Hi guys,
I am porting some of functions those are using float operation, after build, there are some of link error.
My kernel version is 4.14.98 and u-boot version is kernel's package.
link error is below:
"undefined reference to '__aeabi_fmul'"
Should I modify compile and link option? if so, where can i modify and some of points.
Please share me.
U-boot is not intended to support floating point; it should provide minimal
options just to boot a Linux system. You may look at Chapter 3 (Porting U-Boot)
of ''i.MX_Porting_Guide.pdf" in NXP Linux documentation and try to modify
building options in make file, but, again, floating point support has been never
tested and guaranteed.
My psudo codes is below:
float pdiff = (float) (int temp);
float ratio = (float) (int temp1(/ (int temp2);
int tmpval = (int) ( int temp3 + pdiff * ratio);