Hello folks.
I have a new MCIMX8M-EVK. It came with Android pre-installed. I would like to have Linux installed. I looked as quick start guide : Get Started with the MCIMX8M-EVK | NXP Semiconductors
I tried to flash a new sd-card under windows (using mfgtool). I wasn't able to do because mfgtool could not find the device (board). The version :
In this case it appeared that when I change SW802 to 01 the device doesn't boot. No output on the console.
Then I flashed the sd-card on linux and it went well. The pre-built image is:
But when I put the sd-card and switched SW802 to 10 and SW801 to 1100 the device doesn't boot. No output on the console. In fact I tried all possible combinations (16) for SW801 nothing worked.
It still boots to pre-installed Android with SW802 to 10 and SW801 to 0010 (eMMC).
Let me know how can I resolve this?
I am open to the idea of flashing the eMMC as well. But don't know how in this scenario?
PS: I already looked at : i.MX Linux® User's Guide (nxp.com).
Solved! Go to Solution.
Hi Israel.
Hi Israel.
Thanks for the prompt response. The flashing with uuu went fine (windows 10). But board refuses to boot after I put SW802 to 10.
Hi Azhar,
I will try to put a step-by-step guide:
So first I recommend flashing the image that we have on our web page, For this, I select the latest release, https://www.nxp.com/webapp/Download?colCode=L5.10.9_1.0.0_MX8MQ&appType=license, so please download it.
Second, It will depend on what system you will work (Linux or Windows), So from the image that you downloaded will have an uuu.auto file that will flash automatically on the memory that is selected with the switches, with that on windows use this: uuu .\uuu.auto
To flash with the UUU tool you need to have the executable from the tool on the same folder that you have the images you want to flash, you can download the tool from the next page: https://github.com/NXPmicro/mfgtools/releases/tag/uuu_1.4.72
Install a serial console viewer, just as the quick guide said (https://www.nxp.com/document/guide/get-started-with-the-mcimx8m-evk:GS-MCIMX8M-EVK#title2.2.2), be sure that you open the correct debug terminal, usually when you connect the i.MX board will add 4 new ports, so I recommend opening all of them just to know which one is for the cortex A53, commonly is the latest but try as I said before.
Then on the board select the correct configuration SW, first the SW802 select the serial downloader mode:
BOOT_MODE 0 => 0
BOOT_MODE 1 => 1
and the next SW801 will depend on what you have selected, eMMC or the SD,
Boot from EMMC => 0010
Boot from SD2 => 1100
You can find this info also on the i.MX 8M EVK Board Hardware User's Guide: https://www.nxp.com/webapp/Download?colCode=IMX8MEVKBHUG
On the board connect to the USB debug port and the USB type C to the computer. When the flash starts you will see activity on one of the serial consoles that are the signal of activity, after the uuu finish flashing the board, move the SW802 to internal boot and it will boot your system.
Hope this helps you.
Hi Isreal.
It appears that when I tried to flash sdcard (with SW801 to 1100) earlier, it in fact, flashed the eMMC. Now Android is removed from eMMC. So, it seems that, the SW801 switches are malfunctioning. Now when I set SW801 to 0010 it boots to linux.
Well it nice to hear that now you can boot Linux, and one thing that you can do if the SW are working is checking if you see transition when you move this.
Hi Israel.