Is there documentation to build OE for the EVK? Does OE support the iMX28EVK?
This is the top level, meta-fsl-arm is under this project. Just do the repo (it is goggle tool to get multiple git projects in sync), and look at the directories, also look at default.xml, this is what repo uses to drive and sync
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <manifest> <remote fetch="git://" name="yocto"/> <remote fetch="git://" name="freescale"/> <remote fetch="git://" name="oe"/> <default remote="freescale" revision="master" sync-j="4"/> <project name="poky" path="sources/poky" remote="yocto" revision="master"/> <project remote="oe" revision="master" name="meta-openembedded" path="sources/meta-openembedded"/> <project name="fsl-community-bsp-base" path="sources/base"> <copyfile dest="README" src="README"/> <copyfile dest="setup-environment" src="setup-environment"/> </project> <project name="meta-fsl-arm" path="sources/meta-fsl-arm"/> <project name="meta-fsl-arm-extra" path="sources/meta-fsl-arm-extra"/> <project name="meta-fsl-demos" path="sources/meta-fsl-demos"/> </manifest> |
Thanks for the example. Now I'm more confused, because I've never heard of that before. I thought it should be possible to use meta-fsl-arm plus OpenEmbedded-Core, or maybe Yocto.
Where does that fsl-community-bsp-platform come from, and how does it relate to meta-fsl-arm?
OK it built... here is the script I used..
This is in a file... make sure there is not dir called fsl-community-bsp
curl > repo
chmod a+x repo
mkdir fsl-community-bsp
cd fsl-community-bsp
../repo init -u -b denzil
../repo sync
MACHINE=imx28evk . ./setup-environment build
bitbake -v core-image-minimal 2>&1 | tee output-bitbake.txt
Yes, it was working some time ago.. I can rebuild and try tonight.. At this time I'm working with Omilux-Micro (
OK found my script... so, see if works.. post back in a couple of hours..
Tim Michals said:
OK, well I'll give it a try.. maybe even give a tutorial once I get something working.. Thank you
Have you succeeded with this? I've been trying for several days to build and boot a basic OpenEmbedded-Core for imx28evk, but so far without success. I've posted onto the meta-fsl-arm Google Group and so far haven't achieved success. I've found there is not much documentation for OpenEmbedded-Core on i.MX28.
OK, well I'll give it a try.. maybe even give a tutorial once I get something working.. Thank you
There is an active community developing support for Freescale boards at:
The idea is to merge into this new project.
In terms of documentation, there is nothing specific to this layer, but you can join the maling list for help.
Here is the README file of the project:
OpenEmbedded/Yocto BSP layer for Freescale's ARM platforms
This layer provides support for Freescale's ARM platforms for use with OpenEmbedded and/or Yocto.
This layer depends on:
URI: git://
branch: master revision: HEAD
To contribute to this layer you should the patches for review to the mailing list.
Mailing list:
Source code:
OE certainly supports building for the imx28evk. On the target of the link below I found the recipes we used to build for the evk.
For as far as I know, and I searched quite a bit a few months ago. there is no specific documentation targeted at building with OE for the imx28evk. General documentation for OE and derived projects apply just as well though.
Hope this helps,