MMPF0100 register value after reading "Default Configuration" or "OTP".

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MMPF0100 register value after reading "Default Configuration" or "OTP".

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Senior Contributor I

Hi community,

I'm cheking the value of MMPF0100 registers after read "Default Configuration" or "OTP" setting as attached file.

I input the values refer to Table 10 of MMPF0100 datasheet (Rev.9.0).

However, I did not understand the value of SWxxSTBY, SWxxOFF, xxxxCTL registers (highlighted registers).


Would you let me know the setting value of each SWxxSTBY and SWxxOFF register?


According to Table 88, I guess SWBSTCTL value is 0100_1000b in both case "Default Configuration" is read or "F0 OTP" is read.

Is this correct?


I believe the enable bit of VREFDDRCTL and VGENxCTL bit (bit [4]) is "1".

Is this correct?


Could you let me know the setting value of VGEN1[3:0] and VGEN3[3:0] after read "Default Configuration"? (red characters)


According to Table 10, SWDVS_CLK is "6.25 mV/us" for "Default Configuration" and "1.5625 mV/us" for "F0".

So I understand this setting is applied to all switching regulators as below, is this correct?

Default Configuration: 25mV/4.0us for SW1x, 50mV/8.0us for SW2, SW3A/B, and SW4.

F0: 25mV/16us for SW1x, 50mV/32us for SW2, SW3A/B, and SW4.

Best Regards,

Satoshi Shimoda

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1 Solution
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

A1. By default, the values of the SWxxSTBY and SWxxOFF registers are equal to the SWxxVOLT registers according to the selected start-up configuration. After startup, the software can change the SWxxSTBY and SWxxOFF registers to the appropriate values.

A2. Yes, this is correct.

A3. The VREFDDR linear regulator is always enabled by default. For the VGENx linear regulators, it depends on the start-up configuration selected, please refer to the Table 10 of the PF0100 Data Sheet.

A4. The VGEN1[3:0] = 0b1110 and VGEN3[3:0] = 0b0111 for the Default configuration. However, these values are meaningless, since the VGEN1 and VGEN3 regulators are disabled at start-up in the Default configuration.

A5. The SWDVS_CLK value applies not to the power-up sequence, but to the Dynamic Voltage Scaling (DVS) operation during normal system run. This value is applied to all switching regulators.

Have a great day,

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4 Replies
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

A1. By default, the values of the SWxxSTBY and SWxxOFF registers are equal to the SWxxVOLT registers according to the selected start-up configuration. After startup, the software can change the SWxxSTBY and SWxxOFF registers to the appropriate values.

A2. Yes, this is correct.

A3. The VREFDDR linear regulator is always enabled by default. For the VGENx linear regulators, it depends on the start-up configuration selected, please refer to the Table 10 of the PF0100 Data Sheet.

A4. The VGEN1[3:0] = 0b1110 and VGEN3[3:0] = 0b0111 for the Default configuration. However, these values are meaningless, since the VGEN1 and VGEN3 regulators are disabled at start-up in the Default configuration.

A5. The SWDVS_CLK value applies not to the power-up sequence, but to the Dynamic Voltage Scaling (DVS) operation during normal system run. This value is applied to all switching regulators.

Have a great day,

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Senior Contributor I

Hi Artur,

Thank you for your reply.

> A1, 2, 3, 4

OK, I understood.

>A5. The SWDVS_CLK value applies not to the power-up sequence, but to the Dynamic Voltage Scaling (DVS) operation during normal system run.

Yes, but I think the SWDVS_CLK OTP value is applied to SWxCONFIG[7:6] even though these are not used when power-up sequence.

Is this correct?

> This value is applied to all switching regulators.

OK, I understood.

Best Regards,

Satoshi Shimoda

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Q. The SWDVS_CLK OTP value is applied to SWxCONFIG[7:6] even though these are not used when power-up sequence. Is this correct?

A. Yes, this is correct.

Have a great day,

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Senior Contributor I

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