Hi all,
Is there an integration for OpenCV 3 in Yocto ?
ok new L5.10.52 all have lah or u put this :
IMAGE_INSTALL_append += “ opencv opencv-samples”
Hello yoramshacham,
You will find the following packaged which you can add with IMAGE_INSTALL_APPEND on the local.conf file. Alternatively you can bake them separatedly.
However, these are for OpenCV 2.4 on the L4.1.15 BSP.
You can find OpenCV 3.1 on the krogoth branch of the Community BSP.
opencv - for building opencv
opencv-samples for building the samples.
Hello gusarambula,
Thanks for the prompt reply.
I already have OpenCV 2.4 running on both my iMX6UL and iMX6DL.
I see some performance issues in objdetect (same as I saw on Ubuntu desktop before moving to OpenCV 3).
Being new to this, can you please elaborate how I find it there, download, etc.
Thanks :-)
Hello yoramshacham,
If you wish to test OpenCV 3.1 then definitely try using the krogoth branch of the Community BSP.
If you are new to Yocto check the following training:
Only use git below instead:
repo init -u https://github.com/Freescale/fsl-community-bsp-platform -b krogoth
You would need to add the OpenCV packages, which can be done by adding the following lines to your local.conf file (you will see this a bit more explained on the training)
IMAGE_INSTALL_append += “ opencv opencv-samples”
I hope this helps!