I'm trying to follow Building Windows 10 IoT Core for NXP i.MX Processors from i.MX Windows 10 IoT User’s Guide for NXP i.MX Platform; Document Number: IMXWGU; Rev. W1.0.0-ear, 10/2019 but I'm stack in step 1:
10.1 Building the BSP
Before you start building the BSP, you need to have an archive with BSP sources downloaded and
I've followed few leads, including GitHub - ms-iot/imx-iotcore: Windows 10 IoT Core BSP for NXP i.MX Processors, and Code Aurora git repositories but I still cannot find anything that looks what I'm looking for.
Can you point me to the right place?
Hi tymek@redbacktech.com. I'm curious about this. Did you successfully build the FFU using the BSP? What iMX board are you using? I've been trying to do the same thing with a solid-run.com iMX6 Hummingboard, but they have yet to supply a BSP.
You can download the source code and demo images here Windows 10 IoT Core for i.MX Applications Processors | NXP
Hi Rita,
Thanks for you reply.
I'm not looking for the FFU. I want to build a FFU.