I am looking for support with the integration of a LCD panel (using the Sitronix ST7701 MIPI DSI controller) into the linux 4 / Android Q source code of the NXP iMX8MM EK (Evaluation Kit)
My team designed an adapter PCB for the MIPI DSI connector on the EK.
I have got the initialization sequence from the display vendor (oric-display.cn), pin out and some timing data.
I managed to implement a display driver (based on the existing raydium 67191 driver) and I am able to talk to the display.
It is currently showing stripes that move and change colors in sync with the boot animation and the android home screen (see below).
However, every line (480 x RGB) of the display (640 lines) is the same. The data (480 x RGB) is apparently taken from one line of the input image as shown on the right side of the image below (approximate line is marked by a black line).
I attached driver and devicetree entry.
Can anyone provide me with a hint what could produce this behavior?
Thanks for your feedback.
Best regards.
Volker Peters.
are you still facing issue?
I think I am facing the similar issue. Did you manage to fix your LCD issue?
Hi Volker
NXP linux L5.4.3 has Sitronix ST7701 driver:
panel-sitronix-st7701.c\panel\drm\gpu\drivers - linux-imx - i.MX Linux kernel
sitronix,st7701.txt\panel\display\bindings\devicetree\Documentation - linux-imx - i.MX Linux kernel
One can try it with latest Android Q10.0.0_2.0.0 Documentation
based on L5.4.3. All documentation link:
i.MX Software and Development Tools | NXP
Best regards
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