i.MX RT Crossover MCUs Knowledge Base

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i.MX RT Crossover MCUs Knowledge Base


i.MXRT1050 MCU supports 10M/100M Ethernet MAC. Nowadays, LAN8720A is a very common PHY used in many networking design. In this document, I will show you how to use LAN8720A with i.MXRT1050.  1. Schematic   In this design example,  ENET_RST  is connected to GPIO_AD_B1_04      ENET_INT is connected to GPIO_AD_B0_15      2. Source code modification In the i.MXRT1050 SDK, the source code files of the PHY are fsl_phy.c and fsl_phy.h. The registers of LAN8720A need to be added into the source code. Below is the registers of LAN8720A. The details can be found in the LAN8720A datasheet. ( The modified fsl_phy.c and fsl_phy.h are attached)   In the pinmux.c, modify the GPIO Mux setting of the ENET_INT and ENET_RST.   IOMUXC_SetPinMux(IOMUXC_GPIO_AD_B1_04_GPIO1_IO20, 0U);                                      IOMUXC_SetPinMux(IOMUXC_GPIO_AD_B0_15_GPIO1_IO15, 0U);                                      IOMUXC_SetPinConfig(IOMUXC_GPIO_AD_B1_04_GPIO1_IO20, 0xB0A9u);                                  IOMUXC_SetPinConfig(IOMUXC_GPIO_AD_B0_15_GPIO1_IO15, 0xB0A9u);                               This is the part of the source code to reset the PHY in the main() function. gpio_pin_config_t gpio_config = {kGPIO_DigitalOutput, 0, kGPIO_NoIntmode}; GPIO_PinInit(GPIO1, 20, &gpio_config); GPIO_PinInit(GPIO1, 15, &gpio_config); GPIO_WritePinOutput(GPIO1, 15, 1); GPIO_WritePinOutput(GPIO1, 20, 0); delay(); GPIO_WritePinOutput(GPIO1, 20, 1); For more example codes, please refer to the demo_apps/lwip in the i.MXRT SDK package. Reference: i.MXRT1050 web page : i.MX RT1050 MCU/Applications Crossover Processor | Arm® Cortex®-M7 @600 MHz, 512KB SRAM |NXP  MCUXpresso SDK web page : MCUXpresso SDK|NXP 
The path of SDRAM Clock in Clock Tree                 According CCM clock tree in i.MXRT1050 reference manual, we can abstract part of SDRAM clock, and draw it’s diagram below.   Descriptions for Diagram 1 (1) PLL2 PFD2                 ① Registers related to PLL2 PFD2 ---CCM_ANALOG_PLL_SYSn (page 767, in reference manual) Address: 0x400D_8030h important bits: bit[15:14]---- select clock source. Bit[13] ----- Enable PLL output Bit[0]------- This field controls the PLL loop divider. 0 - Fout=Fref*20; 1 - Fout=Fref*22. ---CCM_ANALOG_PLL_SYS_NUM(page 768, in reference manual) Address: 0x400D_8050h important bits: bit[29:0]--- 30 bit numerator (A) of fractional loop divider (signed integer) ---CCM_ANALOG_PLL_SYS_DENOM (page 769, in reference manual) Address: 0x400D_8060h important bits: bit[29:0]---- 30 bit Denominator (B) of fractional loop divider (unsigned integer).   ---CCM_ANALOG_PFD_528n (page 769, in reference manual) Address: 0x400D_8100h important bits: bit[21:16]----- This field controls the fractional divide value. The resulting frequency shall be 528*18/PFD2_FRAC where PFD2_FRAC is in the range 12-35.   ② Computational formula PLL2_PFD2_OUT=(External 24MHz)*(Fout + A/B) * 18/ PFD2_FRAC   ③ Example for PLL2_PFD2_OUT computation CCM_ANALOG_PLL_SYSn[0] = 1  // Fout=Fref*22 CCM_ANALOG_PLL_SYS_NUM[29:0] = 56  // A = 56 CCM_ANALOG_PLL_SYS_DENOM[29:0] = 256  // B=256 CCM_ANALOG_PFD_528n[21:16] = 29                       // PFD2_FRAC=29   PLL2_PFD2_OUT = 24 * (22 + 56/256)*18/29 = 331MHz (330.98MHz)   (2) Clock Select Register : CCM_CBCDR Address: 0x 400F_C014h important bits: SEMC_ALT_CLK_SEL & SEMC_CLK_SEL & SEMC_PODF bit[7] --- bit[SEMC_ALT_CLK_SEL] 0---PLL2 PFD2 will be selected as alternative clock for SEMC root clock 1---PLL3 PFD1 will be selected as alternative clock for SEMC root clock Bit[6] --- bit[SEMC_CLK_SEL] 0----Periph_clk output will be used as SEMC clock root 1----SEMC alternative clock will be used as SEMC clock root Bit[18:16] --- bit[SEMC_PODF] Post divider for SEMC clock. NOTE: Any change of this divider might involve handshake with EMI. See CDHIPR register for the handshake busy bits. 000 divide by 1 001 divide by 2 010 divide by 3 011 divide by 4 100 divide by 5 101 divide by 6 110 divide by 7 111 divide by 8 Example for configuration of SDRAM Clock   Example : 166MHz SDRAM Clock   ---- 0x400D8030 = 0x00002001 // wirte  0x00002001 to CCM_ANALOG_PLL_SYSn ---- 0x400D8050 = 0x00000038 // write 0x00000038 to CCM_ANALOG_PLL_SYS_NUM ---- 0x400D8060 = 0x00000100 // write 0x00000100 to CCM_ANALOG_PLL_SYS_DENOM ---- 0x400D8100 = 0x001d0000 // write 0x001d0000 to CCM_ANALOG_PFD_528n ---- 0x400FC014 = 0x00010D40 // write 0x00010D40 to CCM_CBCDR, divided by 2         NXP TIC team Weidong Sun 2018-06-01
In the SDK_2.7.0_EVKB-IMXRT1050, it contains some eIQ machine learning demo projects, there's the tensorflow_lite_kws among them. It's a keyword spotting example that is based on Keyword spotting for Microcontrollers and it deploys a deepwise separable convolutional neural network called MobileNet in this demo project. It can classify a one-second audio clip as either silence, an unknown word, "yes", "no", "up", "down", "left", "right", "on", "off", "stop", or "go". Figure 1 shows the components that comprise it. Fig 1 Training Our New Model The model we are using is trained with the TensorFlow script which is designed to demonstrate how to build and train a model for audio recognition using TensorFlow. The script makes it very easy to train an audio recognition model. Among other things, it allows us to do the following: Download a dataset with audio featuring 20 spoken words. Choose which subset of words to train the model on. Specify what type of preprocessing to use on the audio. Choose from several different types of the model architecture. Optimize the model for microcontrollers using quantization. When we run the script, it downloads the dataset, trains a model, and outputs a file representing the trained model. We then use some other tools to convert this file into the correct form for TensorFlow Lite. Training in virtual machine (VM) Preparation Make sure the TensorFlow has been installed, and since the script downloads over 2GB of training data, it'll need a good internet connection and enough free space on the machine. Note that: The training process itself can take several hours, be patient. Training To begin the training process, use the following commands to clone ML-KWS-for-MCU. git clone https://github.com/ARM-software/ML-KWS-for-MCU.git‍‍‍‍‍‍ The training scripts are configured via a bunch of command-line flags that control everything from the model’s architecture to the words it will be trained to classify. The following command runs the script that begins training. You can see that it has a lot of command-line arguments: python ML-KWS-for-MCU/train.py --model_architecture ds_cnn --model_size_info 5 64 10 4 2 2 64 3 3 1 1 64 3 3 1 1 64 3 3 1 1 64 3 3 1 1 \ --wanted_words=zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine \ --dct_coefficient_count 10 --window_size_ms 40 \ --window_stride_ms 20 --learning_rate 0.0005,0.0001,0.00002 \ --how_many_training_steps 10000,10000,10000 \ --data_dir=./speech_dataset --summaries_dir ./retrain_logs --train_dir ./speech_commands_train ‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍ Some of these, like --wanted_words=zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine. By default, the selected words are yes, no, up, down, left, right, on, off, stop, go, but we can provide any combination of the following words, all of which appear in our dataset: Common commands: yes, no, up, down, left, right, on, off, stop, go, backward, forward, follow, learn Digits zero through nine: zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine Random words: bed, bird, cat, dog, happy, house, Marvin, Sheila, tree, wow Others set up the output of the script, such as --train_dir=/content/speech_commands_train, which defines where the trained model will be saved. Leave the arguments as they are, and run it. The script will start off by downloading the Speech Commands dataset (Figure 2), which consists of over 105,000 WAVE audio files of people saying thirty different words. This data was collected by Google and released under a CC BY license, and you can help improve it by contributing five minutes of your own voice. The archive is over 2GB, so this part may take a while, but you should see progress logs, and once it's been downloaded once you won't need to do this step again. You can find more information about this dataset in this Speech Commands paper. Fig 2 Once the downloading has completed, some more output will appear. There might be some warnings, which you can ignore as long as the command continues running. Later, you'll see logging information that looks like this (Figure 3). Fig 3 This shows that the initialization process is done and the training loop has begun. You'll see that it outputs information for every training step. Here's a break down of what it means: Step shows that we're on the step of the training loop. In this case, there are going to be 30,000 steps in total, so you can look at the step number to get an idea of how close it is to finishing. rate is the learning rate that's controlling the speed of the network's weight updates. Early on this is a comparatively high number (0.0005), but for later training cycles it will be reduced 5x, to 0.0001, then to 0.00002 at last. accuracy is how many classes were correctly predicted on this training step. This value will often fluctuate a lot, but should increase on average as training progresses. The model outputs an array of numbers, one for each label, and each number is the predicted likelihood of the input being that class. The predicted label is picked by choosing the entry with the highest score. The scores are always between zero and one, with higher values representing more confidence in the result. cross-entropy is the result of the loss function that we're using to guide the training process. This is a score that's obtained by comparing the vector of scores from the current training run to the correct labels, and this should trend downwards during training. checkpoint After a hundred steps, you should see a line like this: This is saving out the current trained weights to a checkpoint file (Figure 4). If your training script gets interrupted, you can look for the last saved checkpoint and then restart the script with --start_checkpoint=/tmp/speech_commands_train/best/ds_cnn_xxxx.ckpt-400 as a command line argument to start from that point . Fig 4 Confusion Matrix After four hundred steps, this information will be logged: The first section is a confusion matrix. To understand what it means, you first need to know the labels being used, which in this case are "silence", "unknown", "zero", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", and "nine". Each column represents a set of samples that were predicted to be each label, so the first column represents all the clips that were predicted to be silence, the second all those that were predicted to be unknown words, the third "zero", and so on. Each row represents clips by their correct, ground truth labels. The first row is all the clips that were silence, the second clips that were unknown words, the third "zero", etc. This matrix can be more useful than just a single accuracy score because it gives a good summary of what mistakes the network is making. In this example you can see that all of the entries in the first row are zero (Figure 5), apart from the initial one. Because the first row is all the clips that are actually silence, this means that none of them were mistakenly labeled as words, so we have no false negatives for silence. This shows the network is already getting pretty good at distinguishing silence from words. If we look down the first column though, we see a lot of non-zero values. The column represents all the clips that were predicted to be silence, so positive numbers outside of the first cell are errors. This means that some clips of real spoken words are actually being predicted to be silence, so we do have quite a few false positives. A perfect model would produce a confusion matrix where all of the entries were zero apart from a diagonal line through the center. Spotting deviations from that pattern can help you figure out how the model is most easily confused, and once you've identified the problems you can address them by adding more data or cleaning up categories.                                                            Fig 5                                                             Validation After the confusion matrix, you should see a line like Figure 5 shows. It's good practice to separate your data set into three categories. The largest (in this case roughly 80% of the data) is used for training the network, a smaller set (10% here, known as "validation") is reserved for evaluation of the accuracy during training, and another set (the last 10%, "testing") is used to evaluate the accuracy once after the training is complete. The reason for this split is that there's always a danger that networks will start memorizing their inputs during training. By keeping the validation set separate, you can ensure that the model works with data it's never seen before. The testing set is an additional safeguard to make sure that you haven't just been tweaking your model in a way that happens to work for both the training and validation sets, but not a broader range of inputs. The training script automatically separates the data set into these three categories, and the logging line above shows the accuracy of model when run on the validation set. Ideally, this should stick fairly close to the training accuracy. If the training accuracy increases but the validation doesn't, that's a sign that overfitting is occurring, and your model is only learning things about the training clips, not broader patterns that generalize Training Finished In general, training is the process of iteratively tweaking a model’s weights and biases until it produces useful predictions. The training script writes these weights and biases to checkpoint files (Figure 6). Fig 6 A TensorFlow model consists of two main things: The weights and biases resulting from training A graph of operations that combine the model’s input with these weights and biases to produce the model’s output At this juncture, our model’s operations are defined in the Python scripts, and its trained weights and biases are in the most recent checkpoint file. We need to unite the two into a single model file with a specific format, which we can use to run inference. The process of creating this model file is called freezing—we’re creating a static representation of the graph with the weights frozen into it. To freeze our model, we run a script that is called as follows: python ML-KWS-for-MCU/freeze.py --model_architecture ds_cnn --model_size_info 5 64 10 4 2 2 64 3 3 1 1 64 3 3 1 1 64 3 3 1 1 64 3 3 1 1 \ --wanted_words=zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine \ --dct_coefficient_count 10 --window_size_ms 40 \ --window_stride_ms 20 --checkpoint ./speech_commands_train/best/ds_cnn_9490.ckpt-21600 \ --output_file=./ds_cnn.pb‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍ To point the script toward the correct graph of operations to freeze, we pass some of the same arguments we used in training. We also pass a path to the final checkpoint file, which is the one whose filename ends with the total number of training steps. The frozen graph will be output to a file named ds_cnn.pb. This file is the fully trained TensorFlow model. It can be loaded by TensorFlow and used to run inference. That’s great, but it’s still in the format used by regular TensorFlow, not TensorFlow Lite. Convert to TensorFlow Lite Conversion is a easy step: we just need to run a single command. Now that we have a frozen graph file to work with, we’ll be using toco, the command-line interface for the TensorFlow Lite converter. toco --graph_def_file=./ds_cnn.pb --output_file=./ds_cnn.tflite \ --input_shapes=1,49,10,1 --input_arrays=Reshape_1 --output_arrays='labels_softmax' \ --inference_type=QUANTIZED_UINT8 --mean_values=227 --std_dev_values=1 \ --change_concat_input_ranges=false \ --default_ranges_min=-6 --default_ranges_max =6‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍ In the arguments, we specify the model that we want to convert, the output location for the TensorFlow Lite model file, and some other values that depend on the model architecture. we also provide some arguments (inference_type, mean_values, and std_dev_values) that instruct the converter how to map its low-precision values into real numbers. The converted model will be written to ds_cnn.tflite, this a fully formed TensorFlow Lite model! Create a C array We’ll use the xxd command to convert a TensorFlow Lite model into a C array in the following. xxd -i ./ds_cnn.tflite > ./ds_cnn.h cat ./ds_cnn.h‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍ The final part of the output is the file’s contents, which are a C array and an integer holding its length, as follows: Fig 7 Next, we’ll integrate this newly trained model with the tensorflow_lite_kws project. Using the Model in tensorflow_lite_kws Project To use the new model, we need to do two things: In source/ds_cnn_s_model.h, replace the original model data with our new model. Update the label names in source/kws.cpp with our new ''zero'', ''one'', ''two'', ''three'', ''four'', ''five'', ''six'', ''seven'', ''eight'' and ''nine'' labels. const std::string labels[] = {"Silence", "Unknown","zero", "one", "two", "three","four", "five", "six", "seven","eight", "nine"};‍‍‍ Before running the model in the EVKB-IMXRT1050 board (Figure 8), please refer to the readme.txt to do the preparation, in further, the file also demonstrates the steps of testing, please follow them. Fig 8 Figure 9 shows the testing I did, I've attached the model file, please give a try by yourself. Fig 9
Introduction NXP i.MX RT1xxx series provide the High Assurance Boot (HAB) feature which makes the hardware to have a mechanism to ensure that the software can be trusted, as the HAB feature enables the ROM to authenticate the program image by using digital signatures, which can assure the application image's integrity, authenticated and undeniable. So the OEM can utilize it to make their product reject any system image which is not authorized to run. However, what's the trust chain of HAB for implementing the purpose? How the key and certificate generate In the installation directory of MCUXpresso Secure Provisioning:  ~\nxp\MCUX_Provi_v3.1\bin\tools_scripts\keys , there are scripts for generating keys: hab4_pki_tree.sh and hab4_pki_tree.bat (both are applicable to Linux and Windows systems respectively), running any of the above scripts will generate 13 pairs of public and private keys in sequence through OpenSSL, which constitute the below tree structure. Fig1 Key Tree structure The public key and private key generated by OpenSSL are paired one by one, saving the private key and publishing the corresponding public key to the outside world can easily implement asymmetric encryption applications. But how to ensure that the obtained public key is correct and has not been tampered with? At this time, the intervention of authoritative departments is required. Just like everyone can print their resume and say who they are, but if they have the seal of the Public Security Bureau, only the household registration book can prove you are you. This issued by the authority is called a certificate. What's in the certificate? Of course, it should contain a public key, which is the most important; there is also the owner of the certificate, just like the household registration book with your name and ID number, indicating that the book is yours; in addition, there is the issuer of the certificate and the validity period of the ID card is a bit like the issuer institution on the ID card, and how many years of the validity period. If someone fakes a certificate issued by an authority, it's like having fake ID cards and fake household registration books. To generate a certificate, you need to initiate a certificate request, and then send the request to an authority for certification, which is called a CA(Certificate Authority). After sending this request to the authority, the authority will give the certificate a signature. Another question arises, how can the signature be guaranteed to be signed by a genuine authority? Of course, it can only be signed with something that is only in the hands of the authority, which is the CA's private key. The signature algorithm probably works like this: a Hash calculation is performed on the target information to obtain a Hash value. And this process is irreversible, that is to say, the original information content cannot be obtained through the Hash value. When the information is sent out, the hash value is encrypted and sent together with the information as a signature. The process is as follows. Fig2 Signature and verification process Looking at the content of the certificate (as shown below), we will find that there is an Issuer, that is, who issued the certificate; The subject is to who the certificate is issued; Validity is the certificate period; Public-key is the content of the public key, and related signature algorithm. You will find that in order to verify the certificate, the public key of the CA is required. Then a new question arises. How can we be sure that the public key of the CA is correct? This requires a superior CA to sign the CA's public key, and then form the CA's certificate. If you want to know whether a CA's certificate is reliable, you need to see if the public key of the CA's superior certificate can unlock the CA's signature. Just likes if you don’t trust the District Public Security Bureau, you can call the Municipal Public Security Bureau and ask the Municipal Public Security Bureau to confirm its legitimacy of the District Public Security Bureau. This goes up layer by layer until the root CA makes the final endorsement. Through this layer-by-layer credit endorsement method, the normal operation of the asymmetric encryption mode is guaranteed. How does the Root CA prove itself? At this time, Root CA will issue another certificate (as shown below), called the Self-Signed Certificate, which is to sign itself with its own private key, giving people a feeling of "I am me, whether you believe it or not", Therefore, its format content is slightly different from the above CA certificate. Its Issuer and Subject are the same, and its own public key can be used for authentication. So the certificate authentication process will also end here. In this way, in addition to generating the public key and private key through running the script, the OpenSSL will also generate the certificate chain shown below.  Fig3 certificates Boot flow of the HAB mode Figure 4 shows the boot flow of the HAB mode. And steps 1, 2, and 3 are essentially the signature verification process. Fig4 Boot flow of the HAB mode The verification process (as shown in Figure 2) can be used to detect data integrity, identity authentication, and non-repudiation when the public key is trusted, so hab4_pki_tree.sh and hab4_pki_tree.bat scripts can ensure the generated public key and private key pair and the certificate are trusted, it's the "perfectly closed loop". However, the Application image in Figure 4 is plaintext, and the confidentiality of the data is not implemented, so the encrypted boot is always a combination of the HAB boot and the encrypted boot is an advanced usage of an authenticated boot. Reference AN4581: i.MX Secure Boot on HABv4 Supported Devices AN12681: How to use HAB secure boot in i.MX RT10xx  
There are two new LCD panels that are now available for i.MX RT EVKs: The original RK043FN02H-CT panel is being replaced with the newer RK043FN66HS-CTG panel, which will affect the following EVKs: i.MX RT1050 i.MX RT1060 i.MX RT1064   The original RK055HDMIPI4M panel is being replaced with the newer RK055HDMIPI4MA0 panel, which will affect the following EVKs: i.MX RT595 i.MX RT1160 i.MX RT1170   These changes are due to the previous panels being EOL by the LCD panel manufacturer. These new LCDs have the same dimensions and screen size as their original versions (4.3” 480x272 and 5.5” 720x1280 respectively) and the physical connections are the same. The version name can be found on the back of the LCD. However there are modifications to the software that may need to be made or else the LCD panel will be dark or blank when running MCUXpresso SDK demos on i.MXRT EVKs. This updated code is already available in the latest MCUXpresso SDK and SDK demos are configured by default to use the new panels.   For the i.MX RT1050/1060/1064 panel RK043FN66HS-CTG: The touch controller has changed and the SDK software has been modified to support the new touch controller. The LCD panel also has slightly different specs but the same code used for the original LCD panel will also work with the new LCD panel, so no change is necessary for display-only demos.  LCD demos are configured to support the new panel by default in the latest MCUXpresso SDK. So if you have the original panel you will need to change in the SDK code from      #define DEMO_PANEL  DEMO_PANEL_RK043FN66HS    //new panel (default SDK setting)           to       #define DEMO_PANEL  DEMO_PANEL_RK043FN02H     //older panel   For the i.MX RT595/RT1160/RT1170 panel RK055HDMIPI4MA0: Both the touch and display SDK software had to be updated to support this new panel. LCD demos are configured to support the new panel by default in the latest MCUXpresso SDK. So if you have the original panel you will need to change in the SDK code from:       #define DEMO_PANEL DEMO_PANEL_RK055MHD091    //new panel (default SDK setting)           to       #define DEMO_PANEL DEMO_PANEL_RK055AHD091    //older panel
1 Introduction RT1060 MCUXpresso SDK provide the ota_bootloader project, download link: https://mcuxpresso.nxp.com/en/welcome ota_bootloader path: SDK_2_10_0_EVK-MIMXRT1060\boards\evkmimxrt1060\bootloader_examples\ota_bootloader  this ota_bootloader can let the customer realize the on board app update, the RT1060 OTA bootloader mainly have the two functions: ISP method update APP Provide the API to the customer, can realize the different APP swap and rollback function ISP method is from the flashloader, the flashloader put the code in the internal RAM, when use it, normally RT chip need to enter the serial download mode, and use the sdphost download the flashloader to the internal RAM, then run it to realize the ISP function. But OTA_bootloader will put the code in the flash directly, RT chip can run it in the internal boot mode directly, each time after chip reset, the code will run the ota_bootloader at first, this time, customer can use the blhost to communicate the RT chip with UART/USB HID directly to download the APP code. So, to the ISP function in the OTA_bootloader, customer also can use it as the ISP secondary bootloader to update the APP directly. Then reset after the 5 seconds timeout, if the APP area is valid, code will jump to the APP and run APP. To the ota_bootloader swap and rollback function, customer can use the provided API in the APP directly to realize the APP update, run the different APP, swap and rollback to the old APP.    This document will give the details about how to use the ota_bootloader ISP function to update the APP, how to modify the customer application to match the ota_bootloader, how to resolve the customer APP issues which need to use the SDRAM with the ota_bootloader, how to use the ota_bootloader API to realize the swap and rollback function, and the related APP prepare. 2 OTA bootloader ISP usage Some customers need the ISP secondary bootloader function, as the flashloader need to put in the internal RAM, so customer can use the ota_bootloader ISP function realize the secondary bootloader requirement, to this method, customer mainly need to note two points: 1) APP need to add the ota_header to meet the ota_bootloader demand. 2) APP use the SDRAM, ota_bootloader need to add DCD memory  2.1 application modification OTA_bootloader located in the flash from 0x60000000, APP locate from 0x60040000. We can find this from the ota_bootloader bootloader_config.h file: #define BL_APP_VECTOR_TABLE_ADDRESS (0x60040000u) From 0x60040000, the first 0X400 should put the ota_header, then the real APP code is put from 0x60040400. Now, take the SDK evkmimxrt1060_iled_blinky project as an example, to modify it to match the ota_bootloader. Application code need to add these files: ota_bootloader_hdr.c, ota_bootloader_board.h, ota_bootloader_supp.c, ota_bootloader_supp.h These files can be found from the evkmimxrt1060_lwip_httpssrv_ota project, put the above files in the led_blinky source folder. 2.1.1 memory modification    APP memory start address modify from 0x60000000 to 0x60040000, which is the ota_bootloader defined address。 Fig 1 2.1.2 ota_hdr related files add   In the led_blinky project source folder, add the mentioned ota_bootloader related files. Fig 2 2.1.3 linker file modification In the evkmimxrt1060_iled_blinky_debug.ld, add boot_hdr, length is 0X400. We can use the MCUXpresso IDE linkscripts folder, add the .ldt files to modify the linker file. Here, in the project, add one linkscripts folder, add the boot_hdr_MIMXRT1060.ldt file, build . Fig 3 After the build, we can find the ld file already add the ota_header in the first 0x400 range. Fig 4 The above is the generated evkmimxrt1060_iled_blinky_ota_0x60040000.bin file, we can find already contains the boot_hdr. From offset 0x400, will put the real APP code. 2.2 ISP test related command Test board is MIMXRT1060-EVK, download the evkmimxrt1060_ota_bootloader project at first, can use the mcuxpresso IDE download it directly, then press the reset button, put the blhost and evkmimxrt1060_iled_blinky_ota_0x60040000.bin in the same folder, use the following command:   blhost.exe -t 50000 -u 0x15a2,0x0073 -j -- get-property 1 0 blhost.exe -t 2048000 -u 0x15a2,0x0073 -j -- flash-erase-region 0x60040000 0x6000 9 blhost.exe -t 5242000 -u 0x15a2,0x0073 -j -- write-memory 0x60040000 evkmimxrt1060_iled_blinky_ota_0x60040000.bin blhost.exe -t 5242000 -u 0x15a2,0x0073 -j -- read-memory 0x60040000 0x6000 flexspiNorCfg.dat 9 Fig 5 After the download is finished, press the reset, wait 5 seconds, it will jump to the app, we can find the MIMXRT1060-EVK on board led is blinking. This method realize the flash ISP bootloader downloading and the app working. The above command is using the USB HID to download, if need to use the UART, also can use command like this: blhost.exe -t 50000 -p COM45,19200 -j -- get-property 1 0 blhost.exe -t 50000 -p COM45,19200 -j -- flash-erase-region 0x60040000 0x6000 9 blhost.exe -t 50000 -p COM45,19200 -j -- write-memory 0x60040000 evkmimxrt1060_iled_blinky_ota_0x60040000.bin blhost.exe -t 50000 -p COM45,19200 -j -- read-memory 0x60040000 0x6000 flexspiNorCfg.dat 9 To the UART communication, as the ota_bootloader auto baud detect issues, it’s better to use the baudrate not larger than 19200bps, or in the ota_bootloader code, define the fixed baudrate, eg, 115200. 2.3 Bootloader DCD consideration Some customer use the ota_bootloader to associate with their own application, which is used the external SDRAM, and find although the downloading works, but after boot, the app didn’t run successfully. In the APP code, it add the DCD configuration, but as the ota_bootloader already put in the front of the QSPI, app will use the ota_hdr, which will delete the dcd part, so, to this situation, customer can add the dcd in the ota_bootloader. The SDK ota_bootloader didn’t add the dcd part in default. Now, modify the ota_bootloader at first, then prepare the sdram app and test it. 2.3.1 Ota_bootloader add dcd add dcd files   ota_bootloader add dcd.c dcd.h, these two files can be found from the SDK hello_world project. Copy these two files to the ota_bootloader board folder. From the dcd.c code, we can see, dcd_data[] array is put in the “.boot_hdr.dcd_data” area, and it need to define the preprocessor: XIP_BOOT_HEADER_DCD_ENABLE=1 add dcd linker code   Modify the mcuxpresso IDE ld files, and add the dcd range.    .ivt : AT(ivt_begin) { . = 0x0000 ; KEEP(* (.boot_hdr.ivt)) /* ivt section */ . = 0x0020 ; KEEP(* (.boot_hdr.boot_data)) /* boot section */ . = 0x0030 ; KEEP(*(.boot_hdr.dcd_data)) __boot_hdr_end__ = ABSOLUTE(.) ; . = 0x1000 ; } > m_ivt Fig 6 0x60001000 : IVT 0x6000100c : DCD entry point 0x60001020 : boot data 0x60001030 : DCD detail data add IVT dcd entry point   ota_bootloader->MIMXRT1062 folder->hardware_init_MIMXRT1062.c,modify the image_vector_table, fill the DCD address to the dcdc_data array address as the dcd entry point. Fig 7 Until now, we finish the ota_bootloader dcd add, build the project, generate the image, we can find, DCD already be added to the ota_bootloader image. Fig 8 DCD entry point in the IVT and the DCD data is correct, we can burn this modified ota_bootloader to the MIMXRT1060-EVK board. 2.3.2 SDRAM app prepare Still based on the evkmimxrt1060_iled_blinky project, just put some function in the SDRAM. From memory, we can find, the SRAM is in the RAM4: Fig 9 In the led_blinky.c, add this header: #include <cr_section_macros.h> Then, put the systick delay code to the RAM4 which is the SDRAM area. __RAMFUNC(RAM4) void SysTick_DelayTicks(uint32_t n) { g_systickCounter = n; while (g_systickCounter != 0U) { } } Now, we already finish the simple SDRAM app, we also can test it, and put the breakpoint in the SysTick_DelayTicks, we can find the address is also the SDRAM related address, generate the evkmimxrt1060_iled_blinky1_SDRAM_0x60040000.bin. If use the old ota_bootloader to download this .bin, we can find the led is not blinking. 2.3.3 Test result Command refer to chapter 2.2 ISP test related command, download the evkmimxrt1060_iled_blinky1_SDRAM_0x60040000.bin with the new modified ota_bootloader project, we can find, after reset, the led will blink. So the SDRAM app works with the modified ota_bootloader. 3 OTA bootloader swap and rollback OTA bootloader can realize the swap and rollback function, this part will test the ota_bootloader swap and rollback, prepare two apps and download to the different partition area, then use the UART input char to select the swap or rollback function, to check the which app is running. 3.1  memory map ota bootloader memory information. Fig 10 The above map is based on the external 8Mbyte QSPI flash. OTA bootloader: RT SDK ota bootloader code Boot meta 0: contains 3 partition start address, size etc. information, ISP peripheral information. Boot meta 1: contains 3 partition start address, size etc. information, ISP peripheral information. Swap meta 0: bootloader will use meta data to do the swap operation Swap meta 1: bootloader will use meta data to do the swap operation Partition 1: APP1 location Partition 2: APP2 location Scratch part: APP1 backup location, start point is before 0x60441000, which is enough to put APP1 and multiple sector size, eg, APP1 is 0X5410, sector size is 0x1000, APP1 need 6 sectors, so the scratch start address is 0x60441000-0x6000=0x43b000. User data: user used data area 3.2 swap and rollback basic Fig11  The APP1 and APP2 put in the partition1 and partition2 need to contains the ota_header which meet the bootloader demand, bootloader will check the APP CRC, if it passed, then will boot the app, otherwise, it will enter the ISP mode. Partition2 image need to has the valid header, otherwise, swap will be failed.   Swap function will erase partition2 scratch area, then put the partition1 code to the scratch, erase the partition 1 position, and write the partition 2 image to the partition1 position.   Rollback function will run the previous APP1, erase the partition 2 position, copy the parititon 1 image back to the partition 2, erase partition 1 position, copy partition 2 scratch image back to partition 1. 3.2.1 boot meta boot_meta 0: 0x0x6003c000 size: 0x20c boot_meta 1: 0x0x6003d000 size: 0x20c   OTA bootloader can read boot meta from the two different address, when the two address meta are valid(tag is 'B', 'L', 'M', 'T'), bootloader will choose the bigger version meta. If both meta is not valid, bootloader will copy default boot meta data to the boot meta 0 address.   Boot meta contains 3 partition start address, size information. SDK demo can call bootloader API to find the partition information, then do the image program.   Boot meta also contains the ISP peripheral information, the timeout(5s) information, the structure is: //!@brief Partition information table definitions typedef struct { uint32_t start; //!< Start address of the partition uint32_t size; //!< Size of the partition uint32_t image_state; //!< Active/ReadyForTest/UnderTest uint32_t attribute; //!< Partition Attribute - Defined for futher use uint32_t reserved[12]; //!< Reserved for future use } partition_t; //!@brief Bootloader meta data structure typedef struct { struct { uint32_t wdTimeout; uint32_t periphDetectTimeout; uint32_t enabledPeripherals; uint32_t reserved[12]; } features; partition_t partition[kPartition_Max];//16*4*7 bytes uint32_t meta_version; uint32_t patition_entries; uint32_t reserved0; uint32_t tag; } bootloader_meta_t;   3.2.2 swap meta Swap meta 0 : 0x6003e000, size 0x50 Swap meta 1 : 0x6003f000, size 0x50    OTA bootloader will read the swap meta from 2 different place, if it is not valid, bootloader will set the default data to swap meta 0(0x6003e000). If both image are valid, bootloader will choose the bigger version meta.    Bootloader will refer to the meta data to do the swap operation, sometimes, after reset, meta data will be modified automatically. It mainly relay on the swap_type: kSwapType_ReadyForTest :After reset, do swap operation. Modify meta swap_type to kSwapType_Test. Reset, as the meta data is kSwapType_Test, bootloader can do the rollback. kSwapType_Test : After reset, do rollback after operation, swap_type change to kSwapType_None.  kSwapType_Rollback bootloader will write kSwapType_Test to the meta, after reset, bootloader will refer to kSwapType_Test to do the operation.  kSwapType_Permanent After reset, modify meta data to kSwapType_Permanent, then the APP will boot with partition 1. Swap structure: //!@brief Swap progress definitions typedef struct { uint32_t swap_offset; //!< Current swap offset uint32_t scratch_size; //!< The scratch area size during current swapping uint32_t swap_status; // 1 : A -> B scratch, 2 : B -> A uint32_t remaining_size; //!< Remaining size to be swapped } swap_progress_t; typedef struct { uint32_t size; uint32_t active_flag; } image_info_t; //!@brief Swap meta information, used for the swapping operation typedef struct { image_info_t image_info[2]; //!< Image info table #if !defined(BL_FEATURE_HARDWARE_SWAP_SUPPORTED) || (BL_FEATURE_HARDWARE_SWAP_SUPPORTED == 0) swap_progress_t swap_progress; //!< Swap progress #endif uint32_t swap_type; //!< Swap type uint32_t copy_status; //!< Copy status uint32_t confirm_info; //!< Confirm Information uint32_t meta_version; //!< Meta version uint32_t reserved[7]; //!< Reserved for future use uint32_t tag; } swap_meta_t; 3.3 Common used API Bootloader provide the API for the customer to use it, the common used API are: 3.3.1 update_image_state   update swap meta data, before update, it will check the partition1 image valid or not, if image is not valid, swap meta data will not be updated, and return failure. 3.3.2 get_update_partition_info   get partition information, then define the image program address. 3.3.3 get_image_state   get the current boot image status. None/permanent/UnderTest 3.4  Swap rollback APP prepare Prepare two APPs: APP1 and APP2 bin file, and use the USB HID download to the partition1 and paritition 2. After reset, run APP1 in default, then use the COM input to select the swap and rollback function. Code is: int main(void) { char ch; status_t status; /* Board pin init */ BOARD_InitPins(); BOARD_InitBootClocks(); /* Update the core clock */ SystemCoreClockUpdate(); BOARD_InitDebugConsole(); PRINTF("\r\n------------------hello world + led blinky demo 2.------------------\r\n"); PRINTF("\r\nOTA bootloader test...\r\n" "1 - ReadyForTest\r\n" "3 - kSwapType_Permanent\r\n" "4 - kSwapType_Rollback\r\n" "5 - show image state\r\n" "6 - led blinking for 5times\r\n" "r - NVIC reset\r\n"); // show swap state in swap meta get_image_swap_state(); /* Set systick reload value to generate 1ms interrupt */ if (SysTick_Config(SystemCoreClock / 1000U)) { while (1) { } } while(1) { ch = GETCHAR(); switch(ch) { case '1': status = bl_update_image_state(kSwapType_ReadyForTest); PRINTF("update_image_state to kSwapType_ReadyForTest status: %i\n", status); if (status != 0) PRINTF("update_image_state(kSwapType_ReadyForTest): failed\n"); else NVIC_SystemReset(); break; case '3': status = bl_update_image_state(kSwapType_Permanent); PRINTF("update_image_state to kSwapType_Permanent status: %i\n", status); if (status != 0) PRINTF("update_image_state(kSwapType_Permanent): failed\n"); else NVIC_SystemReset(); break; case '4': status = bl_update_image_state(4); // PRINTF("update_image_state to kSwapType_Rollback status: %i\n", status); if (status != 0) PRINTF("update_image_state(kSwapType_Rollback): failed\n"); else NVIC_SystemReset(); break; case '5': // show swap state in swap meta get_image_swap_state(); break; case '6': Led_blink10times(); break; case 'r': NVIC_SystemReset(); break; } } } When download the APP, need to use the correct ota_header in the first 0x400 area, otherwise, swap will failed. const boot_image_header_t ota_header = { .tag = IMG_HDR_TAG, .load_addr = ((uint32_t)&ota_header) + BL_IMG_HEADER_SIZE, .image_type = IMG_TYPE_XIP, .image_size = 0, .algorithm = IMG_CHK_ALG_CRC32, .header_size = BL_IMG_HEADER_SIZE, .image_version = 0, .checksum = {0xFFFFFFFF}, }; This is a correct sample: Fig 12 Image size and checksum need to use the real APP image information, in the attached file, provide one image_header_padding.exe, it can input the none ota header image, then it will output the whole image which add the ota_header contains the image size and the image crc data in the first 0x400 range. 3.5 Test steps and result Prepare the none header APP1 evkmimxrt1060_APP1_0X60040400.bin, APP2 image evkmimxrt1060_APP2_0X60240400.bin, and put blhost.exe, image_header_padding.exe in the same folder. APP1 and APP2 just the printf version is different, one is version1, another is version2. Printf result: hello world + led blinky demo 1 hello world + led blinky demo 2 Attached OTAtest folder is used for test, but need to download the blhost.exe from the below link, and copy the blhost.exe to the OTAtest folder. https://www.nxp.com/webapp/sps/download/license.jsp?colCode=blhost_2.6.6&appType=file1&DOWNLOAD_ID=null Then run the following bat command: image_header_padding.exe evkmimxrt1060_APP1_0X60040400.bin 0x60040400 sleep 20 blhost.exe -t 50000 -u 0x15a2,0x0073 -j -- get-property 1 0 sleep 20 blhost.exe -u -t 1000000 -- flash-erase-region 0x6003c000 0x4000 sleep 50 blhost -u -t 5000 -- flash-erase-region 0x60040000 0x10000 sleep 50 blhost -u -t 5000 -- write-memory 0x60040000 boot_img_crc32.bin sleep 100 image_header_padding.exe evkmimxrt1060_APP2_0X60240400.bin 0x60040400 sleep 20 blhost -u -t 5000 -- flash-erase-region 0x60240000 0x10000 sleep 50 blhost -u -t 5000 -- flash-erase-region 0x6043b000 0x10000 sleep 50 blhost -u -t 5000 -- write-memory 0x60240000 boot_img_crc32.bin sleep 100 pause The function is to generate the APP1 with the correct ota_header, erase parititon 1,program APP1 to partition 1, generate the APP2 with the correct ota_header, erase partition 2 and scratch area, program APP2 to partition 2, Run the .bat file should in 5 seconds after reset, then use the ISP to connect it: blhost.exe -t 50000 -u 0x15a2,0x0073 -j -- get-property 1 0 ota_bootloader can use the ota_bootloader project download directly to the 0X60000000 area. After downloading, reset the chip, and wait for 5 seconds, the APP will run. This is the test result: Fig 13 From the test result, we can find, in the first time boot, APP1 running, image state: none Input 1, do the swap, will find the APP2 running, image state: undertest Input 3, select permanent, reset will find, still APP2 running, image state: permanent Input 4, choose rollback, reset will find APP1 running, image states: none Until now, finish the swap and rollback function. Input 6, will find the APP contains the SDRAM led blinky is working.          
This is the recording of the Crossover Code challenge Webinar presented on December 10.
i.MX RT6xx The RT6xx is a crossover MCU family is a breakthrough product combining the best of MCU and DSP functionality for ultra-low power secure Machine Learning (ML) / Artificial Intelligence (AI) edge processing, performance-intensive far-field voice and immersive 3D audio playback applications. Fig 1 is the block diagram for the i.MX RT600. It consists of a Cortex-M33 core that runs up to 300 MHz with 32KB FlexSPI cache and an optional HiFi4 DSP that runs up to 600MHz with 96KB DSP cache and 128KB DSP TCM. It also contains a cryptography engine and DSP/Math accelerator in the PowerQuad co-processor. The device has 4.5MB on-chip SRAM. Key features include the rich audio peripherals, the high-speed USB with PHY and the advanced on-chip security. There is a Flexcomm peripheral that supports the configuration of numerous UARTs, SPI, I2C, I2S, etc. Fig 1 Create a eIQ (TensorFlow Lite library) demo In the latest version of SDK for the i.MX RT600, it still doesn't contain the demos about the Machine Learning (ML) / Artificial Intelligence (AI), so it needs the developers to create this kind of demo by themself. To implement it, port the eIQ demos cross from i.MX RT1050/1060 to i.MX RT685 is the quickest way. The below presents the steps of creating a eIQ (TensorFlow Lite library) demo. Greate a new C++ project Install SDK library Fig 2 Create a new C++ project using installed SDK Part In the MCUXpresso IDE User Guide, Chapter 5 Creating New Projects using installed SDK Part Support presents how to create a new project, please refer to it for details Porting tensorflow-lite Copy the tensorflow-lite library to the target project Copy the TensorFlow-lite library corresponding files to the target project Fig 3 Add the paths for the above files Fig 4 Fig 5 Fig 6 Porting main code The main() code is from the post: The “Hello World” of TensorFlow Lite Testing On the MIMXRT685 EVK Board (Fig 7), we record the input data: x_value and the inferenced output data: y_value via the Serial Port (Fig 8). Fig 7 Fig 8 In addition, we use Excel to display the received data against our actual values as the below figure shows. Fig 9 In general, In general, it has replicated the result of the The “Hello World” of TensorFlow Lite Troubleshoot In default, the created project doesn't support print float, so it needs to enable this feature by adding below symbols (Fig 10). Fig 10 When a neural network is executed, the results of one layer are fed into subsequent operations and so must be kept around for some time. The lifetimes of these activation layers vary depending on their position in the graph, and the memory size needed for each is controlled by the shape of the array that a layer writes out. These variations mean that it’s necessary to calculate a plan over time to fit all these temporary buffers into as small an area of memory as possible. Currently, this is done when the model is first loaded by the interpreter, so if the area is not big enough, you’ll see a crash event happen. Regard to this application demo, the default heap size is 4 KB, obviously, it's not big enough to store the model’s input, output, and intermediate tensors, as the codes will be stuck at hard-fault interrupt function (Fig 11). Fig 11 So, how large should we allocate the heap area? That’s a good question. Unfortunately, there’s not a simple answer. Different model architectures have different sizes and numbers of input, output, and intermediate tensors, so it’s difficult to know how much memory we’ll need. The number doesn’t need to be exact—we can reserve more memory than we need—but since microcontrollers have limited RAM, we should keep it as small as possible so there’s space for the rest of our program. We can do this through trial and error. For this application demo, the code works well after increasing ten times than the previous heap size (Fig 12). Fig 12
One-stop secure boot tool: NXP-MCUBootUtility v1.0.0 is released Source code: https://github.com/JayHeng/NXP-MCUBootUtility 【v1.1.0】 Feature:   1. Support i.MXRT1015   2. Add Language option in Menu/View and support Chinese Improvement:   1. USB device auto-detection can be disabled   2. Original image can be a bootable image (with IVT&BootData/DCD)   3. Show boot sequence page dynamically according to action Interest:   1. Add sound effect (Mario) 【v1.2.0】 Feature:   1. Can generate .sb file for MfgTool and RT-Flash   2. Can show cost time along with gauge Improvement:   1. Non-XIP image can also be supported for BEE Encryption case   2. Display guage in real time Bug:   1. Region count cannot be set more than 1 for Fixed OTPMK Key case   2. Option1 field is not implemented for FlexSPI NOR configuration
The MIMXRT1050-EVK includes a CMSIS-DAP/DAP-Link interface that includes MSD drag and drop functionality for the HyperFlash on the board. The drag and drop programming functionality can be used to program applications compiled to execute-in-place (XIP) from the HyperFlash memory. In the early SDK versions for RT1050, the projects did not include the flash configuration block and IVT required to make a bootable image across all toolchains. Starting with the SDK 2.3.1 release, projects include XIP files that add this information to the project. This allows for programming a bootable application to the external flash memory directly from the debugger, so many customers might not even need to use the drag-and-drop programming feature any more. Because of the SDK changes, the DAP-Link application has also had changes: Early versions of the DAPLink firmware were setup to work with a raw application binary like those generated by the SDK 2.3.0 for toolchains other than the MCUXpresso IDE. These versions will take the raw application binary and prepend the flash configuration block for the HyperFlash/QSPI and an IVT to make a bootable image. Newer version of the DAPLink firmware are setup to work with a complete bootable binary like those generated by SDK 2.3.1 and later. These versions will not attempt to prepend a flash configuration block and IVT to the application, because these are assumed to already be present. The following table describes the versions of the DAPLink application that have been released. NOTE: the firmware can be updated on the board, so the version on a given board might not match what was originally programmed at manufacture time. The latest version of firmware can be downloaded from www.nxp.com/opensda Board Rev DAPLink MCU GIT SHA from details.txt file NOTE EVK_A2 MK20 34182e2cce4ca99073443ef29fbcfaab9e18caec DAPLink will add FCB and IVT EVK_A3-EVK-A5 MK20 853df431d81359e822f49363891f877f17d31efb DAPLink will add FCB and IVT EVKB_A MK20 853df431d81359e822f49363891f877f17d31efb DAPLink will add FCB and IVT EVKB_A1 MK20 853df431d81359e822f49363891f877f17d31efb DAPLink will add FCB and IVT EVKB_A1 MK20 b3435dbed0ba4f09680e49d2fcfdaab32c7a4c71 DAPLink will NOT add FCB and IVT To use the drag and drop programming: 1. Configure the board for serial downloader mode by setting SW7 to OFF-ON-OFF-ON.  2. Press SW3 to reset the processor. 3. Drag the application binary to the RT1050-EVK drive.  4. Put the board back in internal boot mode by setting SW7 to OFF-ON-ON-OFF. 5. Press SW3 to reset the processor and your application should boot.  There are some limitations to the drag and drop programming to keep in mind: - Only works for Hyperflash/QSPI XIP applications. Doesn't support copying the code from HyperFlash to another memory (like ITCM) for execution - Application initial stack pointer must be located in DTCM - Doesn't support DCD files The flashloader and ROM tools offer a second external memory programming method where the limitations above do not apply: https://www.nxp.com/downloads/en/initialization-boot-device-driver-code-generation/Flashloader_i.MXRT1050_1.0_GA.zip  Refer to AN12107 for more information: https://www.nxp.com/docs/en/application-note/AN12107.pdf?fsrch=1&sr=2&pageNum=1 
In the i.MXRT 1050 EVK web page, there is a very nice "Getting Started" page to show the videos and steps how to use the board. 1. Connect the board to your PC by a USB cable. 2. Build and download the SDK. a. In the SDK Builder web page, you can customize and download the specific SDK of your board. b. On the next page, you can select different OS and different IDE. Select "MCUpresso IDE" for Windows here. c. You can add the software component that you wanted. d. Request to build the SDK. e. When the build request has completed, the SDK is available for download under the SDK Dashboard page. - Download icon : Download the SDK - Rebuild icon : Rebuild the SDK with different setting - Share icon : Share the SDK to others - MCUConfigTool icon : Run the MCU Configuration Tool to configure the pinmux and clocks for your own design board. - Remove icon : Remove the SDK from the Dashboard. 3. Install the MCUXpresso IDE. a. Go to the MCUXpresso IDE weg page to download the IDE and then install it. 4. Build and run the example on EVK. a. Open the MCUXpresso IDE. Simply drag & drop the SDK zip file to "Installed SDKs" view. b. Import the SDK examples and then click "Next". c. Select the "hello_world" under the demo_apps. d. Click "Build" to build the demo. e. Execute the terminal software (e.g. PuTTY). The COM port of the console output can be found in "devices manager". The COM setting is 115200,8,N,1. f. Click the "bug" icon to start the debugging. g. Click "Resume All Debug Sessions" icon to run the demo. h. "hello world" print out in console. Reference: i.MXRT1050 web page ( Contain the datasheet, reference manual of the i.MXRT1050 processor) i.MXRT1050EVK web page ( Contain the user's guides of the i.MXRT1050 EVK) MCUXpresso IDE web page ( Contain the user's guides of the MCUXpresso IDE )
1.1 Introduction   RT-Flash is a GUI tool specially designed for i.MX RT production. Its feature is similar to MfgTool2, but it solves below limitaions of MfgTool2: The .sb file can only be specified in xml file; USB port is the only choice to download .sb file; Sometimes USB Hub is required to connect;   With RT-Flash, you can easily get started with NXP MCU secure boot. The main features of RT-Flash include: Support i.MXRT1015, i.MXRT1021, i.MXRT1051/1052, i.MXRT1061/1062, i.MXRT1064 SIP Support both UART and USB-HID serial downloader modes Support for loading .sb image file into boot device 1.2 Download   RT-Flash is developed in Python, and it is open source. The development environment is Python 2.7.15 (32bit), wxPython 4.0.3, pySerial 3.4, pywinusb 0.4.2, PyInstaller 3.3.1 (or higher). Source code: https://github.com/JayHeng/RT-Flash   RT-Flash is packaged by PyInstaller, all Python dependencies have been packaged into an executable file (\RT-Flash\bin\RT-Flash.exe), so if you do not want to develop RT-Flash for new feature, there is no need to install any Python software or related libraries. Note1: The RT-Flash.exe in the source code package is packaged in the Windows 10 x64 environment and has only been tested in this environment. If it cannot be used directly for system environment reasons, you need to install Python2.7.15 x86 version (Confirm that the directory "\Python27" and "\Python27\Scripts" are in the system environment variable path after the installation is completed), then click on "do_setup_by_pip.bat" in the "\RT-Flash\env" directory to install the Python library on which RT-Flash depends. Finally, click "do_pack_by_pyinstaller.bat" to regenerate the RT-Flash.exe. Note2: You must use Python2 x86 version, because RT-Flash uses the pywinusb library, which cannot be packaged by PyInstaller in Python2 x64 version. The pywinusb author has no plan to fix the problem. 1.3 Installation   RT-Flash is a pure green free installation tool. After downloading the source code package, double-click "\RT-Flash\bin\RT-Flash.exe" to use it. No additional software is required.   Before the RT-Flash.exe graphical interface is displayed, a console window will pop up first. The console will work along with the RT-Flash.exe graphical interface. The console is mainly for the purpose of showing error information of RT-Flash.exe. At present, RT-Flash is still in development stage, and the console will be removed when the RT-Flash is fully validated. 1.4 Interface
How to create RT AVB switch&endpoint platform 1. Abstract In the previous article, it talked about how to use a single-point RT1170 as a talker and a single-point RT1170 as a listener, and connect the two boards directly to implement AVB endpoint testing. However, in actual use, many applications are multipoint to multipoint, but AVB switch is required. Therefore, based on the previous article, this article adds another listener endpoint and AVB switch to implement an AVB platform with one talker and two listeners. Fig 1 The AVB switch can be a third-party AVB switch product. Of course, you can also consider using NXP's upcoming new product RT1180. This chip has AVB/TSN switch function, and our RT1180 supporting stack has also been released. 2. Platform creation This article will use two AVB switches to do AVB testing: one uses the NXP official MIMXRT1180-EVK as an AVB switch, and the other uses the third-party product MOTU's AVB switch. The endpoints use three NXP MIMXRT1170-EVK boards, one for talker configuration and the other two for listener configuration. For the configuration of RT1170 as endpoint, that is, talker and listener, you can refer to the previous article: RT1170 AVB fresh tasting Here you can directly start quickly, take the avb_app.bin prepared in the stack and burn it directly to MIMXRT1170-EVK for talker and listener configuration. Of course, if there are some customized functions that modify the source code, you can also refer to the above article to recompile, generate the avb_app.bin file and then burn it. 2.1 Software and hardware Hardware:       MOTU AVB SWITCH(switch)       MIMXRT1180-EVK*1(switch)       MIMXRT1170-EVK*3(1: talker, 2: listener), hardware need to be modified, refer to the previous document Software: RT1170 AVB/TSN stack: genavb_tsn-mcuxpresso-SDK_2_13_0-5_6_1: https://mcuxpresso.nxp.com/download/52643189c4d74a7b26b8e096ab28df0e RT1180 AVB/TSN stack: genavb_tsn-mcuxpresso-SDK_2_15_0-6_0_0 : https://mcuxpresso.nxp.com/download/c584c33a8d4f55c29b5505b9be8f537a   2.2 Configure RT1170 AVB endpoints Directly burn the files in avbstack: genavb_tsn-mcuxpresso-SDK_2_13_0-5_6_1\binaries\genavb-avb_audio_app-evaluation-freertos_rt1176-5_6_1.tar\genavb-avb_audio_app-evaluation-freertos_rt1176-5_6_1\release\avb_app.bin to the three MIMXRT1170-EVK development boards and enter the serial download mode to program: Fig 2 The three boards are burned with the same code. After burning, let the board enter the internal boot mode and configure the talker and listener through the serial port. After the code is burned successfully, the onboard serial port will keep sending log information. You only need to enter INSERT on the keyboard to enter the shell command line state. 2.2.1 1MIMXRT1170-EVK do the talker configuration cd .. ls mkdir avb_app write avb_app/mclock_role 0 mkdir avdecc write avdecc/btb_mode 0 mkdir fgptp write fgptp/gmCapable 1 mkdir port0 write port0/hw_addr 00:22:33:44:55:66 2.2.2 2 MIMXRT1170-EVK do the listener configuration cd .. ls mkdir avb_app write avb_app/mclock_role 1 mkdir avdecc write avdecc/btb_mode 1 write avdecc/talker_id 0x00049f4455660000 2.3 AVB Switch configuration     The following are two SWITCH configuration connections: 2.3.1 MOTU AVB Switch Use MOTU AVB switch as the AVB switch connection block diagram: Fig 3   The physical board connections are as follows: Fig 4 For the dedicated AVB switch, no specific configuration is required, because you can think of it as a switch with AVB function, which can realize the forwarding function of AVB data. You only need to connect the 1G network port of a talker and the 1G network ports of two listeners to the network port of MOTU AVB SWITCH. Then as long as the functions of the talker and the listener are normal, the entire audio transmission can be normal. The talker is responsible for collecting the audio data information of the microphone and then forwarding it to the two listeners for playback. Of course, the two listeners need to be connected to the speakers respectively. 2.3.2 RT1180 AVB switch For the configuration of RT1180 AVB switch, there are two methods: quick start and self-compilation. If there is no change in the source code, you can directly use the bin file that comes with the stack. Here you need to pay attention to select the correct bin file. RT1180 has two cores: CM33 and CM7 cores. The CM33 image supports the TSN/AVB bridge function, that is, the switch, and the CM7 image supports the TSN endpoint function.    MIMXRT1180-EVK contains multi-network ports, the situation is: Fig 5 Fig 6 Therefore, when using the AVB switch network port, you need to pay attention to using ENET0, 1, 2, and 3 ports. The connection diagram of using MIMXRT1180-EVK as the AVB switch network port is as follows: Fig 7 The actual connection diagram is as follows: Fig 8 To implement the RT1180 code, you need to download the RT1180 M33 TSN bridge code to the MIMXRT1180-EVK board. If the source code of the AVB/TSN stack does not need to be modified, you can use the ready-made bin file for testing: genavb_tsn-mcuxpresso-SDK_2_15_0-6_0_0\binaries\genavb-tsn_app-evaluation-freertos_rt1189_cm33-6_0_0\release\tsn_app.bin There are many ways to burn, you can use tools or command line methods. The tool can be MCUBootutility or the official SEC tool. Here we choose to use the MCUBootutility tool, download link: https://github.com/JayHeng/NXP-MCUBootUtility/releases/tag/v6.2.0 If you use the SEC tool to download, you can refer to the stack documentation: genavb_tsn-mcuxpresso-SDK_2_15_0-6_0_0\doc\ NXP_GenAVB_TSN_MCUXpresso_User_s_Guide_6_0_rev0.pdf, chapter 11 Flash Image booting. When use the MCUBootutility tool, it needs to do the modification: \NXP-MCUBootUtility-6.2.0\src\targets\MIMXRT1189 \MIMXRT1189\bltargetconfig.py Modify: #flexspiNorMemBase0 = 0x38000000 # CM33 Secure #flexspiNorMemBase0Ns = 0x28000000 # CM33 Non-Secure To: flexspiNorMemBase0 = 0x28000000 # CM33 Non-Secure flexspiNorMemBase0Ns = 0x38000000 # CM33 Secure Fig 9 Burn the tsn_app.bin to the RT1180 address 0x2800b000。 Let the MIMXRT1180-EVK board enter serial download mode,SW5:1-OFF,2-OFF,3-OFF,4-ON. Then, find another usb cable to connect J33 to do the code flash downloading. After the code is programmed, need to enter the internal boot mode for QSPI: SW5:1-OFF,2-ON,3-OFF,4-OFF. This completes the burning of the app with AVB switch function. This code does not need to enter the shell to configure the filesystem like RT1170. For the RT1180 bridge code, after burning, the switch function will be built-in after restarting. Of course, if you need to recompile your own project, you can directly refer to the stack documentation: NXP_GenAVB_TSN_MCUXpresso_User_s_Guide_6_0_rev0.pdf. If you use Linux system to compile, the method is the same as RT1170, three steps:      (1) Patch the AVB stack for the RT1180 SDK     (2)add two soft links to the RT1180 AVB stack, one for the board SDK and the other for the AVB SDK source code. The structure is as follows:   Fig 10    (3) At last, build ./ build_release.sh \genavb_tsn-mcuxpresso-SDK_2_15_0-6_0_0\genavb-apps-freertos-6_0_0.tar\genavb-apps-freertos-6_0_0\boards\evkmimxrt1180\demo_apps\avb_tsn\tsn_app\cm33\armgcc\ build_release.sh Then, it will generate the according tsn_app.bin file. 3. AVB network data packet analysis I have always wanted to check the AVB network data packets, so I thought of the following method to do it. I also found a general network switch that can package some of the network ports to specific network ports. This method is used here just to check the basic packets. In principle, the general switch does not have the AVB physical layer function, so it should have some impact on the synchronization function. However, due to the limitation of the equipment, this article only has a basic understanding of the AVB data packet structure. Prepare a switch with port mirror function: NETGERA plus switch ProSAFE GS105E. Then configure the switch to mirror the data of ports 2 and 3 to port 1: Fig 11 Then the entire AVB system connection diagram is as follows: Fig 12 The physical connection diagram is as follows: Fig 13 Open the entire system platform and let the system function run, that is, the talker endpoint has sound input and the amplifiers of the two listener endpoints have output. Open the wireshark software on the PC and capture the packets. The captured situation is as follows: Fig 14 As you can see, there are many AVTP packets, and there are two destination addresses. To analyze AVTP packets, you must first know what the standard AVTP packets are like. The standard packets have the following structure: Fig 15 Next, open the wireshark software, configure the network port to be captured, and compare the captured data packets: Fig 16 As you can see, the whole packet is basically captured, but the details, such as VLAN tag and IEC 61883 header, are not present. This is probably caused by the physical layer of ordinary switches cannot support AVB. However, the audio data above can still be seen, and it is indeed dual-channel, but the data is only transmitted through one channel. Therefore, for the RT1170 listener, although a dual-channel speaker is connected, the two speakers correspond to the left and right channels, but when listening, only one speaker channel has sound, and the other has no sound. This is consistent with the captured data packet. The source of this is that the stack code uses one channel for microphone acquisition, and although the audio is configured with two channels, there is actually only one channel with data. So far, the architecture and test of the AVB switch&endpoint platform have been realized. The test effect can be viewed in the video.    
How to load MDK RAM app to the RT1170 external flash 1. Abstract This guide is requested by our end customer, he wants to realize the MDK project RAM code download to the MIMXRT1170 external QSPI flash. So, based on the NXP RT1170 SDK, and the MIMXRT1170-EVK board, generate the MDK project, reallocate the app image, generate the image, and use the tool to download the code to the external flash. 2. App image prepare 2.1 Generate one SDK MDK standalone project Open the SDK_2_15_000_MIMXRT1170-EVK webpage: https://mcuxpresso.nxp.com/en/builder?hw=MIMXRT1170-EVK Download the SDK, and generate one MDK standalone project: Fig 1 Fig 2 After downloading, we will get the MIMXRT1170-EVK-iled_blinky_cm7.zip, which is the MDK project. 2.2 MDK project image reallocation As the RAM image is the none-xip image, normally to the IDE, can’t download to the flash directly, as the debug is in the RAM. If want to download to the flash, we can generate the app image, then use the tool to program it to the external flash. Normally, none-xip image, the IVT offset is 0X400, so we need to reallocate the image start address, here, we can use 0X2000 as the app entry address. Fig 3 ITCM default size is 256K=0X4000, so modify the linker file-> scf file like this: Fig 4 Now, to generate the hex and bin image file, which is used for the tool downloading. Fig 5 To build the bin file command: $K\ARM\ARMCC\bin\fromelf.exe --bin --output=debug\@L.bin !L Fig 6   Building, you can find the file in the folder: MIMXRT1170-EVK-iled_blinky_cm7\iled_blinky_cm7\debug Fig 7 2.3 MDK project debug after reallocation After the image reallocation, some customer may still need the MDK RAM project can do the debugging, here, also need to modify the debug .ini file. The Setup also need to change the SP, PC and Vector table offset register address. Fig 8 Then build and debug the code, we can find it can enter the ram image debug mode: Fig 9 3. App image download We can use the MCUBootUtility Tool to download the code: https://github.com/JayHeng/NXP-MCUBootUtility/releases/tag/v6.1.0 the related user manual is: https://github.com/JayHeng/NXP-MCUBootUtility Download the tool. MIMXRT1170-EVK enter the serial download mode by changing SW1: 1-OFF,2-OFF,3-OFF,4-ON Power off and power on the board again, find another USB cable to connect the J20 USB1 interface. Then, use the MCUBootutility to connect the board: Fig 10 After connection, select the MDK project generated .hex file: Fig 11 Press the All-in-One-Action button, to download the code, this is the downloaded result: Fig 12 Press the “Reset device” button to exit the tool. Then MIMXRT1170-EVK board change SW1: 1-OFF, 2-OFF, 3-ON,4-OFF Press the EVK on board reset button, SW4, you will find the LED is blinking, it means the MDK RAM project already download to the external QSPI flash, and boot OK.
This demo code shows how to synchronize the PWM signals with another internal timer or an off-chip source. It allows you to achieve slower PWM frequencies than those that can be achieved with internal clocks as well as that multiple modules and multiple chips can be synchronized to each other. The idea is the following: The QTMR generates a PWM signal (external clock signal) which is routed through the XBAR to clocking the eFlexPWM, and at the same, the external clock signal is routed to an IO PAD in the first MCU. In a second MCU, an IO PAD is routed through the XBAR to clocking the eFlexPWM (see Figure 1).   Figure 1     The demo code (only MCU1 part so far) can me tested using the SDK for EVKB-IMXRT1050 v2.14.0. Probe the PWM signals using an oscilloscope: - At J24-1  GPIO_AD_B0_03  XBAR1_INOUT17 (QTMR PWM signal) - At J24-6  GPIO_SD_B0_00  FLEXPWM1_PWM0_A - At J24-3  GPIO_SD_B0_01  FLEXPWM1_PWM0_B Please remember weld resistors 0Ω at R280 R281.
RT1170 Boundary Scan test based on lauterbach   1. Abstract Boundary Scan is a method of testing interconnections on circuit boards or internal sub-blocks of circuits. You can also debug and observe the pin status of the integrated circuit, measure the voltage or analyze the sub-modules inside the integrated circuit, and test based on the JTAG interface. NXP officials have provided two good application notes: AN13507 (LPC) and AN12919 (RT). Based on the reference application note test method, this article provides the boundary scan test results for NXP MIMXRT1170-EVK revC1. It can use Lauterbach to connect the chip and perform boundary scan to control the external pins. A script file is also provided. It can realize one-click connection to boundary scan and achieve level control of external pins. 2. RT1170 test details   2.1 Hardware platform Lauterbach:LA3050 MIMXRT1170-EVK rev C1: The hardware modification point is to remove the onboard resistors R187, R208, R195 and R78. The purpose is that J6 prohibits external circuits from interfering with JTAG related pins. Disconnect J5, J6, J7, J8, that is, disconnect the onboard debugger, and use an external Lauterbach connection to J1. The connection situation is as follows: Fig 1 RT1170 directly supports both SWD and JTAG by default, so unlike RT10XX which needs to modify the fuse to convert from SWD to JTAG, RT1170 can directly use the JTAG interface.   2.2 Software operation Download Lauderbach's supporting software and install it. After installation, open the TRACE32 ICD Arm USB. If the Lauderbach device is connected, the interface will open successfully. Fig 2 At this time, you can enter the relevant commands in the yellow box in the picture above. Here you need to prepare the .bsdl file of the chip, which is usually placed on the chip introduction page of nxp.com. For example, the link to the bsdl file of RT1170 is: https://www.nxp.com/downloads/en/bsdl/i.MXRT1170_BDSL.bsdl You can copy the i.MXRT1170_BSDL.bsdl file to the Lauderbach installation path: C:\T32 Next, enter the following command in the window to open the boundary scan window and the i.MXRT1170_BSDL.bsdl file: SYStem.Mode Down BSDL.RESet BSDL.ParkState Select-DR-Scan BSDL.state Here, it will open the window: Fig 3 Click FILE item, input the downloaded i.MXRT1170_BSDL.bsdl, then in the window.,input the commander: BSDL.SOFTRESET Fig 4 Click check->BYPASSall,IDCODEall,SAMPLEall, make sure the 3 methods can be passed. Fig 5 Fig 6 Fig 7 To test the output control situation, it need to do the following operation: BSDLSET 1.: instructions->EXTEXT, DR mode->Set Write, Fileter data->uncheck intern BSDL.state->Run: check SetAndRun, TwoStepDR, Click RUN. BSDLSET 1. Can control the related pins, eg, GPIO_AD_26 is on the on board D34 LED. 1 ON,0 OFF. Fig 8   2.3 Automation control command script As can be seen from Section 2.2, single-step operation requires manual typing of commands. In actual testing, the efficiency is very low, so scripting language can be used to directly implement automated command control. Below, taking RT1170 as an example, we provide a script to control the on-board D34 light on and off. In this way, when the TRACE32 software is opened, you only need to open the script directly, enter the debug mode, run it to the end with one click, and check the on-board light control status. Script language file, the suffix is .cmm, step: File->New Script, enter the following script command: ;system setup SYStem.Mode Down SYStem.CPU CortexM7 SYSTEM.CONFIG.DEBUGPORTTYPE JTAG SYStem.JtagClock 1MHz ;BSDL Settings BSDL.RESet BSDL.ParkState Select-DR-Scan BSDL.state ;configure boundary scan chain BSDL.FILE i.MXRT1170_BDSL.bsdl ;Check boundary scan chain BSDL.SOFTRESET BSDL.BYPASSall BSDL.IDCODEall BSDL.SAMPLEall ;Perform Sample test BSDL.RUN BSDL.SetAndRun ON BSDL.TwoStepDR ON BSDL.SET 1. BSDL.SET 1. IR EXTEST BSDL.SET 1. PORT GPIO_AD_26 0 WAIT 1.s BSDL.SET 1. PORT GPIO_AD_26 1 WAIT 1.s BSDL.SET 1. PORT GPIO_AD_26 0 WAIT 1.s BSDL.SET 1. PORT GPIO_AD_26 1 WAIT 1.s BSDL.SET 1. PORT GPIO_AD_26 0 WAIT 1.s BSDL.SET 1. PORT GPIO_AD_26 1 WAIT 1.s BSDL.SET 1. PORT GPIO_AD_26 0 WAIT 1.s BSDL.SET 1. PORT GPIO_AD_26 1 WAIT 1.s BSDL.SET 1. PORT GPIO_AD_26 0 WAIT 1.s BSDL.SET 1. PORT GPIO_AD_26 1 WAIT 1.s Function, the led will be blinking 5 times, duration is 1s. Save the script, then debug it. Fig 9 This is the video for the testing:   It can be seen that the onboard light D34 can automatically flash, indicating that the BSDL automatic test has been completed so far.          
RT1050 FlexIO OV7670 with TFT LCDdisplay 1 Abstract Regarding the RT10XX flexIO collecting OV7670 camera data and displaying it on TFT LCD, in fact, the NXP official website has a very good application note AN12686, but the test is based on RT1010 and not EVK. It may be difficult for actual customers to test directly. When the author was supporting customers, I encountered customers who wanted to implement flexIO on RT1050 EVK to collect parallel port OV7670 data and display it on TFT LCD, which is the LCD with SPI interface, so this article gives the specific test results of the finished product, RT1050 flexIO and There are some differences between RT1010 flexIO. RT1010 flexIO has 8 shifters, but RT1050 only has 4 shifters, so some code modifications need to be made and transplanted to RT1050. Since it is going to run on MIMXRT1050-EVKB, you also need to consider the flexIO pins that can be used, modify the EVKB, and manually weld the relevant pins to configure the corresponding camera signals and LCD display signals. This article mainly comes from problems encountered by customers during testing, so it provides specific hardware connections, software code sharing, test finished product results, etc. 2. Software and hardware prepare Since AN12686 has given the principle in great detail, this article aims to give the differences and the specific conditions of working on RT1050-EVKB. 2.1 Hardware configuration The platform is based on MIMXRT1050-EVKB revA1, OV7670 module, 2.4-inch TFT LCD LCD SPI serial touch TFT color screen ILI9321, with a resolution of 240*320.     For the OV7670 module status and pin status, please check the article:    RT1050 CSI OV7670 camera eLCD display The camera module pins are as follows: Fig 1    TFT LCD picture: Fig 2 Pin No Signal Description 1 GND Power ground 2 VCC Power 3.3V 3 CLK SPI clock 4 MOSI SPI data 5 RES LCD reset 6 DC LCD data/commander select pin 7 BLK Backlight control switch, backlight is turned on by default, low level turns off the backlight 8 MISO Touch data reading 9 CS1 Display selection pin 10 CS2 Touch selection pin 11 PEN Touch interrupt signal For LCD, this article only uses the display part and does not use the rough mold part. Considering the pin layout of MIMXRT1050-EVKB, the application note flexIO1 is not used here, but FlexIO2 is selected. The actual RT1050-EVKB and OV7670 module and LCD connection pins are given below. The connection between the LCD signal pin and the MCU MIMXRT1050-EVKB RevA1 signal pin is as follows: LCD signal and pin MIMXRT1050-EVKB revA1 signal and pin GND P1 GND J24_7 3.3V VCC P2 3.3V J24_8 CLK P3 GPIO_AD_B1_15(SPI3_CLK) R98 MOSI P4 GPIO_AD_B1_14(SPI3_MOSI) R99 RES P5 GPIO_AD_B0_02(GPIO1_IO02) J24_2 DC P6 GPIO_AD_B1_10(GPIO01_IO26) J23_1 CS1 P9 GPIO_AD_B1_12(GPIO01_IO28) R100   OV7670 signal pin and MCU MIMXRT1050-EVKB RevA1 signal pin connection situation: 0V7670 signal and pin MIMXRT1050-EVKB revA1 signal and pin OV7670_D0 P3 GPIO_B0_05(FLEXIO2_D05) SW5_1 OV7670_D1 P4 GPIO_B0_06(FLEXIO2_D06) SW5.2 OV7670_D2 P5 GPIO_B0_07(FLEXIO2_D07) SW5_3 OV7670_D3 P6 GPIO_B0_08(FLEXIO2_D08) SW5_4 OV7670_D4 P7 GPIO_B0_09(FLEXIO2_D09) SW6_1 OV7670_D5 P8 GPIO_B0_10(FLEXIO2_D10) SW7_1 OV7670_D6 P9 GPIO_B0_11(FLEXIO2_D11) SW6_2 OV7670_D7 P10 GPIO_B0_12(FLEXIO2_D12) SW6_3 XCLK P11 GPIO_B0_13(FLEXIO2_D13) SW7_2 PCLK P12 GPIO_B0_14(FLEXIO2_D14) SW6_4 HREF(HS) P13 GPIO_B0_15(FLEXIO2_D15) R258/R324 VSYNC P14 GPIO_AD_B0_03(GPIO01_03) J24_1 I2C_SDA P15 GPIO_AD_B1_01(I2C1_SDA) J23_5 I2C_SCL P16 GPIO_AD_B1_00(I2C1_SCLK) J23_6 PWDN P1 GPIO_AD_B1_02(GPIO1_IO18) J22_7 RESET P2 GPIO_AD_B1_03(GPIO1_IO19) J22_8 3.3V P18 3.3V J22_7 GND P17 GND J22_8 In order to reduce the impact of the signal, MIMXRT1050-EVKB removes R323, R316, R309, and D6 on the board. The physical connection situation is as follows: Fig 3 2.2 Software configuration Since the flexIO of RT1050 is different from the 8 shifters of RT1010, the DMA configuration needs to be modified. The difference code of flexio_ov7670 is as follows:   static FLEXIO_CAMERA_Type s_FlexioCameraDevice = { .flexioBase = BOARD_CAMERA_FLEXIO_INST, .datPinStartIdx = BOARD_CAMERA_FLEXIO_DATA_PIN_START_INDEX, .pclkPinIdx = BOARD_CAMERA_FLEXIO_PCLK_PIN_INDEX, .hrefPinIdx = BOARD_CAMERA_FLEXIO_HREF_PIN_INDEX, .shifterStartIdx = 0U, .shifterCount = 4, .timerIdx = 0U, }; static void configDMA(void) { uint32_t soff, smod = 0u, size=0u; while(1u << size < DMA_TRSF_SIZE) /* size = log2(DMA_TRSF_SIZE) */ { size++; } if(DMA_TRSF_SIZE == DMA_MINOR_LOOP_SIZE) { soff = 0u; } else { soff = DMA_TRSF_SIZE; while(1u << smod < DMA_MINOR_LOOP_SIZE) /* smod = log2(DMA_MINOR_LOOP_SIZE) */ { smod++; } } /* Configure DMA TCD */ DMA0->TCD[FLEXIO_CAMERA_DMA_CHN].SADDR = FLEXIO_CAMERA_GetRxBufferAddress(&s_FlexioCameraDevice); DMA0->TCD[FLEXIO_CAMERA_DMA_CHN].SOFF = soff; DMA0->TCD[FLEXIO_CAMERA_DMA_CHN].ATTR = DMA_ATTR_SMOD(smod) | DMA_ATTR_SSIZE(size) | DMA_ATTR_DMOD(0u) | DMA_ATTR_DSIZE(size); DMA0->TCD[FLEXIO_CAMERA_DMA_CHN].NBYTES_MLNO = 16; DMA0->TCD[FLEXIO_CAMERA_DMA_CHN].SLAST = 0u; DMA0->TCD[FLEXIO_CAMERA_DMA_CHN].DADDR = (uint32_t)(*pFlexioCameraFrameBuffer); DMA0->TCD[FLEXIO_CAMERA_DMA_CHN].DOFF = 8; DMA0->TCD[FLEXIO_CAMERA_DMA_CHN].CITER_ELINKNO = DMA_MAJOR_LOOP_SIZE; DMA0->TCD[FLEXIO_CAMERA_DMA_CHN].DLAST_SGA = -OV7670_FRAME_BYTES; DMA0->TCD[FLEXIO_CAMERA_DMA_CHN].CSR = 0u; DMA0->TCD[FLEXIO_CAMERA_DMA_CHN].CSR |= DMA_CSR_DREQ_MASK; DMA0->TCD[FLEXIO_CAMERA_DMA_CHN].BITER_ELINKNO = DMA_MAJOR_LOOP_SIZE; /* Configure DMA MUX Source */ DMAMUX->CHCFG[FLEXIO_CAMERA_DMA_CHN] = DMAMUX->CHCFG[FLEXIO_CAMERA_DMA_CHN] & (~DMAMUX_CHCFG_SOURCE_MASK) | DMAMUX_CHCFG_SOURCE(FLEXIO_CAMERA_DMA_MUX_SRC); /* Enable DMA channel. */ DMAMUX->CHCFG[FLEXIO_CAMERA_DMA_CHN] |= DMAMUX_CHCFG_ENBL_MASK; } The code structure adopts: the camera uses flexIO mode to collect DMA transfer. After collecting one frame, DMA stores the data into the buffer, and then displays one frame of data uniformly on the LCD. Since there are many configuration codes for flexIO OV7670 and LCD SPI, we will not explain them one by one here. Please check the attached code source code for details. There is a header file of horsepic.h in the code. This file is a 320*240 RGB565 picture of a horse. It is used to test the LCD display separately. Usually after connecting the LCD, you need to test the LCD display separately. You can use a fixed picture to get the display. , here is the method of converting the picture into a C array: First adjust the picture to the LCD resolution size, and then convert it through the LVGL online conversion tool, select CF_RGB565A8, but the RGB565 generated by this format will have 1 more byte each, you can do it yourself After deletion, it can be called by code: https://lvgl.io/tools/imageconverter Display horse picture code: convert8to16(); ILI9341_FillPic(0, 0, OV7670_FRAME_WIDTH-1u, OV7670_FRAME_HEIGHT-1u, (uint16_t *)(horse16)); Display result: Fig 4 3 Test result and summarize    About RT1050-EVKB, use flexIO to collect OV7670 data and display the situation through TFT LCD. Please check the video for the specific code situation. Check the attached source code. You can see from the video results that the flexIO OV7670 camera data can be successfully displayed and the code can successfully run the function.
  RT1050 CSI OV7670 camera eLCD display 1.Abstract OV7670 is a CMOS VGA image sensor with small size and low operating voltage. It is controlled by the SCCB bus and can output 8-bit image data of various resolutions with a frame rate of up to 30 frames/second and low cost. This article mainly implements the use of CSI on RT10XX to obtain OV7670 camera data, and displays it using the eLCDIF display module that comes with RT10XX. The camera and display use RGB565 format. The camera resolution configuration is QVGA 320*240, the LCD is NXP official EVKB matching LCD RK043FN02H, the resolution is 480*272, and the frame rate is 30FPS. This article is based on NXP official RT1050 SDK: SDK_2_14_0_EVKB-IMXRT1050\boards\evkbimxrt1050\driver_examples\csi\rgb565 Porting the OV7670 driver to implement the CSI method to collect OV7670 image data and display it on the LCD through the eLCDIF module   2. Principle explanation    Here is a brief explanation of relevant knowledge. 2.1 RGB565 Color mode As a basic color coding format for images, RGB565 refers to a pixel that occupies 2 bytes of data and is usually used in images and display devices. R red, G green, B blue, the actual display can obtain different other colors according to the configuration of the three primary colors. Each pixel bit can display 65536 (2^16) colors. The specific allocation is as follows:   Fig 1 From the above figure, we can know that the 2-byte data displayed in pure red, green and blue is: Red: 0xf800, Green: 0X07E0, Blue: 0X001F 2.2 OV7670 camera hardware and waveform situation The OV7670 module used is as follows: Fig 2 Pin situation No Signal Description 1 PWDN Power consumption selection mode, pull down for normal use 2 RET Reset port, pull high for normal use 3 D0 Data port output bit 0 4 D1 Data port output bit 1 5 D2 Data port output bit 2 6 D3 Data port output bit 3 7 D4 Data port output bit 4 8 D5 Data port output bit 5 9 D6 Data port output bit 6 10 D7 Data port output bit 7 11 XLK Clock signal input signal 12 PLK Pixel clock output signal 13 HS Horizontal synchronization signal output signal 14 VS Frame sync clock output signal 15 SDA SCCB Interface data control 16 SCL SCCB Interface clock control 17 GND GND 18 3.3V 3.3V power RGB565 output data timing: Fig 3 2.2 CSI frame synchronization signal timing waveform Fig 4 2.3 LCD display wave Fig 5 Therefore, the data of OV7670 is obtained through CSI and then stored in the buffer. The eLCDIF then retrieves the data from the buffer and displays it on the LCD screen to display the real-time collection and reality of the camera data. 3 Software and hardware realize    The test platform is based on NXP MIMXRT1050-EVKB revA1 version: https://www.nxp.com/design/development-boards/i-mx-evaluation-and-development-boards/i-mx-rt1050-evaluation-kit:MIMXRT1050-EVK LCD为:https://www.nxp.com/part/RK043FN02H-CT#/ 3.1 Hardware connection As can be seen from Figure 2, the universal module purchased is a 2.54mm direct plug mode, but the CSI interface used on the MIMXRT1050-EVKB board is an FPC interface, so an adapter board is required to switch from FPC to 2.54mm direct plug mode. The wiring diagram is as follows:    Fig 6 The actual overall hardware connection situation is as follows: Fig 7 3.2 Software prepare Regarding the SDK driver of OV7670, the RT SDK does not provide it directly, but the FRDM-K82 SDK provides relevant drivers that can be transplanted to the RT1050 SDK.       SDK version:SDK_2_14_0_EVKB-IMXRT1050\boards\evkbimxrt1050\driver_examples\csi\rgb565 The code replaces the original OV7725 code, replaces the relevant driver with the OV7670 driver, modifies the OV7670 code, matches it to the RT1050 CSI code, and adds IO signal control for OV7670 RST and PWDN. The reason for adding RST and PWDN control is that it was found Some modules, if the RST pin is not closed and delayed to open, will cause the problem of unsuccessful acquisition. However, with the addition of RST and PWDN control, currently OV7670 from different manufacturers can successfully acquire and display stably. For the specific OV7670 code, you can view the attached source code. The camera initialization code is as follows:   static void APP_InitCamera(void) { const camera_config_t cameraConfig = { .pixelFormat = kVIDEO_PixelFormatRGB565, .bytesPerPixel = APP_BPP, .resolution = FSL_VIDEO_RESOLUTION(320, 240), /* Set the camera buffer stride according to panel, so that if * camera resoution is smaller than display, it can still be shown * correct in the screen. */ .frameBufferLinePitch_Bytes = DEMO_BUFFER_WIDTH * APP_BPP, .interface = kCAMERA_InterfaceGatedClock, .controlFlags = DEMO_CAMERA_CONTROL_FLAGS, .framePerSec = 30, }; memset(s_frameBuffer, 0, sizeof(s_frameBuffer)); BOARD_InitCameraResource(); CAMERA_RECEIVER_Init(&cameraReceiver, &cameraConfig, NULL, NULL); if (kStatus_Success != CAMERA_DEVICE_Init(&cameraDevice, &cameraConfig)) { PRINTF("Camera device initialization failed\r\n"); while (1) { ; } } CAMERA_DEVICE_Start(&cameraDevice); /* Submit the empty frame buffers to buffer queue. */ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < APP_FRAME_BUFFER_COUNT; i++) { CAMERA_RECEIVER_SubmitEmptyBuffer(&cameraReceiver, (uint32_t)(s_frameBuffer[i])); } } The resolution here is QVGA 320*240, which does not match the 480*272 of the LCD, but it does not matter. In fact, the size of 320*240 is displayed in the LCD. If you want to display it to 480*272, you can also configure the size through PXP. For more code details, see the attached code package. 4. Summary This article aims to provide a demo of RT OV7670 CSI+eLCDIF acquisition and display. let’s go directly to the finished product effect video. You can see that the relative display is relatively clear, and the refresh effect is also good.
RT10XX RT-UFL modification for QSPI QE and DQS factor 1. Abstract Recently, a customer used a QSPI flash (Puya simi P25Q16H) as XIP memory in the RT1050 project, but always encountered the phenomenon that the first time download failed, the download succeeded again after powering on again, and the app could run. To the program algorithm, they use the RT-UFL. After analysis, this situation is usually related to the fact that the QE of the new QSPI flash is not enabled. Therefore, based on the QE position of the QSPI flash used by the customer, the author specially enabled the corresponding QE in the SDK flexspi_nor_polling_transfer code, let the customer try to run it in RAM to check whether still have the program issues after enabling QE in the new QSPI flash. However, the customer even can’t run flexspi_nor_polling_transfer project. According to the customer's previous description, the hardware can run RAM code, and the first flash download does not work, but it can run after re-downloading, so the hardware works. Based on the phenomenon, it is initially speculated that the new problem may be related to FlexSPI DQS being occupied. Under normal circumstances, it is recommended to leave FlexSPI DQS floating. Because the project flexSPI frequency given to customers is 120Mhz, if DQS is used, the internal sampling clock source of FlexSPI read data is: Read strobe provided by memory device and input from DQS pad. This method will have problems. So asked the customer to confirm the hardware again. The result is DQS is used as a control pin for other circuits on the customer's board. Usually there are two points to note in this situation: First, the FlexSPI clock is controlled within 60MHz. Second, the internal sampling clock source configuration of FlexSPI read data is: Dummy read strobe generated by FlexSPI controller and looped back internally (FlexSPIn_MCR0[RXCLKSRC] = 0x0)      Therefore, this article focuses on how to prepare the test code for the corresponding QE position based on the QSPI flash used by the customer, consider the operation when DQS is enabled, modify and test the RT-UFL downloading algorithm. 2. Hardware and software prepare To reproduce the customer issues, need to prepare the related software, hardware, and the flash programming flashdriver, and the code for testing the QE situation. 2.1 Hardware prepare MIMXRT1050-EVKB, modify the on board resistor, from the default hyperflash to QSPI flash. The modification points: USE QSPI FLASH(Mount R153~R158, DNP R356,R361~R366)。 Remove the on board U33 ISSI QSPI flash, burn the new QSPI flash with customer used Puya simi P25Q16H. Customer is using JLINK, so prepare JLINK plus for downloading. 2.2 flexspi_nor_polling_transfer software prepare SDK2.14.0 code:flexspi_nor_polling_transfer, used to test the QE situation. App project: led_blinky RT-UFL program algorithm code: https://github.com/JayHeng/RT-UFL JLINK driver: used JLINKV768B, higher version is also OK. 2.2.1 P25Q16H QE position Fig 1    We can see, it is still the typical Status register bit 9. The related LUT write and read commander is: Fig 2 We can see that for writing, it is command 0X01, and 2 consecutive bytes need to be written. But for the read command, the commands for the two status register bytes are separate. So you need to pay attention to this when operating the QE bit. 2.2.2 flexspi_nor_polling_transfer code prepare This code is mainly used to test the QE enablement and disabling, and the erase, write and read functions of external flash. The code modification points include: modifying the LUT command to comply with P25Q16H; adding QE read, write and erase functions; modifying the frequency of flexSPI and the situation of DQS loopback internal. The relevant code is as follows: LUT related commander: flexspi_nor_polling_transfer.c const uint32_t customLUT[CUSTOM_LUT_LENGTH] = { /* Normal read mode -SDR */ [4 * NOR_CMD_LUT_SEQ_IDX_READ_NORMAL] = FLEXSPI_LUT_SEQ(kFLEXSPI_Command_SDR, kFLEXSPI_1PAD, 0x03, kFLEXSPI_Command_RADDR_SDR, kFLEXSPI_1PAD, 0x18), [4 * NOR_CMD_LUT_SEQ_IDX_READ_NORMAL + 1] = FLEXSPI_LUT_SEQ(kFLEXSPI_Command_READ_SDR, kFLEXSPI_1PAD, 0x04, kFLEXSPI_Command_STOP, kFLEXSPI_1PAD, 0), /* Fast read mode - SDR */ [4 * NOR_CMD_LUT_SEQ_IDX_READ_FAST] = FLEXSPI_LUT_SEQ(kFLEXSPI_Command_SDR, kFLEXSPI_1PAD, 0x0B, kFLEXSPI_Command_RADDR_SDR, kFLEXSPI_1PAD, 0x18), [4 * NOR_CMD_LUT_SEQ_IDX_READ_FAST + 1] = FLEXSPI_LUT_SEQ( kFLEXSPI_Command_DUMMY_SDR, kFLEXSPI_1PAD, 0x08, kFLEXSPI_Command_READ_SDR, kFLEXSPI_1PAD, 0x04), /* Fast read quad mode - SDR */ [4 * NOR_CMD_LUT_SEQ_IDX_READ_FAST_QUAD] = FLEXSPI_LUT_SEQ(kFLEXSPI_Command_SDR, kFLEXSPI_1PAD, 0xEB, kFLEXSPI_Command_RADDR_SDR, kFLEXSPI_4PAD, 0x18), [4 * NOR_CMD_LUT_SEQ_IDX_READ_FAST_QUAD + 1] = FLEXSPI_LUT_SEQ( kFLEXSPI_Command_DUMMY_SDR, kFLEXSPI_4PAD, 0x06, kFLEXSPI_Command_READ_SDR, kFLEXSPI_4PAD, 0x04), /* Read extend parameters */ [4 * NOR_CMD_LUT_SEQ_IDX_READSTATUS] = FLEXSPI_LUT_SEQ(kFLEXSPI_Command_SDR, kFLEXSPI_1PAD, 0x81, kFLEXSPI_Command_READ_SDR, kFLEXSPI_1PAD, 0x04), /* Write Enable */ [4 * NOR_CMD_LUT_SEQ_IDX_WRITEENABLE] = FLEXSPI_LUT_SEQ(kFLEXSPI_Command_SDR, kFLEXSPI_1PAD, 0x06, kFLEXSPI_Command_STOP, kFLEXSPI_1PAD, 0), /* Erase Sector */ [4 * NOR_CMD_LUT_SEQ_IDX_ERASESECTOR] = FLEXSPI_LUT_SEQ(kFLEXSPI_Command_SDR, kFLEXSPI_1PAD, 0x20, kFLEXSPI_Command_RADDR_SDR, kFLEXSPI_1PAD, 0x18),//0xD7 /* Page Program - single mode */ [4 * NOR_CMD_LUT_SEQ_IDX_PAGEPROGRAM_SINGLE] = FLEXSPI_LUT_SEQ(kFLEXSPI_Command_SDR, kFLEXSPI_1PAD, 0x02, kFLEXSPI_Command_RADDR_SDR, kFLEXSPI_1PAD, 0x18), [4 * NOR_CMD_LUT_SEQ_IDX_PAGEPROGRAM_SINGLE + 1] = FLEXSPI_LUT_SEQ(kFLEXSPI_Command_WRITE_SDR, kFLEXSPI_1PAD, 0x04, kFLEXSPI_Command_STOP, kFLEXSPI_1PAD, 0), /* Page Program - quad mode */ [4 * NOR_CMD_LUT_SEQ_IDX_PAGEPROGRAM_QUAD] = FLEXSPI_LUT_SEQ(kFLEXSPI_Command_SDR, kFLEXSPI_1PAD, 0x32, kFLEXSPI_Command_RADDR_SDR, kFLEXSPI_1PAD, 0x18), [4 * NOR_CMD_LUT_SEQ_IDX_PAGEPROGRAM_QUAD + 1] = FLEXSPI_LUT_SEQ(kFLEXSPI_Command_WRITE_SDR, kFLEXSPI_4PAD, 0x04, kFLEXSPI_Command_STOP, kFLEXSPI_1PAD, 0), /* Read ID */ [4 * NOR_CMD_LUT_SEQ_IDX_READID] = FLEXSPI_LUT_SEQ(kFLEXSPI_Command_SDR, kFLEXSPI_1PAD, 0x9F, kFLEXSPI_Command_READ_SDR, kFLEXSPI_1PAD, 0x04), /* Enable Quad mode */ [4 * NOR_CMD_LUT_SEQ_IDX_WRITESTATUSREG] = FLEXSPI_LUT_SEQ(kFLEXSPI_Command_SDR, kFLEXSPI_1PAD, 0x01, kFLEXSPI_Command_WRITE_SDR, kFLEXSPI_1PAD, 0x04), /* Enter QPI mode */ [4 * NOR_CMD_LUT_SEQ_IDX_ENTERQPI] = FLEXSPI_LUT_SEQ(kFLEXSPI_Command_SDR, kFLEXSPI_1PAD, 0x35, kFLEXSPI_Command_STOP, kFLEXSPI_1PAD, 0), /* Exit QPI mode */ [4 * NOR_CMD_LUT_SEQ_IDX_EXITQPI] = FLEXSPI_LUT_SEQ(kFLEXSPI_Command_SDR, kFLEXSPI_4PAD, 0xF5, kFLEXSPI_Command_STOP, kFLEXSPI_1PAD, 0), /* Read status register */ [4 * NOR_CMD_LUT_SEQ_IDX_READSTATUSREG] = FLEXSPI_LUT_SEQ(kFLEXSPI_Command_SDR, kFLEXSPI_1PAD, 0x05, kFLEXSPI_Command_READ_SDR, kFLEXSPI_1PAD, 0x04), /* Read status register */ [4 * NOR_CMD_LUT_SEQ_IDX_READSTATUSREG1] = FLEXSPI_LUT_SEQ(kFLEXSPI_Command_SDR, kFLEXSPI_1PAD, 0x35, kFLEXSPI_Command_READ_SDR, kFLEXSPI_1PAD, 0x04), /* Erase whole chip */ [4 * NOR_CMD_LUT_SEQ_IDX_ERASECHIP] = FLEXSPI_LUT_SEQ(kFLEXSPI_Command_SDR, kFLEXSPI_1PAD, 0xC7, kFLEXSPI_Command_STOP, kFLEXSPI_1PAD, 0),//0xC7 }; flexspi_nor_flash_ops.c: QE read and write status_t flexspi_nor_enable_quad_mode(FLEXSPI_Type *base) { flexspi_transfer_t flashXfer; status_t status; uint32_t writeValue = FLASH_QUAD_ENABLE; #if defined(CACHE_MAINTAIN) && CACHE_MAINTAIN flexspi_cache_status_t cacheStatus; flexspi_nor_disable_cache(&cacheStatus); #endif /* Write enable */ status = flexspi_nor_write_enable(base, 0); if (status != kStatus_Success) { return status; } /* Enable quad mode. */ flashXfer.deviceAddress = 0; flashXfer.port = FLASH_PORT; flashXfer.cmdType = kFLEXSPI_Write; flashXfer.SeqNumber = 1; flashXfer.seqIndex = NOR_CMD_LUT_SEQ_IDX_WRITESTATUSREG; flashXfer.data = &writeValue; flashXfer.dataSize = writeValue <= 0xFFU ? 1 : 2; status = FLEXSPI_TransferBlocking(base, &flashXfer); if (status != kStatus_Success) { return status; } status = flexspi_nor_wait_bus_busy(base); /* Do software reset. */ FLEXSPI_SoftwareReset(base); #if defined(CACHE_MAINTAIN) && CACHE_MAINTAIN flexspi_nor_enable_cache(cacheStatus); #endif return status; } status_t flexspi_nor_disable_quad_mode(FLEXSPI_Type *base) { flexspi_transfer_t flashXfer; status_t status; uint32_t writeValue = 0x0;//FLASH_QUAD_ENABLE; #if defined(CACHE_MAINTAIN) && CACHE_MAINTAIN flexspi_cache_status_t cacheStatus; flexspi_nor_disable_cache(&cacheStatus); #endif /* Write enable */ status = flexspi_nor_write_enable(base, 0); if (status != kStatus_Success) { return status; } /* Enable quad mode. */ flashXfer.deviceAddress = 0; flashXfer.port = FLASH_PORT; flashXfer.cmdType = kFLEXSPI_Write; flashXfer.SeqNumber = 1; flashXfer.seqIndex = NOR_CMD_LUT_SEQ_IDX_WRITESTATUSREG; flashXfer.data = &writeValue; flashXfer.dataSize = 2; status = FLEXSPI_TransferBlocking(base, &flashXfer); if (status != kStatus_Success) { return status; } status = flexspi_nor_wait_bus_busy(base); /* Do software reset. */ FLEXSPI_SoftwareReset(base); #if defined(CACHE_MAINTAIN) && CACHE_MAINTAIN flexspi_nor_enable_cache(cacheStatus); #endif return status; } status_t flexspi_nor_QE_register(FLEXSPI_Type *base, uint32_t *QEvalue) { /* Wait status ready. */ bool isBusy; uint32_t readValue; status_t status; flexspi_transfer_t flashXfer; flashXfer.deviceAddress = 0; flashXfer.port = FLASH_PORT; flashXfer.cmdType = kFLEXSPI_Read; flashXfer.SeqNumber = 1; flashXfer.seqIndex = NOR_CMD_LUT_SEQ_IDX_READSTATUSREG1; flashXfer.data = &readValue; flashXfer.dataSize = 1; do { status = FLEXSPI_TransferBlocking(base, &flashXfer); if (status != kStatus_Success) { return status; } if (FLASH_BUSY_STATUS_POL) { if (readValue & (1U << FLASH_BUSY_STATUS_OFFSET)) { isBusy = true; } else { isBusy = false; } } else { if (readValue & (1U << FLASH_BUSY_STATUS_OFFSET)) { isBusy = false; } else { isBusy = true; } } *QEvalue = readValue; } while (isBusy); return status; } QE position:App.h #define FLASH_QUAD_ENABLE 0X0200 QE operation:flexspi_nor_polling_transfer.c PRINTF("Get the QE bit value before QE enable!\r\n"); uint32_t QEvalue=0; status = flexspi_nor_QE_register(EXAMPLE_FLEXSPI, &QEvalue); if (status != kStatus_Success) { return status; } PRINTF("QE=%X!\r\n",(uint8_t)QEvalue); #if 1 status = flexspi_nor_disable_quad_mode(EXAMPLE_FLEXSPI); if (status != kStatus_Success) { return status; } PRINTF("Get the QE bit value after QE disable!\r\n"); status = flexspi_nor_QE_register(EXAMPLE_FLEXSPI, &QEvalue); if (status != kStatus_Success) { return status; } PRINTF("QE=%X!\r\n",(uint8_t)QEvalue); #endif PRINTF("Enable the QE bit value !\r\n"); /* Enter quad mode. */ status = flexspi_nor_enable_quad_mode(EXAMPLE_FLEXSPI); if (status != kStatus_Success) { return status; } status = flexspi_nor_QE_register(EXAMPLE_FLEXSPI, &QEvalue); if (status != kStatus_Success) { return status; } PRINTF("QE=%X!\r\n",(uint8_t)QEvalue); FlexSPI frequency modification:flexspi_nor_polling_transfer.c,app.h flexspi_device_config_t deviceconfig = { .flexspiRootClk = 60000000, .flashSize = FLASH_SIZE, .CSIntervalUnit = kFLEXSPI_CsIntervalUnit1SckCycle, .CSInterval = 2, .CSHoldTime = 3, .CSSetupTime = 3, .dataValidTime = 0, .columnspace = 0, .enableWordAddress = 0, .AWRSeqIndex = 0, .AWRSeqNumber = 0, .ARDSeqIndex = NOR_CMD_LUT_SEQ_IDX_READ_FAST_QUAD, .ARDSeqNumber = 1, .AHBWriteWaitUnit = kFLEXSPI_AhbWriteWaitUnit2AhbCycle, .AHBWriteWaitInterval = 0, }; static inline void flexspi_clock_init(void) { const clock_usb_pll_config_t g_ccmConfigUsbPll = {.loopDivider = 0U}; CLOCK_InitUsb1Pll(&g_ccmConfigUsbPll); CLOCK_InitUsb1Pfd(kCLOCK_Pfd0, 24); /* Set PLL3 PFD0 clock 360MHZ. */ CLOCK_SetMux(kCLOCK_FlexspiMux, 0x3); /* Choose PLL3 PFD0 clock as flexspi source clock. */ CLOCK_SetDiv(kCLOCK_FlexspiDiv, 5); /* flexspi clock 60M. */ } Loop back internally:app.h #define EXAMPLE_FLEXSPI_RX_SAMPLE_CLOCK kFLEXSPI_ReadSampleClkLoopbackInternally 2.2.3 flexspi_nor_polling_transfer testing after modification Download the modified code to RT1050 RAM and run the results as follows:    Fig 3 From the figure, we can see, QE can normally implement the functions of reading, writing, erasing, and reading. It is read as 2 here which QE is enabled for the first time, because the QSPI in this article has been operated previously. If it is a new chip, it will read 0 by default, which means that QE is not enabled. And it can be seen that after modification, it can accurately erase, program, and read external flash, indicating that the current code modification is successful. LUT, QE position, DQS consideration (60Mhz+loopback internal) are all working. 2.3 APP prepare Use the led_blinky code in the SDK to mainly modify the frequency of FCB and readSampleClkSrc. evkbimxrt1050_flexspi_nor_config.c is modified as follows:    const flexspi_nor_config_t qspiflash_config = { .memConfig = { .tag = FLEXSPI_CFG_BLK_TAG, .version = FLEXSPI_CFG_BLK_VERSION, .readSampleClksrc=kFlexSPIReadSampleClk_LoopbackInternally, .csHoldTime = 3u, .csSetupTime = 3u, .controllerMiscOption = (1u << kFlexSpiMiscOffset_SafeConfigFreqEnable), .deviceType = kFlexSpiDeviceType_SerialNOR, .sflashPadType = kSerialFlash_4Pads, .serialClkFreq = kFlexSpiSerialClk_60MHz, .sflashA1Size = 8u * 1024u * 1024u, … }   This code will be used to test the new modified program flashdriver in debug mode, compile the project, generate the .srec, used for the JFLASH method flash program.   3. RT-UFL JLINK flash algorithm modification After downloading the super download algorithm RT-UFL, you need to modify the super download algorithm based on the two factors mentioned above: First, QE is enabled; second, DQS is used. For the solution in this article, RT-UFL still uses option ROM to initialize flexSPI. According to the options description, choose: OPTION 0: 0xc0000201 OPTION 1:0x0 Just like this situation: Fig 4 3.1 RT-UFL code modification Here, use the keil project: \RT-UFL-1.0\build\mdk The code modification is as follows: Ufl_main.c: ufl_set_target_property1 case kChipId_RT105x: uflTargetDesc->flexspiInstance = MIMXRT105X_1st_FLEXSPI_INSTANCE; uflTargetDesc->flexspiBaseAddr = MIMXRT105X_1st_FLEXSPI_BASE; uflTargetDesc->flashBaseAddr = MIMXRT105X_1st_FLEXSPI_AMBA_BASE; //p25q16h QESet bit 1 in Status Register 2 {.option0.U = 0xc0000201, .option1.U = 0x00000000}, uflTargetDesc->configOption.option0.U = 0xc0000201; uflTargetDesc->configOption.option1.U = 0x0; Ufl_romapi.c: readSampleClkSrc configuration status_t flexspi_nor_auto_config(uint32_t instance, flexspi_nor_config_t *config, serial_nor_config_option_t *option) { // Wait until the FLEXSPI is idle register uint32_t delaycnt = 10000u; while(delaycnt--) { } status_t status = flexspi_nor_get_config(instance, config, option); if (status != kStatus_Success) { return status; } config->memConfig.readSampleClksrc=kFlexSPIReadSampleClk_LoopbackInternally; //For DQS is used by other circuit return flexspi_nor_flash_init(instance, config); } FlashDev.c struct FlashDevice const FlashDevice = { FLASH_DRV_VERS, // Driver Version, do not modify! "MIMXRT_FLEXSPI", // Device Name EXTSPI, // Device Type 0x60000000, // Device Start Address 0x00800000, // Device Size in Bytes (8mB) 256, // Programming Page Size 0, // Reserved, must be 0 0xFF, // Initial Content of Erased Memory 100, // Program Page Timeout 100 mSec 5000, // Erase Sector Timeout 5000 mSec // Specify Size and Address of Sectors 0x1000, 0x00000000, // Sector Size 4kB (256 Sectors) SECTOR_END }; FlashOS.h: it will generate the UFL_L0 type, to define the flash page, sector size #define FLASH_DRV_SIZE_OPT (0) #if (FLASH_DRV_SIZE_OPT == 0) #define FLASH_DRV_PAGE_SIZE (0x100) #define FLASH_DRV_SECTOR_SIZE (0x1000) #elif (FLASH_DRV_SIZE_OPT == 1) #define FLASH_DRV_PAGE_SIZE (0x200) #define FLASH_DRV_SECTOR_SIZE (0x1000) #elif (FLASH_DRV_SIZE_OPT == 2) #define FLASH_DRV_PAGE_SIZE (0x200) #define FLASH_DRV_SECTOR_SIZE (0x10000) #endif Compile the code, it will get flashdriver firmware:MIMXRT_FLEXSPI_UV5_UFL.FLM Rename it to:MIMXRT_FLEXSPI_UV5_UFL_P25Q16H.FLM 3.2 JLINK driver flashdriver update After installing the JLINK driver,  modify it to use the RT-UFL algorithm.   According to this article, the driving algorithm of JLINK is modified to RT-UFL algorithm: https://www.cnblogs.com/henjay724/p/14942574.html   In fact, just copy: RT-UFL-1.0\RT-UFL-1.0\algo\SEGGER\JLink_Vxxx To the installed JLINK path: C:\Program Files\SEGGER\JLINKV768B   But this article need to based on this to add the modified flash algorithm for P25Q16H, the modification points are: (1)Copy attached file RT1050_P25Q16H_JLINK\program\ JLinkDevices.xml to: C:\Program Files\SEGGER\JLINKV768B Fig 5 The .xml modification is as follows, add the P25Q16H item and it’s algorithm: Fig 6 Note: device name is MIMXRT1050_UFL_P25Q16H (2) CopyRT1050_P25Q16H_JLINK\program\ IMXRT_FLEXSPI_UV5_UFL_P25Q16H.FLM to:C:\Program Files\SEGGER\JLINKV768B\Devices\NXP\iMXRT_UFL Fig 7 This MIMXRT_FLEXSPI_UV5_UFL_P25Q16H.FLM is the modified flashdriver algorithm in the above. (3)run C:\Program Files\SEGGER\JLINKV768B\JLinkDLLUpdater.exe, update the modified driver to the IDE IAR 3.3 Flashdriver algorithm downloading test For MIMXRT1050-EVKB, to use external JLINK, you need to disconnect J33 on the EVKB board and plug JTAG into J21. 3.3.1 Use JFLASH downloading test First, use the previously modified EVKB-IMXRT1050-flexspi_nor_polling_transfer, disable the QE bit, to simulate the new QSPI flash chip. The test is as follows:   Fig 8 JFlash test result is: Fig 9 We can see, use the Jflash with new flashdriver, can program the flash successfully. 3.3.2 led_blinky app debug test Disable the QE bit, to simulate the new QSPI flash chip, the test as Fig 8. APP demo use the IAR project(customer use it), option select JLINK: Fig 10 Fig 11 It should be noted here that the device is selected as the modified super download algorithm device name. The method is as follows. The settings->xxx.jlink generated by IAR debug is modified as follows: Fig 12 Two points: override =1, and device is the new modified algorithm device name. Debug test result: Fig 13 We can see that the algorithm can be successfully debugged and the algorithm is also modified by UFL. Run it at full speed and you can see the on board LED is flashing. It means that all flash driver algorithms, hardware, and codes already support the new P25Q16H QSPI flash. 4. Summary When using a new QSPI flash, first need to pay attention to the position of QE and whether DQS is used, and then prepare the corresponding RT-UFL programming algorithm. The UFL algorithm can usually support most flash chips by default. When QE and DQS are used, they only need to fine-tune the algorithm to support the new QSPI flash. Therefore, this article has successfully solved the problem of burning customer projects after modifying the algorithm. For other QSPI flash, you can also use the method in this article to modify the burning algorithm accordingly to ensure that it meets your own project needs.  
NXP Updated the Hardware Development Guide for the MIMXRT1160/1170 Processor (MIMXRT1170HDUG) The main difference is: Updated capacitance value of VDDA_1P8_IN in Table 1 and Table 2 From 0.1uF to 1uF     This will help improve the robustness of the circuit at low temperatures.