As mentioned as a topic name, want to interface 320x480 (or 320x240) TFT LCD interface (SPI control) to imx6 sabrelite board. (custom board)
Can you please tell me how can I do this ?
Any reference driver is available and application note ?
Where is the Driver location and imx LCD display driver etc.,
It would be great if you provide for me the latest kernel version 3.14.
I just referred the imx forum links and got for very older linux kernel where we used board support files not dts support.
Titus S.
for low resolution, you can refer to the document as below, hope helpful for you
Thanks Joan for your reply.
I'm not using LVDS LCD display but RGB parallel LCD display.
Can you please tell me for this ?
add your lcd structure in the code like board_mx6q_sabresd.c, if you use the old version, you can find it in the rpm/BUILD/linux-3.0.35/arch/arm/mach-mx6.
I also send a link to you for reference,
Thank you very much Joan.
Any reference for dts support, as I mentioned I have also seen this link and didn't help much.
I need some reference where they have used LCDC 320x240 (or smaller or bigger) using device tree support (dts)
Can you please help me on this ?
Thanks again.
for yocto bsp, you can focus on the source code "arch/arm/boot/dts/imx6qdl-sabresd.dtsi"
Thanks Joan for your reply.