Yocto chromium integration to run on iMX6
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Here is my issue in brief
I am trying to integrate chromium browser to my Yocto build using open embedded recipe from meta-browser layer, but my build fails with following error message
ERROR: The recipe imx-gpu-viv is trying to install files into a shared area when those files already exist. Those files and their manifest location are:
Matched in manifest-phyboard-mira-imx6-7-mesa.populate_sysroot
Matched in manifest-phyboard-mira-imx6-7-mesa.populate_sysroot
Matched in manifest-phyboard-mira-imx6-7-mesa.populate_sysroot
Matched in manifest-phyboard-mira-imx6-7-mesa.populate_sysroot
Matched in manifest-phyboard-mira-imx6-7-mesa.populate_sysroot
Matched in manifest-phyboard-mira-imx6-7-mesa.populate_sysroot
Matched in manifest-phyboard-mira-imx6-7-mesa.populate_sysroot
Matched in manifest-phyboard-mira-imx6-7-mesa.populate_sysroot
Matched in manifest-phyboard-mira-imx6-7-mesa.populate_sysroot
Matched in manifest-phyboard-mira-imx6-7-mesa.populate_sysroot
Matched in manifest-phyboard-mira-imx6-7-mesa.populate_sysroot
Matched in manifest-phyboard-mira-imx6-7-mesa.populate_sysroot
Matched in manifest-phyboard-mira-imx6-7-mesa.populate_sysroot
Matched in manifest-phyboard-mira-imx6-7-mesa.populate_sysroot
Matched in manifest-phyboard-mira-imx6-7-mesa.populate_sysroot
Matched in manifest-phyboard-mira-imx6-7-mesa.populate_sysroot
Matched in manifest-phyboard-mira-imx6-7-mesa.populate_sysroot
Matched in manifest-phyboard-mira-imx6-7-mesa.populate_sysroot
Matched in manifest-phyboard-mira-imx6-7-mesa.populate_sysroot
Matched in manifest-phyboard-mira-imx6-7-mesa.populate_sysroot
Matched in manifest-phyboard-mira-imx6-7-mesa.populate_sysroot
Matched in manifest-phyboard-mira-imx6-7-mesa.populate_sysroot
Please verify which recipe should provide the above files.
The build has stopped as continuing in this scenario WILL break things, if not now, possibly in the future (we've seen builds fail several months later). If the system knew how to recover from this automatically it would however there are several different scenarios which can result in this and we don't know which one this is. It may be you have switched providers of something like virtual/kernel (e.g. from linux-yocto to linux-yocto-dev), in that case you need to execute the clean task for both recipes and it will resolve this error. It may be you changed DISTRO_FEATURES from systemd to udev or vice versa. Cleaning those recipes should again resolve this error however switching DISTRO_FEATURES on an existing build directory is not supported, you should really clean out tmp and rebuild (reusing sstate should be safe). It could be the overlapping files detected are harmless in which case adding them to SSTATE_DUPWHITELIST may be the correct solution. It could also be your build is including two different conflicting versions of things (e.g. bluez 4 and bluez 5 and the correct solution for that would be to resolve the conflict. If in doubt, please ask on the mailing list, sharing the error and filelist above.
ERROR: If the above message is too much, the simpler version is you're advised to wipe out tmp and rebuild (reusing sstate is fine). That will likely fix things in most (but not all) cases.
ERROR: Function failed: sstate_task_postfunc
ERROR: Logfile of failure stored in: /opt/PHYTEC_BSPs/yocto_fsl/build/tmp-glibc/work/cortexa9hf-vfp-neon-mx6qdl-phytec-linux-gnueabi/imx-gpu-viv/5.0.11.p4.5-hfp-r0/temp/log.do_populate_sysroot.6243
ERROR: Task 1372 (/opt/PHYTEC_BSPs/yocto_fsl/sources/poky/../meta-phytec/recipes-graphics/imx-gpu-viv/imx-gpu-viv_5.0.11.p4.5-hfp.bb, do_populate_sysroot) failed with exit code '1'
WARNING: libegl-mesa-10.4.4 was registered as shlib provider for libEGL.so.1, changing it to libegl-mx6-5.0.11.p4.5-hfp because it was built later
WARNING: libgles2-mesa-10.4.4 was registered as shlib provider for libGLESv2.so.2, changing it to libgles2-mx6-5.0.11.p4.5-hfp because it was built later
WARNING: libgles1-mesa-10.4.4 was registered as shlib provider for libGLESv1_CM.so.1, changing it to libgles1-mx6-5.0.11.p4.5-hfp because it was built later
NOTE: Tasks Summary: Attempted 3603 tasks of which 3531 didn't need to be rerun and 1 failed.
NOTE: Writing buildhistory
Waiting for 0 running tasks to finish:
I am not understating why this error appears and I read many posts related to this issue but i am not successful in making it work
Could you please me to guide me to fix this issue.
Additional details about build
Image : core-image-sato (X11)
Processor – iMX6 from NXP
Board : form Phytec
Here is my bblayer file content
# LAYER_CONF_VERSION is increased each time build/conf/bblayers.conf
# changes incompatibly
OEROOT := "/opt/PHYTEC_BSPs/yocto_fsl/sources/poky"
${OEROOT}/meta \
${OEROOT}/meta-yocto \
${OEROOT}/../meta-phytec \
${OEROOT}/../meta-yogurt \
${OEROOT}/../meta-openembedded/meta-oe \
${OEROOT}/../meta-openembedded/meta-networking \
${OEROOT}/../meta-openembedded/meta-python \
${OEROOT}/../meta-openembedded/meta-multimedia \
${OEROOT}/../meta-openembedded/meta-webserver \
${OEROOT}/../meta-openembedded/meta-browser-master \
${OEROOT}/../meta-openembedded/meta-gnome \
${OEROOT}/../meta-openembedded/meta-ros-master \
${OEROOT}/../meta-qt5 \
${OEROOT}/../meta-openembedded/meta-ruby \
local.conf file content
MACHINE ?= "phyboard-mira-imx6-7"
DISTRO ?= "yogurt"
# The following line disables the autostart of the phytec-qtdemo by
# default, but you can start the demo anytime using
# $ systemctl start phytec-qtdemo.service
#SYSTEMD_AUTO_ENABLE_pn-phytec-qtdemo = "disable"
# That are the default values of bitbake. Adapt these to your workspace and
# host preferences.
#DL_DIR = "${TOPDIR}/downloads"
#SSTATE_DIR = "${TOPDIR}/sstate-cache"
# License Handling
# - Uncomment for Freescale i.MX6 proprietary GPU libraries
LICENSE_FLAGS_WHITELIST += "license-freescale_v6-february-2015_imx-gpu-viv"
# - Uncomment for Freescale i.MX6 legacy VPU firmware blobs
LICENSE_FLAGS_WHITELIST += "license-freescale_v6-february-2015_firmware-imx"
# You can disable and enable FSTYPES as you wish. e.g. 'ext4'.
# This is ordering dependend.
IMAGE_FSTYPES += "sdcard"
IMAGE_FSTYPES += "tar.gz"
IMAGE_FSTYPES += "ubifs"
IMAGE_FSTYPES_append_ti33x = " emmc"
DEPLOY_DIR = "${TOPDIR}/deploy"
# Select configuration UI for linux and barebox recipe. The openembedded
# default is 'menuconfig', 'nconfig' has more features.
# The default package class of the distro yogurt is 'package_ipk'. The first
# value is used as the package manager to build the image and sdk. To build
# also tar packages use
#PACKAGE_CLASSES = "package_ipk package_tar"
# Variable IMAGE_ROOTFS_EXTRA_SPACE from poky/meta/conf/documentation.conf:
# Defines additional free disk space created in the image in Kbytes. By
# default, this variable is set to '0'.
# This example line adds an additional 512 MiB of free space to the root
# filesystem:
# See http://www.yoctoproject.org/docs/1.8/ref-manual/ref-manual.html#ref-features-image
# "Through these variables, you can add several different predefined
# packages such as development utilities or packages with debug information
# needed to investigate application problems or profile applications
# - "Makes an image suitable for development (e.g. allows root logins without
# passwords and enables post-installation logging)"
EXTRA_IMAGE_FEATURES += "debug-tweaks"
# - "Installs debug symbol packages for all packages installed in a given
# image."
# - "Installs debugging tools such as strace and gdb."
#EXTRA_IMAGE_FEATURES += "tools-debug"
#SDKMACHINE ?= "x86_64"
OE_TERMINAL = "auto"
ABORT,${DL_DIR},100M,1K \
DISTRO_FEATURES_append = " x11"
LICENSE_FLAGS_WHITELIST += "license commercial commercial_libav commercial_x264 commercial"
PREFERRED_VERSION_chromium = "local"
DL_DIR ?= "/opt/PHYTEC_BSPs/yocto_dl"
CHROMIUM_LOCAL_PATH = "/home/proinst/chromium/src"
CHROMIUM_OUT_DIR = "out_yocto"
PACKAGECONFIG_append_pn-chromium = " component-build"
CHROMIUM_EXTRA_GYP_DEFINES = "-Dwerror= -Ddcheck_always_on=1 -Dblink_asserts_always_on=1 "
IMAGE_INSTALL_append = " util-linux mmc-utils i2c-tools canutils libsocketcan inetutils proftpd initscripts sqlite3 apache2 php gcc apt chromium"

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Hi Dhanyakumar
one can check chromium integration on L3.14.28 nxp bsp, link below and
please look at attached Yocto Guide sect.5.6.6 Chromium Browser
i.MX 6 Series Software and Development Tool|NXP
Best regards
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