imx8mm WDT issue in uboot

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imx8mm WDT issue in uboot

Contributor I

Hi community,

I'm working on enabling Watchdog timer in uboot for imx8mm board. After the WDT is enabled in uboot, and shows the following logs;


WDT: Started watchdog@30280000 with servicing (60s timeout)
Loading Environment from MMC... OK
In: serial@30880000
Out: serial@30880000
Err: serial@30880000
SEC0: RNG instantiated
Net: Could not get PHY for FEC0: addr 0
No ethernet found.

Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0
=> md.w 30280000 1
30280000: 773f ?w


But WDT doesn't hit after 60sec. Does anyone know why watchdog is not hitting after 60 seconds? I tried sleep and some other technqiues to hang the uboot but watchdog didn't hit after 60 seconds

If I ran the below command the WDT hit after 0.5 sec and system reboots which is expected as per the documentation(imx8mm reference manual);


=> mw.w 30280000 0034 1


 but as soon as the reset timeout is increased the WDT doesn't reset anymore


=> mw.w 30280000 0134 1
=> mw.w 30280000 0334 1


Furthermore, I have used wdt command in uboot, enabling and setting wdt but that also didn't worked;


=> wdt list
watchdog@30280000 (imx_wdt)
=> wdt dev watchdog@30280000
=> wdt start 3000
=> wdt start 1200
=> wdt start 1200


but if I make the time equal of less than 900msec the WDT start to hit;


=> wdt start 900 


I have another question, does the watchdog got hit if I stop in uboot prompt when WDT is enabled?

Any help will be appreciated, Thank you!

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