i.mx8qxp-mek usb-ss peripheral mode works at usb2.0 mode?

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i.mx8qxp-mek usb-ss peripheral mode works at usb2.0 mode?

2,536 次查看
Contributor I

Hi Community,

I have an i.mx8qxp-mek board. The U-Boot's version is
U-Boot 2017.03-imx_v2017.03_4.9.88_imx8qxp_beta2+g84c4e82 (Jun 28 2018 - 09:07:20 +0800)

I tried to use u-boot command "ums 1 mmc 1" to simulate the board as a u-disk to a host(windows 7 64 bit).
However, after the u-disk shows on windows, I find it works at USB2.0 high-speed mode instead of super speed mode.
This can be seen by checking usb port from host with some software or by adding print info from u-boot.

I am sure of the host port is a USB3.0 PORT and the USB typeC-typeA cable supports 5gbps.

My questions are:
Does the usb-ss(type-c port) support supper speed when working in peripheral mode?
If yes, are there any example software(u-boot or Linux or others) can show this?

Deming Li

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Contributor II

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi Deming

according to sect.2.1 New features attached L4.14.98 Release Notes usb3.0 device

mode support was added only started from that linux release.

linux-imx - i.MX Linux kernel 

uboot-imx - i.MX U-Boot 

One can test it in linux, sect.4.10 USB3 Linux Manual gives usb3.0 driver description.

Best regards
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2,131 次查看
Contributor I

Hi Igor,

Sorry for late response.

I tried the prebuilt image L4.14.98_2.0.0_ga_images_MX8QXPMEK.zip, downloaded from nxp website.
I only updated imx-boot-imx8qxpmek-sd.bin-flash to a SD card, the U-Boot version is
U-Boot 2018.03-imx_v2018.03_4.14.98_2.0.0_ga+g87a19df (Apr 11 2019 - 13:52:42 +0000)

I used the same U-boot command "ums 1 mmc 1". And the result is same.
The u-disk simulated also works at high speed mode.

Any steps I missed?

BTW, 4.14.78 ga 1.0.0 release notes also contains "Support USB3.0 device mode for i.MX8".
Does the i.MX8 means i.mx8 family which includes 8QuadMax only? It does not mean i.MX8X family which include 8QuadXPlus

Deming Li

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2,131 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi Deming

one can try with L4.19.35

linux-imx - i.MX Linux kernel 

Note that part formally is not publicly released yet and has not full support.

Best regards

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2,131 次查看
Contributor I

Hi Igor,


Sorry for late response.


I tried the prebuilt image L4.14.98_2.0.0_ga_images_MX8QXPMEK.zip, downloaded from nxp website.
I only updated imx-boot-imx8qxpmek-sd.bin-flash to a SD card, the U-Boot version is
U-Boot 2018.03-imx_v2018.03_4.14.98_2.0.0_ga+g87a19df (Apr 11 2019 - 13:52:42 +0000)


I used the same U-boot command "ums 1 mmc 1". And the result is same.
The u-disk simulated also works at high speed mode.


Any steps I missed?


BTW, 4.14.78 ga 1.0.0 release notes also contains "Support USB3.0 device mode for i.MX8".

Does the i.MX8 means i.mx8 family which includes 8QuadMax only? It does not mean i.MX8X family which include 8QuadXPlus


Deming Li

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2,131 次查看
Contributor I

Hi Igor,

Sorry for late response.

I tried the prebuilt image L4.14.98_2.0.0_ga_images_MX8QXPMEK.zip, downloaded from nxp website.
I only updated imx-boot-imx8qxpmek-sd.bin-flash to a SD card, the U-Boot version is
U-Boot 2018.03-imx_v2018.03_4.14.98_2.0.0_ga+g87a19df (Apr 11 2019 - 13:52:42 +0000)

I used the same U-boot command "ums 1 mmc 1". And the result is same.
The u-disk simulated also works at high speed mode.

Any steps I missed?

BTW, 4.14.78 ga 1.0.0 release notes also contains "Support USB3.0 device mode for i.MX8".

Does the i.MX8 means i.mx8 family which includes 8QuadMax only? It does not mean i.MX8X family which include 8QuadXPlus

Deming Li

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