I'm running with an i.MX233 with Linux ltib 2.6.31 and I was wondering if anybody has had any success with mounting a FAT formatted SD Card (2GBytes or less for the drivers).
The purpsose is to provide bulk storage to the application that can be shared with a Windows system.
When I look around, I see a lot of suggestions for using "mmcblock0", but that is not an entry in my system's /dev. When I've tried the other "mtd" devs using
mount /dev/mtd# /mnt/sd
mount -t ext3 /dev/mtd# /mnt/sd
Where "mtd#" is mtd0-mtd4 and mtdblock0-mtdblock4, I get Invalid Format errors except for mtdblock4 which provides a mighty upchuck.
Any ideas?
Hi Rogerio,
Thank you for the reply.
It turns out that the version of linux created by ltib for the i.MX233 disables the SD Card Drivers after boot so you cannot access an SD Card device except when booting to either run from the SD card or to load the Flash from it.
So, unless I'm willing to do some serious hacking on the image, it's not available.
Hi Mike,
You can check if your kernel has FAT support enabled on kernel menuconfig.