Google's AVB 2.0 documentation describes that hashtree is stored with the partitions and their root hash is stored in vbmeta.
However, Android's documentation on implementing dm-verity describes that dm-verity table is constructed over hashtree and it is then stored with the partition together with its signature.
Another blog describes android verified 2.0 together with verification of dm-verity table.
Is hashtree stored with the partititon or is dm-verity table constructed over hashtree which is then stored with the partition?
you can refer to my another topic about this
Your post explains that hashtree is appended to the partitions image. Does that mean that dm-verity table is no longer used? In AVB 1.0 dm-verity table used to be generated over hashtree which was then appended to the partitions and verified by /boot/verity_key.
The Android Verified Boot 2.0
Relies in a hash tree which is verified at Kernel level in a continuous process. As file system partitions may no fit into memory the integrity is verified as data is loaded into memory.
Reference and more details: