876543210 region0_arg=1,[0x60001000,0x2000,0] region0_lock=0 use_zero_key=1 is_boot_image=1 About the keyword meaning in the image_enc, we can run the image_enc directly to find it. Fig 15 This commander line run result will be the same as the MCUBootUtility configuration. The encryption area from 0X60001000, the length is 0x2000, more details, can refer to Fig 4. After the operation, we can get this file: evkmimxrt1015_iled_blinky_0x60002000_bee_encrypted.bin   4.2.3 RemoveBinaryBytes remove the BEE encrypted file above 1024 bytes RemoveBinaryBytes.exe evkmimxrt1015_iled_blinky_0x60002000_bee_encrypted.bin evkmimxrt1015_iled_blinky_0x60002000_bee_encrypted_remove1K.bin 1024 This commaner will used to remove the BEE encrypted file, the above 0X400 length data, after the modification, the encrypted file will start from EKIB0 directly. After running it, will get this file: evkmimxrt1015_iled_blinky_0x60002000_bee_encrypted_remove1K.bin   4.2.4 elftosb generate BEE encrypted app related sb file elftosb.exe -f kinetis -V -c program_imxrt1015_qspi_encrypt_sw_gp2.bd -o boot_image_encrypt.sb evkmimxrt1015_iled_blinky_0x60002000_bee_encrypted_remove1K.bin This commander will use evkmimxrt1015_iled_blinky_0x60002000_bee_encrypted_remove1K.bin and program_imxrt1015_qspi_encrypt_sw_gp2.bd to generate the sb file which can use the MFGTool download the code to the external flash After running it, we can get this file: boot_image_encrypt.sb   4.2.5 elftosb generate the burn fuse related sb file elftosb.exe -f kinetis -V -c burn_fuse.bd -o burn_fuse.sb This commander is used to generate the BEE code related fuse bits sb file, this sb file will be burned together with the boot_image_encrypt.sb in the MFGTool. But after the fuse is burned, the next app modify operation don’t need to add the burn fuse operation, can download the add directly. After running it, can get this file: burn_fuse.sb   4.3 MFGTool downloading   MIMXRT1015-EVK board enter the serial downloader mode, find two USB cable, plug it in J41 and J9 to the PC. MFGTool can be found in folder: SDK_2.8.0_EVK-MIMXRT1015\middleware\mcu-boot\bin\Tools\mfgtools-rel   If need to burn the burn_fuse.sb, need to modify the ucl2.xml, folder path: \SDK_2.8.0_EVK-MIMXRT1015\middleware\mcu-boot\bin\Tools\mfgtools-rel\Profiles\MXRT1015\OS Firmware    Add the following list to realize it. <LIST name="MXRT1015-beefuse_DevBoot" desc="Boot Flashloader"> <!-- Stage 1, load and execute Flashloader -->        <CMD state="BootStrap" type="boot" body="BootStrap" file="ivt_flashloader.bin" > Loading Flashloader. </CMD>     <CMD state="BootStrap" type="jump"  onError = "ignore"> Jumping to Flashloader. </CMD> <!-- Stage 2, burn BEE related fuse using Flashloader -->      <CMD state="Blhost" type="blhost" body="get-property 1" > Get Property 1. </CMD> <!--Used to test if flashloader runs successfully-->     <CMD state="Blhost" type="blhost" body="receive-sb-file \"Profiles\\MXRT1015\\OS Firmware\\burn_fuse.sb\"" > Program Boot Image. </CMD>     <CMD state="Blhost" type="blhost" body="reset" > Reset. </CMD> <!--Reset device--> <!-- Stage 3, Program boot image into external memory using Flashloader -->       <CMD state="Blhost" type="blhost" body="get-property 1" > Get Property 1. </CMD> <!--Used to test if flashloader runs successfully-->     <CMD state="Blhost" type="blhost" timeout="15000" body="receive-sb-file \"Profiles\\MXRT1015\\OS Firmware\\ boot_image_encrypt.sb\"" > Program Boot Image. </CMD>     <CMD state="Blhost" type="blhost" body="Update Completed!">Done</CMD> </list>‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍     If already have burned the Fuse bits, just need to update the app, then we can use MIMXRT1015-DevBoot   <LIST name="MXRT1015-DevBoot" desc="Boot Flashloader"> <!-- Stage 1, load and execute Flashloader -->        <CMD state="BootStrap" type="boot" body="BootStrap" file="ivt_flashloader.bin" > Loading Flashloader. </CMD>     <CMD state="BootStrap" type="jump"  onError = "ignore"> Jumping to Flashloader. </CMD> <!-- Stage 2, Program boot image into external memory using Flashloader -->       <CMD state="Blhost" type="blhost" body="get-property 1" > Get Property 1. </CMD> <!--Used to test if flashloader runs successfully-->     <CMD state="Blhost" type="blhost" timeout="15000" body="receive-sb-file \"Profiles\\MXRT1015\\OS Firmware\\boot_image.sb\"" > Program Boot Image. </CMD>     <CMD state="Blhost" type="blhost" body="Update Completed!">Done</CMD> </list>‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍ Which detail list is select, it is determined by the cfg.ini name item [profiles] chip = MXRT1015 [platform] board = [LIST] name = MXRT1015-DevBoot‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍   Because my side do the MCUbootUtility operation at first, then the fuse is burned, so in the commander line, I just use MXRT1015-DevBoot download the app.sb Fig 16 We can find, it is burned successfully, click stop button, Configure the MIMXRT1015-EVK on board SW8 as 1-ON,2-OFF,3-ON,4-OFF, reset the board, we can find the on board LED is blinking, it means the commander line also can finish the BEE encryption successfully.   5  MCUXpresso Secure Provisioning BEE unsigned operation      This part will use the MCUXPresso Secure Provisioning tool to finish the BEE unsigned image downloading BEE unsigned image is just use the BEE, no certification. 5.1 Tool downloading MCUXPresso Secure Provisioning download link is: https://www.nxp.com/design/software/development-software/mcuxpresso-software-and-tools-/mcuxpresso-secure-provisioning-tool:MCUXPRESSO-SECURE-PROVISIONING Download it and install it, it’s better to read the tool document at first: C:\nxp\MCUX_Provi_v2.1\MCUXpresso Secure Provisioning Tool.pdf 5.2 Operation Steps Step1: Create the new tool workspace File->New Workspace, select the workspace path. Fig 17 Step2: Chip boot related configuration Fig 18 Here, please note, the boot type need to select as XIP Encrypted(BEE User Keys) unsigned, which is not added the HAB certification function. Step3: USB connection Connect Select USB, it will use the USB HID to connect the board in serial download mode, so the MIMXRT1015-EVK board need insert the USB port to the J9, and the board need to enter the serial download mode: SW8:1-ON,2-OFF,3-OFF,4-ON Connect Test Connection Button, the connection result is: Fig 19 We can see the connection is OK, due to this board has done the BEE operation in the previous time, so the related BEE fuse is burned, then we can find the BEE key and the key source SW-GP2 fuse already has data. Step4: image selection Just like the previous content, prepare one app image. Step 5: XIP Encryption(BEE user keys) configuration Fig 20 Here, it will need to select which engine, we select Engine0, BEE engine KEY use zero key, key source use the SW-GP2, then the detail user key data: 0123456789abcdeffedcba9876543210 Will be wrote to the swGp2 fuse area. Because my board already do that fuse operation, so here it won’t burn the fuse again. Step 6: build image Fig 21 Here, we will find, after this operation, the tool will generate 5 files: 1) evkmimxrt1015_iled_blinky_0x60002000.bin 2) evkmimxrt1015_iled_blinky_0x60002000_bootable.bin 3) evkmimxrt1015_iled_blinky_0x60002000_bootable_nopadding.bin 4) evkmimxrt1015_iled_blinky_0x60002000_nopadding.bin 5) evkmimxrt1015_iled_blinky_0x60002000_nopadding_ehdr0.bin 1), 2), 3) is the plaintext file, 1) and 2) are totally the same, this file maps the data from base 0, from 0x1000 it is IVT+BD+DCD, from 0X2000 is app, so these files are the whole image, just except the FlexSPI Configuration block data, which should put from base address 0. 3) it is the 2) image just delete the first 0X1000 data, and just from IVT+BD+DCD+app. 4) ,5) is the BEE encrypted image, 4) is related to 3), just the BEE encrypted image, 5) is the EKIB0, EPRDB0 data, which should be put in the real address from 0X60000400, it is the BEE Encrypted Key Info Block 0 and Encrypted Protection Region Descriptor Block 0 data, as we just use the engine0, so just have the engin0 data. In fact, the BEE whole image contains : FlexSPI Configuration block data +IVT+BD+DCD+APP FlexSPI Configuration block data is the plaintext, but from 0X60001000 to 0X60002fff is the encrypted image. Step 7: burn the encrypted image Fig 22 Click the Write Image button, to finish the BEE image program. Here, just open the bee_user_key0.bin, we will find, it is just the user key data which is defined in Fig 20, which also should be written to the swGp2 fuse. Check the log, we will find it mainly these process: Erase image from 0x60000000, length is 0x5000. Generate the flexSPI Configuration block data, and download from 0x60000000 Burn evkmimxrt1015_iled_blinky_0x60002000_nopadding_ehdr0.bin to 0X60000400 Burn evkmimxrt1015_iled_blinky_0x60002000_nopadding.bin to 0x60001000 Modify the MIMXRT1015-EVK SW8:1-ON,2-OFF,3-ON,4-OFF, reset or repower on the board, we will find the on board led is blinking, it means the bee encrypted image already runs OK. Please note: SW8_1 is the Encrypted XIP pin, it must be enable, otherwise, even the BEE encrypted image is downloaded to the external flash, but the boot will be failed, as the ROM will use normal boot not the BEE encrypted boot. So, SW8_1 should be ON.    Following pictures are the BEE encrypted image readout file to compare with the tool generated files. Fig 23 Fig 24 Fig 25 Fig 26 Fig 27 About the MCUBootUtility lack the BEE tool image_enc.exe, we also can use the MCUXPresso Secure Provisioning’s image_enc.exe: Copy: C:\nxp\MCUX_Provi_v2.1\bin\tools\image_enc\win\ image_enc.exe To the MCUbootUtility folder: NXP-MCUBootUtility-3.2.0\tools\image_enc2\win Attachment also contains the video about this tool usage operation.    
Overview ======== The LPUART example for FreeRTOS demonstrates the possibility to use the LPUART driver in the RTOS with hardware flow control. The example uses two instances of LPUART IP and sends data between them. The UART signals must be jumpered together on the board. Toolchain supported =================== - MCUXpresso 11.0.0 Hardware requirements ===================== - Mini/micro USB cable - MIMXRT1050-EVKB board - Personal Computer Board settings ============== R278 and R279 must be populated, or have pads shorted. These resistors are under the display opposite side of board from uSD connector. The following pins need to be jumpered together: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | UART3 (UARTA) | UART8 (UARTB) | |---|-------------------------------------|-------------------------------------| | # | Signal | Function | Jumper | Jumper | Function | Signal | |---|---------------|----------|----------|----------|----------|---------------| | 1 | GPIO_AD_B1_07 | RX | J22-pin1 | J23-pin1 | TX | GPIO_AD_B1_10 | | 2 | GPIO_AD_B1_06 | TX | J22-pin2 | J23-pin2 | RX | GPIO_AD_B1_11 | | 3 | GPIO_AD_B1_04 | CTS | J23-pin3 | J24-pin5 | RTS | GPIO_SD_B0_03 | | 4 | GPIO_AD_B1_05 | RTS | J23-pin4 | J24-pin4 | CTS | GPIO_SD_B0_02 | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prepare the Demo ================ 1. Connect a USB cable between the host PC and the OpenSDA USB port on the target board. 2. Open a serial terminal with the following settings: - 115200 baud rate - 8 data bits - No parity - One stop bit - No flow control 3. Download the program to the target board. 4. Either press the reset button on your board or launch the debugger in your IDE to begin running the demo. Running the demo ================ You will see status of the example printed to the console. Customization options =====================
RT10xx SAI basic and SDCard wave file play 1. Introduction NXP RT10xx's audio modules are SAI, SPDIF, and MQS. The SAI module is a synchronous serial interface for audio data transmission. SPDIF is a stereo transceiver that can receive and send digital audio, MQS is used to convert I2S audio data from SAI3 to PWM, and then can drive external speakers, but in practical usage, it still need to add the amplifier drive circuit. When we use the SAI module, it will be related to the audio file play and the data obtained. This article will be based on the MIMXRT1060-EVK board, give the RT10xx SAI module basic knowledge, PCM waveform format, the audio file cut, and conversion tool, use the MCUXpresso IDE CFG peripheral tool to create the SAI project, play the audio data, it will also provide the SDcard with fatfs system to read the wave file and play it. 2. Basic Knowledge and the tools Before entering the project details and testing, just provide some SAI module knowledge, wave file format information, audio convert tools. 2.1 SAI module basic RT10xx SAI module can support I2S, AC97, TDM, and codec/DSP interface. SAI module contains Transmitter and Receiver, the related signals:     SAI_MCLK: master clock, used to generate the bit clock, master output, slave input.     SAI_TX_BCLK: Transmit bit clock, master output, slave input     SAI_TX_SYNC: Transmit Frame sync, master output, slave input, L/R channel select     SAI_TX_DATA[4]:Transmit data line, 1-3 share with RX_DATA[1-3]     SAI_RX_BCLK: receiver bit clock     SAI_RX_SYNC: receiver frame sync     SAI_RX_DATA[4]: receiver data line SAI module clocks: audio master clock, bus clock, bit clock SAI module Frame sync has 3 modes:      1)Transmit and receive using its own BCLK and SYNC      2)Transmit async, receive sync: use transmit BCLK and SYNC, transmit enable at first, disable at last.      3)Transmit sync, receive async: use receive BCLK and SYNC, receiver enable at first, disable at last. Valid frame sync is also ignored (slave mode) or not generated (master mode) for the first four-bit clock cycles after enabling the transmitter or receiver. Pic 1 SAI module clock structure: Pic 2 SAI module 3 clock sources:  PLL3_PFD3, PLL5, PLL4 In the above picture, SAI1_CLK_ROOT, which can be used as the MCLK, the BCLK is: BCLK= master clock/(TCR2[DIV]+1)*2 Sample rate = Bitclockfreq /(bitwidth*channel) 2.2 waveform audio file format WAVE file is used to save the PCM encode data, WAVE is using the RIFF format, the smallest unit in the RIFF file is the CK struct, CKID is the data type, the value can be: “RIFF”,“LIST”,“fmt”, “data” etc. RIFF file is little-endian. RIFF structure: typedef unsigned long DWORD;//4B typedef unsigned char BYTE;//1B typedef DWORD FOURCC; // 4B typedef struct { FOURCC ckID; //4B DWORD ckSize; //4B union { FOURCC fccType; // RIFF form type 4B BYTE ckData[ckSize]; //ckSize*1B } ckData; } RIFFCK; Pic 3 Take a 16Khz 2 channel wave file as the example: Pic 4 Yellow: CKID  Green: data length   Purple: data The detailed analysis as follows: Pic 5 We can find, the real audio data, except the wave header, the data size is 1279860bytes. 2.3 Audio file convert In practical usage, the audio file may not the required channel and the sample rate configuration, or the format is not the wave, or the time is too long, then we can use some tool to convert it to your desired format. We can use the ffmpeg tool: https://ffmpeg.org/ About the details, check the ffmpeg document, normally we use these command: mp3 file converts to 16k, 16bit, 2 channel wave file: ffmpeg -i test.mp3 -acodec pcm_s16le -ar 16000 -ac 2 test.wav or: ffmpeg -i test.mp3 -aq 16 -ar 16000 -ac 2 test.wav test.wav, cut 35s from 00:00:00, and can convert save to test1.wav: ffmpeg -ss 00:00:00 -i test.wav -t 35.0 -c copy test1.wav Pic 6 Pic 7 2.4 Obtain wave L/R channel audio data Just like the SDK code, save the L/R audio data directly in the RT RAM array, so here, we need to obtain the audio data from the wav file. We can use the python readout the wav header, then get the audio data size, and save the audio data to one array in the .h files. The related Python code can be: import sys import wave def wav2hex(strWav, strHex): with wave.open(strWav, "rb") as fWav: wavChannels = fWav.getnchannels() wavSampleWidth = fWav.getsampwidth() wavFrameRate = fWav.getframerate() wavFrameNum = fWav.getnframes() wavFrames = fWav.readframes(wavFrameNum) wavDuration = wavFrameNum / wavFrameRate wafFramebytes = wavFrameNum * wavChannels * wavSampleWidth print("Channels: {}".format(wavChannels)) print("Sample width: {}bits".format(wavSampleWidth * 8)) print("Sample rate: {}kHz".format(wavFrameRate/1000)) print("Frames number: {}".format(wavFrameNum)) print("Duration: {}s".format(wavDuration)) print("Frames bytes: {}".format(wafFramebytes)) fWav.close() pass with open(strHex, "w") as fHex: # Print WAV parameters fHex.write("/*\n"); fHex.write(" Channels: {}\n".format(wavChannels)) fHex.write(" Sample width: {}bits\n".format(wavSampleWidth * 8)) fHex.write(" Sample rate: {}kHz\n".format(wavFrameRate/1000)) fHex.write(" Frames number: {}\n".format(wavFrameNum)) fHex.write(" Duration: {}s\n".format(wavDuration)) fHex.write(" Frames bytes: {}\n".format(wafFramebytes)) fHex.write("*/\n\n") # Print WAV frames fHex.write("uint8_t music[] = {\n") print("Transferring...") i = 0 while wafFramebytes > 0: if(wafFramebytes < 16): BytesToPrint = wafFramebytes else: BytesToPrint = 16 fHex.write(" ") for j in range(0, BytesToPrint): if j != 0: fHex.write(' ') fHex.write("0x{:0>2x},".format(wavFrames[i])) i+=1 j+=1 fHex.write("\n") wafFramebytes -= BytesToPrint fHex.write("};\n") fHex.close() print("Done!") wav2hex(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2]) Take the music1.wave as an example: Pic 8 2.4 Audio data relationship with audio wave 16bit data range is: -32768 to 32767, the goldwave related value range is(-1~1).Use goldwave tool to open the example music1.wav, check the data in 1s position, the left channel relative data is -0.08227, right channel relative data is -0.2257. Pic 9                                                                          pic 10 Now, calculate the L/R real data, and find the position in the music1.h. Pic 11 From pic 8, we can know, the real wave R/L data from line 11, each line contains 16 bytes of data. So, from music1.wav related value, we can calculate the related data, and compare it with the real data in the array, we can find, it is totally the same. 3. SAI MCUXpresso project creation Based on SDK_2.9.2_EVK-MIMXRT1060, create one SAI DMA audio play project. The audio data can use the above music1.h. Create one bare-metal project: Drivers check: clock, common, dmamux, edma,gpio,i2c,iomuxc,lpuart,sai,sai_edma,xip_device Utilities check:       Debug_console,lpuart_adapter,serial_manager,serial_manager_uart Board components check:       Xip_board Abstraction Layer check:       Codec, codec_wm8960_adapter,lpi2c_adapter Software Components check:       Codec_i2c,lists,wm8960 After the creation of the project, open the clocks, configure the clock, core, flexSPI can use the default one, we mainly configure the SAI1 related clocks: Pic 12 Select the SAI1 clock source as PLL4, PLL4_MAIN_CLK configure as 786.48MHz. SAI1 clock configure as 6.144375MHz. After the configuration, update the code. Open Pins tool, configure the SAI1 related pins, as the codec also need the I2C, so it contains the I2C pin configuration. Pic 13 Update the code. Open peripherals, configure DMA, SAI, NVIC. Pic 14 Pic 15 DMA配置如下: pic16 After configuration, generate the code. In the above configuration, we have finished the SAI DMA transfer configuration, SAI master mode, 16bits, the sample rate is 16kHz, 2channel, DMA transfer, bit clock is 512Khz, the master clock is 6.1443Mhz. void callback(I2S_Type *base, sai_edma_handle_t *handle, status_t status, void *userData) { if (kStatus_SAI_RxError == status) { } else { finishIndex++; emptyBlock++; /* Judge whether the music array is completely transfered. */ if (MUSIC_LEN / BUFFER_SIZE == finishIndex) { isFinished = true; finishIndex = 0; emptyBlock = BUFFER_NUM; tx_index = 0; cpy_index = 0; } } } int main(void) { sai_transfer_t xfer; /* Init board hardware. */ BOARD_ConfigMPU(); BOARD_InitBootPins(); BOARD_InitBootClocks(); BOARD_InitBootPeripherals(); #ifndef BOARD_INIT_DEBUG_CONSOLE_PERIPHERAL /* Init FSL debug console. */ BOARD_InitDebugConsole(); #endif PRINTF(" SAI wav module test!\n\r"); /* Use default setting to init codec */ if (CODEC_Init(&codecHandle, &boardCodecConfig) != kStatus_Success) { assert(false); } /* delay for codec output stable */ DelayMS(DEMO_CODEC_INIT_DELAY_MS); CODEC_SetVolume(&codecHandle,2U,50); // set 50% volume EnableIRQ(DEMO_SAI_IRQ); SAI_TxEnableInterrupts(DEMO_SAI, kSAI_FIFOErrorInterruptEnable); PRINTF(" MUSIC PLAY Start!\n\r"); while (1) { PRINTF(" MUSIC PLAY Again\n\r"); isFinished = false; while (!isFinished) { if ((emptyBlock > 0U) && (cpy_index < MUSIC_LEN / BUFFER_SIZE)) { /* Fill in the buffers. */ memcpy((uint8_t *)&buffer[BUFFER_SIZE * (cpy_index % BUFFER_NUM)], (uint8_t *)&music[cpy_index * BUFFER_SIZE], sizeof(uint8_t) * BUFFER_SIZE); emptyBlock--; cpy_index++; } if (emptyBlock < BUFFER_NUM) { /* xfer structure */ xfer.data = (uint8_t *)&buffer[BUFFER_SIZE * (tx_index % BUFFER_NUM)]; xfer.dataSize = BUFFER_SIZE; /* Wait for available queue. */ if (kStatus_Success == SAI_TransferSendEDMA(DEMO_SAI, &SAI1_SAI_Tx_eDMA_Handle, &xfer)) { tx_index++; } } } } }   4. SAI test result     To check the real L/R data sendout situation, we modify the music array first 16 bytes data as: 0x55,0xaa,0x01,0x00,0x02,0x00,0x03,0x00,0x04,0x00,0x05,0x00,0x06,0x00,0x07,0x00 Then test SAI_MCLK,SAI_TX_BCLK,SAI_TX_SYNC,SAI_TXD pin wave, and compare with the defined data, because the polarity is configured as active low, it is falling edge output, sample at rising edge. The test point on the MIMXRT1060-EVK board is using the codec pin position: Pic 17 4.1 Logic Analyzer tool wave Pic 18 MCLK clock frequency is 6.144375Mhz, BCLK is 512KHz, SYNC is 16KHz. Pic 19 The first frame data is:1010101001010101 0000000000000001 0XAA55  0X0001 It is the same as the array defined L/R data. SYNC low is Left 16 bit, High is right 16 bit. 4.2 Oscilloscope test wave Just like the logic analyzer, the oscilloscope wave is the same: Pic 20 Add the music.h to the project, and let the main code play the music array data in loop, we will hear the music clear when insert the headphone to on board J12 or add a speaker. 5. SAI SDcard wave music play This part will add the sd card, fatfs system, to read out the 16bit 16K 2ch wave file in the sd card, and play it in loop. 5.1 driver add     Code is based on SDK_2.9.2_EVK-MIMXRT1060, just on the previous project, add the sdcard, sd fatfs driver, now the bare-metal driver situation is: Drivers check: cache, clock, common, dmamux, edma,gpio,i2c,iomuxc,lpuart,sai,sai_edma,sdhc, xip_device Utilities check:       Debug_console,lpuart_adapter,serial_manager,serial_manager_uart Middleware check:       File System->FAT File System->fatfs+sd, Memories Board components check:       Xip_board Abstraction Layer check:       Codec, codec_wm8960_adapter,lpi2c_adapter Software Components check:       Codec_i2c,lists,wm8960 5.2 WAVE header analyzer with code    From previous content, we can know the wav header structure, we need to play the wave file from the sd card, then we need to analyze the wave header to get the audio format, audio data-related information. The header analysis code is: uint8_t Fun_Wave_Header_Analyzer(void) { char * datap; uint8_t ErrFlag = 0; datap = strstr((char*)Wav_HDBuffer,"RIFF"); if(datap != NULL) { wav_header.chunk_size = ((uint32_t)*(Wav_HDBuffer+4)) + (((uint32_t)*(Wav_HDBuffer + 5)) << + (((uint32_t)*(Wav_HDBuffer + 6)) << 16) +(((uint32_t)*(Wav_HDBuffer + 7)) << 24); movecnt += 8; } else { ErrFlag = 1; return ErrFlag; } datap = strstr((char*)(Wav_HDBuffer+movecnt),"WAVEfmt"); if(datap != NULL) { movecnt += 8; wav_header.fmtchunk_size = ((uint32_t)*(Wav_HDBuffer+movecnt+0)) + (((uint32_t)*(Wav_HDBuffer +movecnt+ 1)) << + (((uint32_t)*(Wav_HDBuffer +movecnt+ 2)) << 16) +(((uint32_t)*(Wav_HDBuffer +movecnt+ 3)) << 24); wav_header.audio_format = ((uint16_t)*(Wav_HDBuffer+movecnt+4) + (uint16_t)*(Wav_HDBuffer+movecnt+5)); wav_header.num_channels = ((uint16_t)*(Wav_HDBuffer+movecnt+6) + (uint16_t)*(Wav_HDBuffer+movecnt+7)); wav_header.sample_rate = ((uint32_t)*(Wav_HDBuffer+movecnt+8)) + (((uint32_t)*(Wav_HDBuffer +movecnt+ 9)) << + (((uint32_t)*(Wav_HDBuffer +movecnt+ 10)) << 16) +(((uint32_t)*(Wav_HDBuffer +movecnt+ 11)) << 24); wav_header.byte_rate = ((uint32_t)*(Wav_HDBuffer+movecnt+12)) + (((uint32_t)*(Wav_HDBuffer +movecnt+ 13)) << + (((uint32_t)*(Wav_HDBuffer +movecnt+ 14)) << 16) +(((uint32_t)*(Wav_HDBuffer +movecnt+ 15)) << 24); wav_header.block_align = ((uint16_t)*(Wav_HDBuffer+movecnt+16) + (uint16_t)*(Wav_HDBuffer+movecnt+17)); wav_header.bps = ((uint16_t)*(Wav_HDBuffer+movecnt+18) + (uint16_t)*(Wav_HDBuffer+movecnt+19)); movecnt +=(4+wav_header.fmtchunk_size); } else { ErrFlag = 1; return ErrFlag; } datap = strstr((char*)(Wav_HDBuffer+movecnt),"LIST"); if(datap != NULL) { movecnt += 4; wav_header.list_size = ((uint32_t)*(Wav_HDBuffer+movecnt+0)) + (((uint32_t)*(Wav_HDBuffer +movecnt+ 1)) << + (((uint32_t)*(Wav_HDBuffer +movecnt+ 2)) << 16) +(((uint32_t)*(Wav_HDBuffer +movecnt+ 3)) << 24); movecnt +=(4+wav_header.list_size); } //LIST not Must datap = strstr((char*)(Wav_HDBuffer+movecnt),"data"); if(datap != NULL) { movecnt += 4; wav_header.datachunk_size = ((uint32_t)*(Wav_HDBuffer+movecnt+0)) + (((uint32_t)*(Wav_HDBuffer +movecnt+ 1)) << + (((uint32_t)*(Wav_HDBuffer +movecnt+ 2)) << 16) +(((uint32_t)*(Wav_HDBuffer +movecnt+ 3)) << 24); movecnt += 4; ErrFlag = 0; } else { ErrFlag = 1; return ErrFlag; } PRINTF("Wave audio format is %d\r\n",wav_header.audio_format); PRINTF("Wave audio channel number is %d\r\n",wav_header.num_channels); PRINTF("Wave audio sample rate is %d\r\n",wav_header.sample_rate); PRINTF("Wave audio byte rate is %d\r\n",wav_header.byte_rate); PRINTF("Wave audio block align is %d\r\n",wav_header.block_align); PRINTF("Wave audio bit per sample is %d\r\n",wav_header.bps); PRINTF("Wave audio data size is %d\r\n",wav_header.datachunk_size); return ErrFlag; } Mainly divide RIFF to 4 parts: “RIFF”,“fmt”,“LIST”,“data”. The 4 bytes data follows the “data” is the whole audio data size, it can be used to the fatfs to read the audio data. The above code also recodes the data position, then when using the fatfs read the wave, we can jump to the data area directly. 5.3 SD card wave data play     Define the array audioBuff[4* 512], used to read out the sd card wave file, and use these data send to the SAI EDMA and transfer it to the I2S interface until all the data is transmitted to the I2S interface.     Callback record each 512 bytes data send out finished, and judge the transmit data size is reached the whole wave audio data size. 5.4 sd card wave play result    Prepare one wave file, 16bit 16k sample rate, 2 channel file, named as music.wav, put in the sd card which already does the fat32 format, insert it to the MIMXRT1060-EVK J39, run the code, will get the printf information: Please insert a card into the board. Card inserted. Make file system......The time may be long if the card capacity is big. SAI wav module test! MUSIC PLAY Start! Wave audio format is 1 Wave audio channel number is 2 Wave audio sample rate is 16000 Wave audio byte rate is 64000 Wave audio block align is 4 Wave audio bit per sample is 16 Wave audio data size is 2728440 Playback is begin! Playback is finished! At the same time, after inserting the headphone or the speaker into the J12, we can hear the music. Attachment is the mcuxpresso10.3.0 and the wave samples.  
RT1050 SDRAM app code boot from SDcard burn with 3 tools Abstract       This document is about the RT series app running on the external SDRAM, but boot from SD card. The content contains SDRAM app code generate with the RT1050 SDK MCUXpresso IDE project, burn the code to the external SD card with flashloader MFG tool, and MCUXPresso Secure Provisioning. The MCUBootUtility method can be found from this post: https://community.nxp.com/docs/DOC-346194       Software and Hardware platform: SDK 2.7.0_EVKB-IMXRT1050 MCUXpresso IDE MXRT1050_GA MCUBootUtility MCUXPresso Secure Provisioning MIMXRT1050-EVKB 2 RT1050 SDRAM app image generation     Porting SDK_2.7.0_EVKB-IMXRT1050 iled_blinky project to the MCUXPresso IDE, to generate the code which is located in SDRAM, the configuration is modified like the following items:       2.1 Copy code to RAM 2.2  Modify memory location to SDRAM address 0X80002000 The code which boots from SD card and running in the SDRAM is the non-xip code, so the IVT offset is 0X400, in our test, we put the image from the SDRAM memory address 0x800002000, the configuration is: 2.3 Modify the symbol 2.4 Generate the .s19 file      After build has no problems, then generate the app.s19 file:   Rename the app.19 image file to evkbimxrt1050_iled_blinky_sdram_0x2000.s19, and copy it to the flashloader folder: Flashloader_i.MXRT1050_GA\Flashloader_RT1050_1.1\Tools\elftosb\win   3, Flashloader configuration and download    This chapter will use flashloader to configure the image which can download the SDRAM app code to the external SD card with MFGTool.       We need to prepare the following files: SDRAM interface configuration file CFG_DCD.bin imx-sdram-unsigned-dcd.bd program_sdcard_image.bd 3.1 SDRAM DCD file preparation      MIMXRT1050-EVKB on board SDRAM is IS42S16160J, we can use the attached dcd_model\ISSI_IS42S16160J\dcd.cfg and dcdgen.exe tool to generate the CFG_DCD.bin, the commander is: dcdgen -inputfile=dcd.cfg -bout -cout   Copy CFG_DCD.bin file to the flashloader path: Flashloader_i.MXRT1050_GA\Flashloader_RT1050_1.1\Tools\elftosb\win 3.2 imx-sdram-unsigned-dcd.bd file Prepare the imx-sdram-unsigned-dcd.bd file content as: options {     flags = 0x00;     startAddress = 0x80000000;     ivtOffset = 0x400;     initialLoadSize = 0x2000;     DCDFilePath = "CFG_DCD.bin";     # Note: This is required if the default entrypoint is not the Reset_Handler     #       Please set the entryPointAddress to Reset_Handler address     entryPointAddress = 0x800022f1; }   sources {     elfFile = extern(0); }   section (0) { }  The above entrypointAddress data is from the .s19 reset handler(0X80002000+4 address data): Copy imx-sdram-unsigned-dcd.bd file to flashloader path: Flashloader_i.MXRT1050_GA\Flashloader_RT1050_1.1\Tools\elftosb\win Open cmd, run the following command: elftosb.exe -f imx -V -c imx-sdram-unsigned-dcd.bd -o ivt_evkbimxrt1050_iled_blinky_sdram_0x2000.bin evkbimxrt1050_iled_blinky_sdram_0x2000.s19 After running the command, two app IVT files will be generated: 3.3 program_sdcard_image.bd file Prepare the program_sdcard_image.bd file content as: # The source block assign file name to identifiers sources {  myBootImageFile = extern (0); }   # The section block specifies the sequence of boot commands to be written to the SB file section (0) {       #1. Prepare SDCard option block     load 0xd0000000 > 0x100;     load 0x00000000 > 0x104;       #2. Configure SDCard     enable sdcard 0x100;       #3. Erase blocks as needed.     erase sdcard 0x400..0x14000;       #4. Program SDCard Image     load sdcard myBootImageFile > 0x400;         #5. Program Efuse for optimal read performance (optional)     # Note: It is just a template, please program the actual Fuse required in the application     # and remove the # to enable the command     #load fuse 0x00000000 > 0x07;   } Copy program_sdcard_image.bd to the flashloader path: Flashloader_i.MXRT1050_GA\Flashloader_RT1050_1.1\Tools\elftosb\win Open cmd, run the following command: elftosb.exe -f kinetis -V -c program_sdcard_image.bd -o boot_image.sb ivt_evkbimxrt1050_iled_blinky_sdram_0x2000_nopadding.bin Copy the generated boot_image.sb file to the following flashloader path: \Flashloader_i.MXRT1050_GA\Flashloader_RT1050_1.1\Tools\mfgtools-rel\Profiles\MXRT105X\OS Firmware 3.4 MFGTool burn code to SD card    Prepare one SD card, insert it to J20, let the board enter the serial download mode, SW7:1-ON 2-OFF 3-OFF 4-ON. Find two USB cable, one is connected to J28, another is connected to J9, we use the HID to download the image.    Open MFGTool.exe, and click the start button:          Modify the boot mode to internal boot, and boot from the external SD card, SW7:1-ON 2-OFF 3-ON 4-OFF.      Power off and power on the board again, you will find the onboard LED D18 is blinking, it means the external SDRAM APP code is boot from external SD card successfully. 4, MCUBootUtility configuration and code download    Please check this community document: https://community.nxp.com/docs/DOC-346194     Here just give one image readout memory map, it will be useful to understand the image location information:     After download, we can readout the SD card image, from 0X400 is the IVT, BD, DCD data, from 0X1000 is the image which is the same as the app.s19 file.     5, MCUXpresso Secure Provisioning configuration and download   This software is released in the NXP official website, it is also the GUI version, which can realize the normal code and the secure code downloading, it will be more easy to use than the flashloader tool, customer don’t need to input the command, the tool help the customer to do it, the function is similar to the MCUBootUtility, MCUBootUtility tool is the opensource tool which is shared in the github, but is not released in the NXP official website.   Now, we use the new official realized tool to download the SDRAM app code to the external SD card, the board still need to enter the serial download mode, just like the flashloader and the MCUBootUtility too, the detail operation is:  We can find this tool is also very easy to use, customer still need to provide the app.19 and the dcd.bin, then give the related boot device configuration is OK.    After the code is downloaded successfully, modify the boot mode to internal boot, and boot from the external SD card, SW7:1-ON 2-OFF 3-ON 4-OFF.     Power off and power on the board again, you will find the onboard LED D18 is blinking, it means the external SDRAM APP code is boot from external SD card successfully.   Until now, all the three methods to download the SDRAM app code to the SD card is working, flashloader is the command based tool, MCUBootUtility and MCUXPresso Secure Provisioning is the GUI tool, which is more easy to use.        
This article will help you understand in detail the necessary steps to connect an external SRAM memory to the RT devices with the SEMC module. This document is focused on RT1170 however a lot of this information can also be followed for other RT devices with the SEMC module, please consult limitations on the specific device Reference Manual. In this post, there is attached an example of this, since the EVK does not contain an SRAM a specific memory is not used for this. This is a theoretical approach to how to set this kind of memory. The user needs to set specific parameters for the memory to be used.   The SEMC is a multi-standard memory controller optimized for both high performance and low pin count. It can support multiple external memories in the same application with shared address and data pins. The interface supported includes SDRAM, NOR Flash, SRAM, and NAND Flash, as well as the 8080 display interface. Features The SEMC includes the following features: SRAM interface Supports SRAM and Pseudo SRAM Supports 8/16 bit modes Supports ADMUX, AADM, and Non-ADMUX modes Up to 4 Chip Select (CS) Up to 4096Mb memory size NOTE For 16-bit devices, up to 4096Mb memory size For 8-bit devices, up to 2048Mb memory size For more detailed features on supported memories of this module please consult Reference Manual How to set SRAM It is important to mention that RT1170 supports ASYNC and SYNC mode on the SRAM however SYNC mode is not supported in all RT devices, e.g. RT1050 does not support SRAM SYNC mode. It is important to consider the pin mux for these devices, for this you can refer to table 29-7 for the RT1170. Please consider that pins controlled through the IOCR register should be static. This means that if you configure, for example, SEMC_ADDR08 to be CE on the SRAM it cannot be used in the same application as A8 in an SDRAM. Let´s go step by step on how to configure the parameters and where to find that information:   Configure MCR[DQSMD] bit to select the read clock source for synchronous mode. Suggest setting it with 0x1 to reach high clock frequency. config.dqsMode = kSEMC_Loopbackdqspad; Configure the IOCR register to choose CS pins. For this, you can refer to table 29-6. I suggest using CSX pins for CS signals of the SRAM. The Init function from the SDK sets this register incorrectly so write this register outside the function SEMC->IOCR |= 0x00908BB6; // A8:CE#0, CSX0:A24, CSX1:A25, CSX2:CE#1, RDY:CE#2 Optional Configure BMCR registers for bus access efficiency, the arbitration adopts a weight-based algorithm where the weights are obtained from BMCR registers. A score is calculated and the command with the highest score is served first. The score is calculated with the following formula: SCORE = QOS*WQOS + AGE*WAGE/4 + WSH + WRWS Where : - QOS stands for AxQOS of AXI bus-WQOS is the weight factor of QOS. -AGE stands for the wait period for each command -WAGE is the weight factor of AGE. -WSH stands for the weight of slave hit without read/write switch scenario. -WRWS stands for the weight of the slave hit with read/write switch scenario. This is used when you have multiple devices connected to the module and you want to assign access priorities to the different devices.   Configure Base Register 6/9/10/11 with base address, memory size, and valid information. BRx[BA]: In this field, you set the address where the SRAM is going to be located. You can refer to the specific device memory map. In the example, I used 0x9000_0000 but you can use any SEMC location as long it does not overlap with other memory spaces. BRx[MS]: Here you specify the size of the SRAM. [Image from register] BRx[VLD] must be 1 so the memory can be accessed. //VLD is always set to 1 in the SRAM Init function of the SDK sram_config.address = SRAM_BASE;// Base address 0x90000000 (BR6[BA]) sram_config.memsize_kbytes = 0x10000;// SRAM0 space size 64MB (BR6[MS])   Configure INTEN and INTR registers if need to generate interrupts. You can use the function "SEMC_EnableInterrupts()" Configure SRAM Control Register with parameters obtained from the specific SRAM device. These registers contain the timings for the memory used. These values are obtained from the memory datasheet. sram_config.addrPortWidth = 8;// Port width (SRAMCR0[COL])Don't care in SRAM. sram_config.advActivePolarity = kSEMC_AdvActiveLow;//ADV# polarity //(SRAMCR0[ADVP])Don't care if not use ADV. sram_config.addrMode = kSEMC_AddrDataNonMux;//Non Mux mode(SRAMCR0[AM]) sram_config.burstLen = kSEMC_Nor_BurstLen1;//Burst length (SRAMCR0[BL]) sram_config.portSize = kSEMC_PortSize16Bit;//Port size 16bit (SRAMCR0[PS]) sram_config.syncMode = kSEMC_AsyncMode;// ASYNC mode (SRAMCR0[SYNCEN]) sram_config.waitEnable = true;// WAIT enable (SRAMCR0[WAITEN]) sram_config.waitSample = 0;// WAIT sample (SRAMCR0[WAITSP]) sram_config.advLevelCtrl = kSEMC_AdvHigh;// ADV# level control(SRAMCR0[ADVH]) //Don't care if not use ADV. sram_config.tCeSetup_Ns = 20;//CE#setup time[nsec](SRAMCR1[CES])Need tuning. sram_config.tCeHold_Ns = 20;// CE#hold time [nsec](SRAMCR1[CEH]) Need tuning. sram_config.tCeInterval_Ns = 20;//CE#interval time[nsec](SRAMCR2[CEITV]) Need //tuning. sram_config.readHoldTime_Ns = 20;//Read hold time[nsec](SRAMCR2[RDH])Only for //SYNC mode. sram_config.tAddrSetup_N s= 20;//ADDRsetup time[nsec](SRAMCR1[AS])Need tuning. sram_config.tAddrHold_Ns = 20;//ADDRhold time[nsec](SRAMCR1[AH]) Need tuning. sram_config.tWeLow_Ns = 20;//WE low time [nsec] (SRAMCR1[WEL]) Need tuning. sram_config.tWeHigh_Ns = 20;//WE high time [nsec] (SRAMCR1[WEH]) Need tuning. sram_config.tReLow_Ns = 20;// RE low time [nsec] (SRAMCR1[REL]) Need tuning. sram_config.tReHigh_Ns = 20;// RE high time[nsec](SRAMCR1[REH]) Need tuning. sram_config.tTurnAround_Ns = 20;//Turnaround time[nsec](SRAMCR2[TA])Need //tuning but don't set it to be 0. sram_config.tAddr2WriteHold_Ns = 20;//Address to write data hold time [nsec] (SRAMCR2[AWDH]) Need tuning. sram_config.tWriteSetup_Ns = 20;//Write Data setup time[nsec](SRAMCR2[WDS]) //Only for SYNC mode. sram_config.tWriteHold_Ns= 20;//Write Data hold time [nsec] (SRAMCR2[WDH]) //Only for SYNC mode. sram_config.latencyCount = 20;//Latency count[nsec](SRAMCR2[LC]) Only for //SYNC mode. sram_config.readCycle = 20;// read time[nsec](SRAMCR2[RD])Only for SYNC mode. sram_config.delayChain = 20;// typically not used in SRAM. (DCCR [SRAMXVAL], //DCCR [SRAMXEN], DCCR [SRAM0VAL], DCCR [SRAM0EN]) ​ These values are for reference and do not suggest the exact values for a specific SRAM. Initialize the SRAM device by IP command registers (IPCR0/1/2, IPCMD, and IPTXDAT) if needed.  Notes: -Configure independent timing for SRAM device 0 and device 1/2/3 -Configure SRAM device 0 timing with register SRAMCR0~SRAMCR3 -Configure SRAM decive1/2/3 timing with register SRAMCR4~SRAMCR6
A small project I worked on was to understand how RT1050 boot-up performs from different memory types. I used the LED_blinky code from the SDK as a baseline, and ran some tests on the EVKB board. The data I gathered is described below, as well as more detailed testing procedures. Testing Procedure The boot-up time will be defined as the time from which the processor first receives power, to when it executes the first line of code from the main() function. Time was measured using an oscilloscope (Tektronix TDS 2014) between the rising edge of the POR_B* signal to the following two points: FlexSPI_CS asserted (first read of the FlexSPI by the ROM)** GPIO Toggle in application code (signals beginning of code execution).*** *The POR_B signal was available to scope through header J26-1 **The FlexSPI_CS signal is available through a small pull-up resistor on the board, R356. A small wire was soldered alongside this resistor, and was probed on the oscilloscope. ***The GPIO pin that was used was the same one that connected to USER_LED (Active low). This pin could be scoped through header J22-5. TP 2, 3, 4, and 5 are used to ground the probe of the oscilloscope. This was all done in the EVKB evaluation board. Here are a couple of noteworthy points about the test ran: This report mostly emphasizes the time between the rise of the POR_B signal, and the first line of execution of code. However, there is a time between when power is first provided to the board and the POR_B system goes up. This is a matter of power electronics and can vary depending on the user application and design. Because of this, this report will not place a huge emphasis on this. The first actual lines of code of the application is actually configuring several pins of the processor. Only after these pins are executed, does the GPIO toggle low and the time is taken on the oscilloscope. However, these lines of configuration code are executed so rapidly, that the time is ignored for the test.   Clock Configurations The bootable image was flashed to the RT1050 in all three cases. Afterwards, in MCUXpresso, the debugger was configured with “Attach Only” set to true. A debug session was then launched, and after the processor finished executing code, it was paused and the register values were read according to the RT1050 Reference Manual, chapter 18, CCM Block Diagram.  Boot Configuration: Core Clock (MHz) * FlexSPI Clock (MHz) SEMC Clock (MHz) FlexSPI 130 99 SDRAM 396 130 99 SRAM 396 130 99 *The Core Clock speed was also verified by configuring clko1 as an output with the clock speed divided by 8. This frequency was measured using an oscilloscope and verified to be 396 MHz. Results The time to chip select pin represents the moment when the first flash read happens from the RT1050 processor. The time to GPIO output represents the boot-up time.   As expected, XiP Hyperflash boots faster than other memories. SRAM and SDRAM memories must copy to executable memory before executing which will take more time and therefore boot slower. In the sections below, a more thorough explanation is provided of how these tests were ran and why Hyperflash XiP is expected to be the fastest. Hyperflash XiP Boot Up Below is an outline of the steps of what we expect the Hyperflash XiP boot-up process to look like: Power On Reset (J26-1) Begin access to Flash memory (FlexSPI_SS0) Execute in place in flash (XiP) First line of code is exectuted (USER_LED) In MCUXpresso, the map file showed the following: The oscilloscope image is below:   SDRAM Boot Up The processor will bootup from ROM, which will be told to copy an application image from the serial NOR flash memory to SDRAM (serial NOR flash uses Hyperflash communication). The RT flashloader tool will let me load up the application to the flash to be configured to copy over memory to the SDRAM and execute to it.   It is expected that copying to SDRAM will be slower than executing in place from Hyperflash since an entire copying action must take place.   The SDRAM boot-up process looks like the following: Power On Reset (J26-1) Begin access to Flash memory (FlexSPI_SS0) Copy code to SDRAM Execute in place in SDRAM (FlexSPI_SS0) First line of code is executed (USER_LED)   In MCUXpresso, the map file showed the following:   In order to run this test, I followed these instructions: https://community.nxp.com/docs/DOC-340655. SRAM Boot Up For SRAM, a similar process to that of SDRAM is expected. The processor will first boot from internal ROM, and then go to Hyperflash. It will then copy over everything from Hyperflash to internal SRAM DTC memory and then execute from there.  The SRAM Boot Up Process follows as such: Power On Reset (J26-1) Begin access to Flash memory (FlexSPI_SS0) Copy code to SRAM Execute in place in SRAM (FlexSPI_SS0) First line of code is executed (USER_LED)   In MCUXpresso, the map file showed the following:   This document was generated from the following discussion: javascript:;