Using MCUXpresso IDE v 11.8.0, attempt to install the SDK for board "evkbimxrt1050" always results
in the error:
"An error occurred while installing the items session context was:(profile=DefaultProfile, phase=org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.engine.phases.Install, operand=null -->
[R]org.eclipse.jdt.core.manipulation 1.17.0.v20221026-1918, action=org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.touchpoint.eclipse.actions.InstallBundleAction). The artifact file for osgi.bundle,org.eclipse.jdt.core.manipulation,1.17.0.v20221026-1918 was not found."
This also occurred with older versions of MCUXpresso! Will anyone ever fix this?
Seems I accidentally deleted my original reply. See below:
The error you describe is sometimes shown by Eclipse when it is trying to write a file without permission. Some SDK installations will try to modify Eclipse plugins etc. and trigger this.
The core problem that leads to this is NXP installing MCUXpresso into `/opt` instead of the users home folder (like TI do with CCS).
As a workaround, you can try running MCUXpresso as root just to install the SDK. I've had success doing this or plugin installation when MCUXpresso was giving the same error.
And to the NXP team, please change the install location under Linux to the user's home folder. This will prevent this and many other problems (such as application note sample code not working because it expects the source files to be under the same parent folder as the IDE)
I am using Debian versions 11 and 12 on two different machines. The problem comes when you
"download and install SDKs" at the mcuxpresso welcome screen. Separately downloading an SDK
and passing it to mcuxpresso does work. I have used several versions of mcuxpresso with several
different EVK's, and they all do the same thing. Why invite people to use it if it doesn't work?
Hi @cowles ,
I'll report this issue to software team. Please download SDK from currently.
Are there any news about this? I am a first-time user of mcuxpresso and neither the in-built download nor the manual install works for me.
Dropping the .zip downloaded from the SDK builder into the "Installed SDKs" view results in the following dialog with an deactivated OK button (presumably because the .manifest field is left empty... because I don't know where it should come from):
Using the alternative via "Import archive..." results in
All of this with MCUXpresso IDE v11.8.0 [Build 1165] [2023-07-26] on Debian stable (12).