I have a custom i.MX8MQ board running Android 9.0. When I run "# adb reboot bootloader" from a adb shell
The board reboots and stuck at U-Boot "Fastboot: Got bootloader commands!" and stop forever. When I type "# fastboot 0" from u-boot command prompt, it stucks forever too. I need to use ctrl-c to exit u-boot.
I have an i.MX8MQ EVK at hand and repeat everything again. I got exactly the same result. The EVK runs Android 8.x and u-boot version should 2017.03. However, the results are the same.
My question now is: How to enter u-boot fastboot mode on i.MX8MQ? We need to oem unlock from fastboot mode. Without this, we cannot unlock device from Android. Please help.
Hello everyone,
I have a custom i.MX8MM board running Android 9.0,I encountered the same problem. I have follow the operation with @Diego Adrian Cuevas, and can see the adb device in windows device manager.
But, the terminal still display "Fastboot: Got bootloader commands!" and stop forever. I can not type any char into the IMX8MM. I need to use ctrl-c to exit u-boot
If i input string"fastboot reboot " , it return "wait for device":
Wait for your repeat! Thank you.
Best regards,
Dear Diego,
Many thanks. It turns out that Windows uses the wrong driver. Use your suggestions do help. Now I have no problems in using fastboot.
Anyway that I can do this under Linux PC? I created a /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules and add
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="18d1", MODE="0666", GROUP="plugdev"
Change the permission to a+x, but it doesn't work either.
Try adding the following to the same file.
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="18d1", ATTR{idProduct}=="d002", MODE="0660",
GROUP="plugdev", SYMLINK+="android%n"
After adding that, reboot your computer. Whit ADB should work on your Linux computer without any problem.
Best regards,
If you type ./fastboot.exe devices in your windows terminal, are you getting any output? This is at the time you rebooted into bootloader mode.
Best regards,
Hi Diego,
Below is the results that runing on Windows 10.
When boot into Android, I can see "LeMobile Android Device" showing on Windows device manager.
When I run # adb reboot bootloader
The device debug console stop at "Fastboot: Got bootloader commands!". At Windows side, I can hear the USB re-connected sound and the device manager only showing "USB download gadget". When type fastboot at SDK Platform Tools,
D:\platform-tools>fastboot devices
It shows nothing.
And when I type some fastboot commands, it stops forever
D:/platform-tools>fastboot oem unlock
< waiting for any devices >
This results are same as running on Linux PC. My u-boot is from NXP official release u-boot release imx_v2018.03_4.14.78_1.0.0_ga
Also, we bought an i.MX8MQ official development board and the situations are the same. The default firmware in eMMC of EVK hasn't been changed. We use it for verification purposes only.
Please perform the following steps.
If your computer does not recognize once you are inside the bootloader mode. What you need to do is update the USB driver. To update the driver, follow the below steps.
After that, your computer should recognize the board being into Bootloader mode.
Hope this could help you.
Best regards,