Has anyone tried Linaro evaluation build 12.05 (Android- Ice Cream Sandwitch) build for imx53 sabre tablet? I've not yet started to build ICS for my sabre tablet but already did Ginger bread Custom build for the same. I did it with freescale BSP. Its working fine. Linaro's build is not officially recommended by freescale and also several bugs are reported for it's ICS build.
These links will be useful for someone:-
Linaro 12.05 android ics 4.0.4:-
Evaluation builds, components and other downloads for Linaro 12.05
Install instructions- using prebuilt image/building custom image:-
Linaro Android candidate test results:-
Dear Mats1z,
Can you please tell me, what are the modification I have to do in order to see ICS in SABRE Tablet with LINARO Images.
thanks and regards,
customize the bootloader and kernel.
Were you successful in installing Linaro android image into IMX53? Did you see any serious bug in the build?
Linaro ICS build was successfully booted in imx53_qsb board. My goal was to boot ard/smd board with ICS . I haven't thoroughly checked the performance of ICS on QSB.
Dear Mats1z
Have anybody ported the ICS for SABRE Tablet.? I Could find the ICS for IMX53 QSB from LINARO ,
Will Demo images for IMXQSB work for IMX53 SABRE.?
How to customise for SABRE design.?
Thanks and regards,
demo images for qsb will not work in sabre tablet. The customization should happen in bootloader and kernel
Thanks for the confirmation.
Can we use the same linaro android build images in both imx535_smd (sabre tablet) and imx535_ard (automotive infotainment board) ?
I downloaded the prebuilts of LEB 12.05(system.tar.bz2, boot.tar.bz2 and userdata.tar.bz2) and using linaro-android-media-create tool flashed to the sd card. But its not working in imx535_ard board. The imx535_smd is not available with me right now to test on it.