We are bring a new custom IMX8ULP board with LPDDR3. The DDR tools (https://www.nxp.com/design/design-center/software/embedded-software/i-mx-software:IMX-SW --> Other Resources --> Tools --> DDR Tools" can recognized the board (USB-HID OK). However, when we try to load the scripted generated by the "MX8ULP_LPDDR3_RPA.xls" spreadsheet, the APP give a "[ERROR] DDR type is incorrect!" message. Can you help us with this issue? Thanks
Louis Liu
#imx8ulp #lpddr3
Hi @louisliu,
Please use this .ds file and you can try this file in stress test tool which you get from the support team,
If you use the lpuart6 to do stress test, you could get the log as the attachment.
Best Regards,
Hi Jonhson,
Sorry the the late response, there were a lot of things going on last week.
First, the script you included does not work the the current "mx8ulp_ddr_tool" that is currently on the web page. (We can not find version information anywhere in the application)
We are now picking up support from FAE. We got a new version "mx8ulp_ddr_tool" which successfully create the timing file. However, after adding parameters to u-boot, the uuu tools only past stage 1 of the process, where the chip failed to initialized/boot. We can not isolate the problem at this moment. We are debugging the hardware with the AE support right now.
I think this issue can be closed for now.
Thanks for all the support.