I am running kernel 5.4 on imx6quad with bluez5.55, randomly when I power on the bluetooth I got the following issue:
~# btmgmt power on
[ 774.712124] Bluetooth: hci0: command 0x0c25 tx timeout
[ 776.792123] Bluetooth: hci0: command 0x0c38 tx timeout
[ 778.872121] Bluetooth: hci0: command 0x0c39 tx timeout
[ 780.952125] Bluetooth: hci0: command 0x0c05 tx timeout
[ 783.032127] Bluetooth: hci0: command 0x0c16 tx timeout
[ 783.192091] mmc0: Timeout waiting for hardware interrupt.
[ 783.197497] mmc0: sdhci: ============ SDHCI REGISTER DUMP ===========
[ 783.203942] mmc0: sdhci: Sys addr: 0x646d1580 | Version: 0x00000002
[ 783.210386] mmc0: sdhci: Blk size: 0x00000040 | Blk cnt: 0x00000001
[ 783.216829] mmc0: sdhci: Argument: 0xa2000040 | Trn mode: 0x00000003
[ 783.223271] mmc0: sdhci: Present: 0x01f8858e | Host ctl: 0x00000013
[ 783.229716] mmc0: sdhci: Power: 0x00000002 | Blk gap: 0x00000080
[ 783.236157] mmc0: sdhci: Wake-up: 0x00000008 | Clock: 0x0000001f
[ 783.242600] mmc0: sdhci: Timeout: 0x0000008f | Int stat: 0x00000000
[ 783.249041] mmc0: sdhci: Int enab: 0x117f110b | Sig enab: 0x117f110b
[ 783.255482] mmc0: sdhci: ACmd stat: 0x00000000 | Slot int: 0x00000003
[ 783.261923] mmc0: sdhci: Caps: 0x07eb0000 | Caps_1: 0x0000a007
[ 783.268364] mmc0: sdhci: Cmd: 0x0000353a | Max curr: 0x00ffffff
[ 783.274805] mmc0: sdhci: Resp[0]: 0x00002000 | Resp[1]: 0x00000000
[ 783.281245] mmc0: sdhci: Resp[2]: 0x00000000 | Resp[3]: 0x00000000
[ 783.287685] mmc0: sdhci: Host ctl2: 0x00000088
[ 783.292131] mmc0: sdhci: ADMA Err: 0x00000007 | ADMA Ptr: 0x6c058200
[ 783.298572] mmc0: sdhci-esdhc-imx: ========= ESDHC IMX DEBUG STATUS DUMP =========
[ 783.306143] mmc0: sdhci-esdhc-imx: cmd debug status: 0x2100
[ 783.311804] mmc0: sdhci-esdhc-imx: data debug status: 0x2220
[ 783.317550] mmc0: sdhci-esdhc-imx: trans debug status: 0x2328
[ 783.323384] mmc0: sdhci-esdhc-imx: dma debug status: 0x2402
[ 783.329045] mmc0: sdhci-esdhc-imx: adma debug status: 0x25b4
[ 783.334790] mmc0: sdhci-esdhc-imx: fifo debug status: 0x2684
[ 783.340538] mmc0: sdhci-esdhc-imx: async fifo debug status: 0x2750
[ 783.346805] mmc0: sdhci: ============================================
[ 783.353457] BT: host_to_card, write iomem (1) failed: -110
Set Powered for hci0 failed with status 0x03 (Failed)
root@pcm-imx6quad:~# [ 785.112123] Bluetooth: hci0: command tx timeout
Any idea please?
Best regards,
Mohamed Ali
Please download the corresponding BSP version documentation.
e.g. In the L5.4.70_2.3.0 documentation, i.MX Reference Manual.pdf.
Please read the chapter 4.12.4 Bluetooth Stack for the details.