Looking for a performance comparison for the i.MX8 family of processors, specifically between the i.MX8 QuadPro and the i.MX8 QuadMax. Ideally standard numbers.
We have no official performance measurements for these processor.
Theoretical average Dhrystone results for our ARM architectures should be around 2.24 DMIPS/MHz for A53 cores and 4.72 DMIPS/MHz for A72 cores.
Unofficially we measured the performance and got up to 2.85 DMIP/MHz (with best optimization) and up to 5.35 DMIPS/MHz for A72 i.MX8 cores.
And you can see that i.MX8QM has 4 A53 @1.2 GHz plus 2 A72 @1.6 GHz and i.MX8QP has 4 A53 @1.2 GHz and 1 A72 @1.6 GHz.