I use the i.MX28 EVK board.
The test code is "mxc_uart-test.c", while read form UART, came "mxs-
auart mxs-auart.1: Unhandled status 520080".
(The driver is "mxs-auart.c", the log is below.
0592-ENGR38993445-1-UART-driver-Fix-bit-setting-for-flow-.patch is
Need help!!!!!!
Can anybody help me, thanks a lot.
Did i need any other patches or something else...
==============logs on i.MX28 EVK board==================
root@freescale /usr/bin$ ls /dev/ttySP*
/dev/ttySP0 /dev/ttySP1 /dev/ttySP2 /dev/ttySP3
root@freescale /usr/bin$ uart_test /dev/ttySP2
Usage: mxc_uart_test auart mxs-auart.2: Unhandled status 52028do dev name is specified>
/dev/ttySP2 opened
Attributes set
Test: IOCTL Set, return 0.
Data Written= Test, return 5.
Data Read back return 1, =
Test: ioctl bic, return 0.
root@freescale /usr/bin$ uart_test /dev/ttySP1
Usage: mxc_uart_test name
is specified>
/dev/ttySP1 opened
Attributes set
Test: IOCTL Set, rmxs-auart mxs-auart.1: Unhandled status 520080
eturn 0.
Data Written= Test, return 5.
Data Read back return 5, = <<<
mxs-auart mxs-auart.1: Unhandled status 520080
mxs-auart mxs-auart.1: Unhandled status 520080
mxs-auart mxs-auart.1: Unhandled status 520080
mxs-auart mxs-auart.1: Unhandled status 520080
mxs-auart mxs-auart.1: Unhandled status 520080
=====================log end=========================
Original Attachment has been moved to: .config.zip
Original Attachment has been moved to: mxc_uart_test.c.zip
Original Attachment has been moved to: mxs-auart.c.zip
Check iMX287 Application UART - No data over wire if it is useful.