i.mx8 yocto build failing with error: cp: cannot stat '/home/gkelly/yocto/hminext/build/wp6000-pxc_b

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i.mx8 yocto build failing with error: cp: cannot stat '/home/gkelly/yocto/hminext/build/wp6000-pxc_b

Contributor I

I upgraded all of my meta-imx and meta-freescale layers for an i.mx8 device and encountered a new build error with u-boot-imx_2024.04.bb:

cp: cannot stat '/home/gkelly/yocto/hminext/build/wp6000-pxc_build/tmp/work/wp6000_pxc-pxc-linux/u-boot-imx/2024.04/deploy-u-boot-imx/imx-boot': No such file or directory

The problem is due to meta-freescale commit dd9125d436c574ddde18bbc4129eeda43dd20c2a on Sept 17 2024. That changed uuu_bootloader_tag.bbclass by adding a line to default the variable "UUU_BOOTLOADER" to "${UBOOT_BINARY}".

meta-imx's u-boot-imx recipe inherits this uuu_bootloader_tag class, but it wasn't previously doing anything because u-boot-imx had set "UUU_BOOTLOADER" to "" (a blank value). Then uuu_bootloader_tag.bbclass (in meta-freescale had an "if [ "${UUU_BOOTLOADER}" != "" ]; then" line protecting the copy statement that just started failing for me. It started failing now because meta-freescale is now overriding meta-imx's setting of UUU_BOOTLOADER. 

Perhaps this is a meta-freescale problem but... why does meta-imx inherit this class from meta-freescale anyway. Seems like this inherit does nothing if UUU_BOOTLOADER were correctly an empty string

Also, meta-imx's imx_boot_1.0.bb recipe inherits this uuu_bootloader_tagged class, but that's ok because imx_boot is what creates this file being copied, so it works. Again, not sure why u-boot-imx is inheriting a class that copies a file that isn't even compiled by u-boot-imx.


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2 Replies

Contributor I

I dug into this more and was able to make a change that resolved the issue for my imx8 board. I submitted a pull request here: https://github.com/nxp-imx/meta-imx/pull/28. But I'm not sure if it's the proper fix for other boards that I don't work with (imx6, imx7, imx9)

Contributor I
Thanks. Saw the same issue on an imx93 board, and this fix also helped me.
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