I have a quick question about the crystal oscillator needed for the i.MX6 Solo processor.
We have reviewed the latest recomendations for the XTALI/XTALO clock input in the most recent hardware designer guide and the EB830 bulletin. We understand the drive requirements for using a crystal have increased and have referenced the spreadsheet attached to EB830.
My question relates to using a straight oscillator connected to XTALI with XTALO left floating (which the documentation says is acceptable). What I am wondering is this: if we are using a 24MHz oscillator (not a crystal) do the same maximum drive requirements apply? In other words, could we simply use an oscillator like the CB3LV-3I-24M0000 which has a max drive of 100uW or would we need something more like a 250uW part?
Hello Dan,
Yes, the same maximum drive requirements apply with an oscillator as with a crystal. You can use the 100uW just make sure 100% you wont drive more than that. Personally I would go with a 150uW.
Since there aren't any references to drive level with a standard oscillator, is there something else to go by to tell if it might work with the i.MX6 Solo processor?
Also, I have some concerns over the micro phonics & EMI/RFI susceptibility of the crystal. Is there a particular reason why a crystal was chosen to run the processor, as opposed to just a regular oscillator?
Unfortunately we are having some delays in our responses since the Holidays in China, SergioSolis, it is reviewing this case. We will provide a response as soon as possible.