I'm working on iMX6ULL and using linux-imx kernel on warrior branch.
I'm unable to apply my own defconfig to this, I have my own layer with bbappend file and defconfig, added to SRC_URI, but no result :-(
My final goal is to look at kernel config fragments too, I know I need linux-yocto.inc but it will be the next step !
If anyone has information or face the same issue... you'"re welcome !
Hi all!
Finally created my own recipe that "require recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto.inc":
Own defconfig and support of fragments, warrior branch, no use of Freescale BSP, just clone poky and meta-openembedded. Simple and efficient.
DESCRIPTION = "Linux Kernel for SoMLabs boards"
SECTION = "kernel"
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=d7810fab7487fb0aad327b76f1be7cd7"COMPATIBLE_MACHINE = "sls16y2_792c_512r_512n_1wb"
require recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto.inc
DEPENDS += "lzop-native bc-native"
SRCBRANCH = "imx_4.9.123_imx8mm_ga"
SRCREV = "6a71cbc089755afd6a86c005c22a1af6eab24a70"SRC_URI += " \
git://source.codeaurora.org/external/imx/linux-imx;protocol=git;branch=${SRCBRANCH} \
file://sls16y2_792c_512r_512n_1wb.dts \
file://defconfig \
"LINUX_VERSION ?= "4.9.123"
PV = "${LINUX_VERSION}+git${SRCPV}"S = "${WORKDIR}/git"
# Copy the right dts after unpack of the sources
python do_copydts () {
import shutil
src = ("%s/%s.dts" % (d.getVar('WORKDIR'), d.getVar('MACHINE')))
dst = ("%s/arch/%s/boot/dts/%s" % (d.getVar('S'), d.getVar('ARCH'), d.getVar('KERNEL_DEVICETREE').replace('dtb', 'dts')))
shutil.copy2(src, dst)
addtask do_copydts after do_unpack before do_patch
We are able to apply defconfig with our custom meta layer by following the below steps: (One can refer this link to patch the kernel).
Copy custom_defconfig to your custom meta layer and add below lines to your .bbappend file. (.bbappend of mylayer/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-imx_<mylayer>.bbappend).
Note: We have used Yocto Sumo BSP.
Radhika Somaiya.
Hi Guittet,
I have had success doing something similar to Radhika, but more like implementing a configuration fragment instead of a whole new file. As far as I know, the usual method of using kernel fragments is not working for imx, because of the way that the kernel recipe is implemented. I have a bbappend file (linux-imx_%.bbappend) in my own layer in "recipes-kernel/linux" with the following in it:
FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/files:"
SRC_URI += "file://kernel_config.cfg"
SRC_URI += "file://kernel.patch"
do_configure_append() {
cat ../*.cfg >> ${B}/.config
I have two files under "recipes-kernel/linux/files". One is called "kernel.patch" which contains patches to the kernel (mostly for device tree stuff) and the other is called "kernel_config.cfg" which has configurations options as below:
This method should work for setting up your configuration options.
Hello Shawn,
Yes this is the method reported here : Changing the Kernel configuration for i.MX6 SABRE
But when you run menuconfig, without making any change, then diffconfig, a fragment is generated which is t he sum of all fragment in the recipe. Not very convenient... I try to find a way to have the same behavior than Yocto when linux-yocto.inc is used.
Anyone has an idea to achieve that ?
Which version of BSP are you using?
Hello Rita,
Thanks for your quick answer.
I'm using meta-freescale (GitHub - Freescale/meta-freescale: Layer containing NXP hardware support metadata ), meta-openembedded and poky, all on the warrior branch. I have my bblayers.conf and local.conf set.
I'm not using anything else, particularly, I'm not using repo and all the fsl stuff. I'm using yocto as is, just source "poky/oe-init-build-env" and then "bitbake core-image-minimal"
I know my bbappend of linux-imx is read and parsed, it also contains a specific dts which is effectively integrated. My layer also has a higher priority than meta-freescale.
Here recommend you to use the newest BSP MCIMX6ULL-EVK|i.MX6ULL Evaluation Kit | NXP you can refer to the i.MX_Yocto_Project_User's_Guide document.
Hello Rita,
This does not answer the original question, the BSP does not help to apply a custom defconfig to linux-imx recipe.
I have seen a similar post here https://community.nxp.com/thread/376369 but the solution is ugly...