I have a custom i.MX6Q board running fsl4.1.15_2; I need to send 1080i video through the parallel display port to a Semtech GS2972 20-bit HD-SDI serializer. Please anyone can tell me how to fix the display and uboot to support
1080I60 1080P60 720P@50 display ?
thanks a lot .
canyou give me your git log in kernel?
I see this patch,is it useful?
Hi hongchao
for using CEA 861 timing mode (TIM_861 = HIGH) and SDI serializer one can check
Patch for iMX6 BSP to support interlaced display on HDMI and LCD interface
Best regards
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THANS A LOG FOR work;but not right:
next is display with bootcmd: video=mxcfb0:dev=lcd,LCD-1080I50,if=RGB565,bpp=32
next is display with bootcmd: video=mxcfb0:dev=lcd,LCD-1080I50,if=RGB24,bpp=32
where is the problem? how to fix this?
came on help me .
Please try "if=UYVY16", I think your GS2972 need YUV input data.
For 16 bits display interface, the hardware link should be followed:
IPUx_DISPx_DAT15 ~ IPUx_DISPx_DAT08 connect to GS2972 DIN[19~12].
IPUx_DISPx_DAT07 ~ IPUx_DISPx_DAT00 connect to GS2972 DIN[9~2].
netxt is our hardware
I use console=ttymxc0,115200 androidboot.console=ttymxc0 vmalloc=400M init=/init video=mxcfb0:dev=lcd,LCD-1080I50,if=UYVY16,bpp=32 video=mxcfb1:off, video=mxcfb2:off fbmem=28M androidboot.hardware=freescale;
the display not right; next is the picture :
it looks like better than before;but not all right。why?
DO i need the add teh GS2972.c driver to kerkel?
thans a lot;who can save me,i can buy this.
I think you need check the GS2972 setting, from iMX6 side, for this 16 bits interface, U/V data is output from DISP0_D15 ~ DISP0_D8, and Y data is output from DISP0_D7 ~ DISP0_D0.
Clock polarity should also be checked.
Hi, liqiang,
I have a similar question. Abnormal display of 576-PAL. ( BT656 720x576 8bit display error )
I need your help, thanks!
Best Regards!
i use i.MX6Q board running android 4.4.1 patch fsl4.1.15_2; kernel is L3.0.35_4.1.0; you can add my qq: 403722148
Thank your answer.
I patch L3.0.35_4.1.0_GA_HDMI_Interlaced_Mode_Patch_2016-05-20.zip this file ;but not work
the boot dead; and no display.
can you help me ? i need you very much.