Dear Sir or Madam,
Refer to 22.9.4 Chip Select n Read Configuration Register 2 (EIM_CSnRCR2) in MCIMX6SDLRM(Rev.1).
Refer to RL bit.
Are "cycle" and EIM_clock the meaning?
RL bit can define "Feedback clock loop delay".
What is Feedback clock loop delay?
And, how should I set RL bit?
The RL field holds the feedback clock loop delay in aclk cycle units.
ACLK_EIM_SLOW_CLK_ROOT is source clock for the EIM, mentioned often as
"ACLK", "AXI clock" and "EMI clock".
From section 22.2.1 (Other Important Block I/O Signals Internal to the SoC) of the i.MX6SDL RM :
Feedback clock is used to sample read data during high transfer speeds. The signal provides feedback
from the I/O pad of the BCLK output pin and tends to align more closely with data from the external memory
device. Please look at Figure 22-13 (BCD=1, RL = 3).
Dear Yuri,
Thank you for your reply.
> Please look at Figure 22-13 (BCD=1, RL = 3)
I looked Figure 22-13.
I didn't understand the relation of FBCLK & RDATA.
How should I decide the RL value?
Actually waveform figures in the Reference Manual are provided mainly as demonstration material and do not reflect all timing aspects.
RL field in some sense defines data hold time. It should match BCD field.
Hi Yuri,
I checked a SRAM datasheet about read latency, and I feel RL indicates from latching address to output read data as attached image.
When BCD=1 & RL=3, read latency is 4.5 cycle as the above image, right?
If it is right, the Figure 22-12 does NOT indicate correct read latency, it seems 5 cycles even though it should be 1 cycle since BCD=0 & RL=0.
Would you give us a comment about it?
Best Regards,
Satoshi Shimoda
As has been mentioned, the pictures in the RM do not refelect exactly timing relationships.
RL parameters control loop delay between the I/O pad of the BCLK and the FBCLK (internal
signal), which is used to sample read data.
Hello Yuri,
Let me confirm folloiwng three points regarding FB_BCLK.
- RL and FB_BCLK are only used when Continous BCLK mode, and they are also used in DLL internally for better syncronization.
- They don't affect on Data Read timing. so it's ok just looking at rising edge of the BCLKs to know when the Data is sampled.
- When BCD is used, Continous BCLK cannot be used then FB_BCLK is no use.
Are these understandings correct?
Best regards,
Nori Shinozaki
Please look at my comments below.
> RL and FB_BCLK are only used when Continous BCLK mode, and they are also
> used in DLL internally for better syncronization.
RL and FB_BCLK are used for any synchronous accesses.
> They don't affect on Data Read timing. so it's ok just looking at rising edge of
> the BCLKs to know when the Data is sampled.
RL affects the Data Read timing, since it provides additional tuning for data latch timing.
> When BCD is used, Continous BCLK cannot be used then FB_BCLK is no use.
This is not so. RL and FB_BCLK are used for any synchronous accesses.