Hi. I'm starting to develop on a imx6sx demo board, with Linux in it.
I need to resize the partition, so I have resized it with fdisk to use all the sd card.
Now I try to use resizepeart utility but it has no effect.
I use the utility like this:
resizepart /dev/mmcblk3 2 15499264
Which is the right way?
Sorry but maybe my explanation was not so good.
I already have a yocto Linux installed in the sd card using dd.
The main partition is not so big so I have gor only 200 mb free.
I want to increase the same paritition to fill the 8gb sd card. I don't want to create a second partitition.
The official Raspberry image has got an utility called resize2fs that permit to icrease the root partitition to fill the sd card.
Is there sometinh similar?
Hi Denis,
when you say "the main partition is not so big", I assume you are talking about the Linux partition where root file system is located right? NOt the FAT partition where kernel and device tree are located.
Hi. I'm speaking about the /dev/root partition. Now it is 1.8gb size, 204mb free.
I want to increase it to fill the sd card, as I can do in raspberry pi environment.
Hi Denis,
If you build your Linux image using one of our BSPs you will find in your build directory a .sdcard file
Then you need to use dd command to deploy image in sdcard... please see Task #4 in Yocto Training - HOME
This command will set a small FAT partition just enough for zImage and .dtb file and the other partition will be a Linux partition for file system.
I hope this helps.
NXP Technical Support
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