I am using MIMXRT1176CVM8A and QSPI flash(IS25WP128-JKLE-TR) in our application
We have issue with flashing we are able to send the data from processor but QSPI is not sending the information to the processor(MISO pin its loading) what could be issue
Hi @972794 ,
You can refer to the MIMXRT1170-EVK QSPI flash design, the flexspi DQS pin should be float.
Then, you can use the SDK code:
run it in internal RAM to test the QSPI flash communication, you need to enable the quad mode if you use the quad communication, so please run the above code to enable QE, check the erase, program, and read.
Wish it helps you!
Best Regards,
Check the wiring and connections between the processor and the QSPI flash. Make sure that the MISO pin is correctly connected.
Verify the configuration of the Flex SPI1 interface. Ensure that it's correctly set up to communicate with the QSPI flash.