sudo find /-name Xvlib.h not find Xvlib.h file.
Xvlib.h is needed.
Do one thing run
sudo find / -name Xvlib.h
and see if it's available.
By the Way, what is the software package that requires Xvlib.h?
libXext is there, but to no avail, I would like to need libXv, but no ltib...
Hi cache gxp,
In configuration, go for X11 build options and check libXext.
Regards :: Krishna Pavan
how installed Xext?
Have you installed Xext?
If you even have sdl cross_compiled and installed, you will have that file.
What I don't understand is, whether you need that header file / library / what?
Have you checked for X11 in the LTIB configuration!
Regards :: Krishna Pavan