Dear team,
My customer is using i.MX28 for their board now, and they want to change 24MHz crystal from the current one.
Could you show me whether there is a specification on i.MX28 about the period from start of oscillation to its stabilization?
Hi Miyamoto
I am afraid i.MX28 crystal start-up time specs are not available.
One can follow design check list and crystal requirements on
Hardware Design Checklist for i.MX28
In general time to crystal stabilization is defined by crystal Q factor
(typical Q value for a quartz oscillator ranges from 10**4 to 10**6),
it requires (roughly) Q number periods until crystal become stable.
Crystal oscillator - Wikipedia
Best regards
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Hi igorpadykov
Thanks for your support.
They believes that i.MX will do switching clock or releasing reset internally after stabling the oscillation.
Can I understand that users do not have to detect the stability of the oscillation externally?
Best Regards,
Hi Miyamoto
yes this is correct understanding.
Best regards