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I'm having problem to make a full build for kirkstone, building "imx-image-multimedia" works fine!
imx@1cf0c90ffb3d:/imx-build/build$ bitbake -k imx-image-full
Loading cache: 100% |##############################################################################################################################################################################################################################################| Time: 0:00:01
Loaded 4736 entries from dependency cache.
Parsing recipes: 100% |############################################################################################################################################################################################################################################| Time: 0:00:01
Parsing of 3190 .bb files complete (3188 cached, 2 parsed). 4738 targets, 284 skipped, 3 masked, 0 errors.
NOTE: Resolving any missing task queue dependencies
Build Configuration:
BB_VERSION = "2.0.0"
BUILD_SYS = "x86_64-linux"
TARGET_SYS = "aarch64-poky-linux"
MACHINE = "imx8mpevk"
DISTRO = "fsl-imx-xwayland"
DISTRO_VERSION = "5.15-kirkstone"
TUNE_FEATURES = "aarch64 armv8a crc crypto"
meta-poky = "HEAD:24a3f7b3648185e33133f5d96b184a6cb6524f3d"
meta-python = "HEAD:744a4b6eda88b9a9ca1cf0df6e18be384d9054e3"
meta-freescale = "HEAD:c82d4634e7aba8bc0de73ce1dfc997b630051571"
meta-freescale-3rdparty = "HEAD:5977197340c7a7db17fe3e02a4e014ad997565ae"
meta-freescale-distro = "HEAD:d5bbb487b2816dfc74984a78b67f7361ce404253"
meta-v2x = "HEAD:ca4d220fb70af7a0d0b547216d18d94188f38dae"
meta-nxp-demo-experience = "HEAD:52eaf8bf42f8eda2917a1c8c046003c8c2c8f629"
meta-chromium = "HEAD:e232c2e21b96dc092d9af8bea4b3a528e7a46dd6"
meta-clang = "HEAD:c728c3f9168c8a4ed05163a51dd48ca1ad8ac21d"
meta-filesystems = "HEAD:744a4b6eda88b9a9ca1cf0df6e18be384d9054e3"
meta-qt6 = "HEAD:ed785a25d12e365d1054700d4fc94a053176eb14"
meta-virtualization = "HEAD:9482648daf0bb42ff3475e7892542cf99f3b8d48"
Initialising tasks: 100% |#########################################################################################################################################################################################################################################| Time: 0:00:05
Sstate summary: Wanted 3 Local 0 Mirrors 0 Missed 3 Current 4486 (0% match, 99% complete)
NOTE: Executing Tasks
ERROR: deepview-rt-2.4.46-aarch64-r0 do_package_qa: QA Issue: /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/bin/deepview-modelclient contained in package deepview-rt requires /imx-build/build/tmp/work/armv8a-poky-linux/deepview-rt/2.4.46-aarch64-r0/recipe-sysroot-native/usr/bin/nativepython3, but no providers found in RDEPENDS:deepview-rt? [file-rdeps]
ERROR: deepview-rt-2.4.46-aarch64-r0 do_package_qa: Fatal QA errors were found, failing task.
ERROR: Logfile of failure stored in: /imx-build/build/tmp/work/armv8a-poky-linux/deepview-rt/2.4.46-aarch64-r0/temp/log.do_package_qa.1843717
ERROR: Task (/imx-build/sources/meta-imx/meta-ml/recipes-libraries/deepview-rt/deepview-rt_2.4.46-aarch64.bb:do_package_qa) failed with exit code '1'
NOTE: Tasks Summary: Attempted 10352 tasks of which 10351 didn't need to be rerun and 1 failed.
Summary: 1 task failed:
Summary: There were 2 ERROR messages, returning a non-zero exit code.
My set up as follow:
# Docker setup
mkdir imx-build
sudo chgrp 100 imx-build
docker run -it --name imx-build -v `pwd`/imx-build:/imx-build ubuntu:20.04 bash
apt update && apt -y upgrade
apt install -y gawk wget git diffstat unzip texinfo gcc-multilib build-essential chrpath socat cpio python3 python3-pip python3-pexpect xz-utils debianutils iputils-ping python3-git python3-jinja2 libegl1-mesa libsdl1.2-dev pylint3 xterm rsync curl zstd lz4 libssl-dev locales language-pack-en-base python
curl https://storage.googleapis.com/git-repo-downloads/repo > /bin/repo
chmod a+x /bin/repo
useradd -m -G users imx
echo "export LANGUAGE=en_US.UTF-8" >> /home/imx/.bashrc
echo "export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8" >> /home/imx/.bashrc
docker start imx-build
docker exec --user imx -it imx-build bash
# In container
cd imx-build
git config --global user.email "you@example.com"
git config --global user.name "Your Name"
repo init -u https://github.com/nxp-imx/imx-manifest -b imx-linux-kirkstone -m imx-5.15.71-2.2.0.xml
repo sync
DISTRO=fsl-imx-xwayland MACHINE=imx8mpevk source imx-setup-release.sh -b build
bitbake -k imx-image-full --runall fetch
# Final step fails
bitbake -k imx-image-full
Since I'm able to build the multimedia image I assume my build environment is fine. I've looked at similar reported issues, but none of the solutions worked for me.
What have I missed?
Br / Fredrik
Solved! Go to Solution.
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Yes, this was solved by using the following template https://github.com/nxp-imx/imx-docker
The container was updated to reflect my setup.
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we investigate here a little and maybe you will be able to help us with fix. The problem we got here is that deepview-rt recipe fails with the following error
ERROR: deepview-rt-2.4.46-aarch64-r0 do_package_qa: QA Issue: /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/bin/deepview-modelclient contained in package deepview-rt requires /work/build-wayland/tmp/work/armv8a-poky-linux/deepview-rt/2.4.46-aarch64-r0/recipe-sysroot-native/usr/bin/nativepython3, but no providers found in RDEPENDS:deepview-rt? [file-rdeps]
ERROR: deepview-rt-2.4.46-aarch64-r0 do_package_qa: Fatal QA errors were found, failing task.
ERROR: Logfile of failure stored in: /work/build-wayland/tmp/work/armv8a-poky-linux/deepview-rt/2.4.46-aarch64-r0/temp/log.do_package_qa.138479
ERROR: Task (/work/sources/meta-imx/meta-ml/recipes-libraries/deepview-rt/deepview-rt_2.4.46-aarch64.bb:do_package_qa) failed with exit code '1'
and we think that it is because this is how the `deepview-modelclient` script looks like
$ cat deepview-rt/2.4.46-aarch64-r0/image/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/bin/deepview-modelclient
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import re
import sys
from deepview.rt.modelclient import main
if __name__ == '__main__':
sys.argv[0] = re.sub(r'(-script\.pyw|\.exe)?$', '', sys.argv[0])
this script itself seems to be generated from entry_points.txt file
$ cat deepview_rt-2.4.46.dist-info/entry_points.txt
deepview-modelclient = deepview.rt.modelclient:main
which is unpacked from whl file with pip [1].
Is there any way to fix that problem?
Tomasz Żyjewski
[1] https://github.com/nxp-imx/meta-imx/blob/kirkstone-5.15.71-2.2.0/meta-ml/recipes-libraries/deepview-...
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did you change any source code? for 5.15.71, the machine name should be imx8mp-lpddr4-
evk, but I don't know if this is related to your issue, let me rebuild this version for you and tell you the result, if you change any source code, pls let me know it
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@joanxie No, I didn't update any source code.
I will rebuild using the right machine name and come back.
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I've re-initiated the build by:
$ rm -Rf build
$ DISTRO=fsl-imx-xwayland MACHINE=imx8mp-lpddr4-evk source imx-setup-release.sh -b build
$ repo sync
$ bitbake imx-image-full
Same error as before.
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try this and build:
DISTRO=fsl-imx-wayland MACHINE=imx8mp-lpddr4-evk source imx-setup-release.sh -b build
add in local.conf : IMAGE_INSTALL:append = " packagegroup-imx-ml"
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@kirtansakariya I tried your advice, but it didn't work. Where you able to make a successful build?
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@angryfredI think we run into the same problem - were you able to resolve it?
What we got is
Also we got a problem described here https://community.nxp.com/t5/i-MX-Processors/Problem-with-compiling-tensorflow-lite-on-5-15-71-2-2-0... - maybe you also run on something similar?
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Yes, this was solved by using the following template https://github.com/nxp-imx/imx-docker
The container was updated to reflect my setup.
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i run into the same issue with the release imx-6.1.1-1.0.0 and i have started to investigate. The imx-docker container and my own docker container generate different shebangs in deepview-modelclient.
my own container generates with python3-pip the following "simple_shebang" in the first line:
QA Issue occures in do_package_qa because nativepython3 is not in RDEPENDS. This is the correct behaviour.
The imx-docker container generates following shebang in three lines:
'''exec' /home/sinned/dermalog/imx93evk/imx-docker-build/imx-6.1.1-1.0.0-build/build_fsl-imx-xwayland/tmp/work/armv8a-poky-linux/deepview-rt/ "$0" "$@"
' '''
python3-pip generates the "simple_shebang" with strings up to 128 chars length without spaces and with longer strings python3-pip generates the /bin/sh call for the shebang. do_package_qa checks only /bin/sh and not the whole expression. no error occures, but the broken script gets installed in the rootfs.
The concatenation of the default imx-docker path, package path and executable creates a string longer than those 128 chars and the do_package_qa never fails in the imx-docker continer because only /bin/sh in the first line gets checked and not the wrong python interpreter in the second line.
i'm able to build the image imx-image-full with my own container with the following fix "deepview-rt_2.4.46.1-aarch64.bbappend":
RDEPENDS:${PN} += "python3-core"
do_install:append() {
sed -i -r "1 s=^\#\!/.*/bin/nativepython3?=\#\!/usr/bin/python3=g" ${D}/${PYTHON_SITEPACKAGES_DIR}/bin/deepview-modelclient
sed -i -r "1 s=^\#\!/bin/sh=\#\!/usr/bin/python3=g" ${D}/${PYTHON_SITEPACKAGES_DIR}/bin/deepview-modelclient
Someone has to repair the deepview-rt package to crosscompile/setup the python3 part properly.
cheers Dennis
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Do you have any idea how updating build environment helped with this build error?
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No, I didn't investigate it fully.
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