we use MCU MIMXRT1051CVL5B and would like to connect the USB1 port to the host through a USB HUB component.
(upstream= host, downstream1= NXP, downstream2= FTDI)-see picture below.
(Host -> cable to USB mini B connector on the PCB-> USB HUB on the PCB-> FTDI and NXP on the PCB)
How should we route the USB_OTG1_ID signal? Should we route it directly to the USB mini-B connector even thou the connector connects to the FTDI and the NXP and not only to the NXP?
Must we use the ID pin?
But you can't change HUB direction upstream vs downstream, can you? Perhaps there are such hubs? Or you just want OTG ID for some reason without real USB role switching?
If not, then anyway you need direct connection between NXP and HOST for device role time. Since host may change its role, you need to eliminate HUB. Not only eliminate for NXP, but cut it away from host. Perhaps HUB has shutdown? If not, then use 2nd mux like PI3USB10 or something to disconnect HUB. Something as well must be done to USB power pin, in one case host proves power, in other NXP.
Hi @kef2 ,
Yes, you are right. But can PI3USB10 be used here? Y0/Y1 connect to RT1051. Can these pins work in device mode?
Yes, it's like relay with mechanical contacts, signaling direction is irrelevant. Do you mean missing overvoltage protection on D/M, yes, it would be nice to have it on USB connector side.