I am currently working on IMX8QXP[L5.15 Kirkstone] and I would like to connect IW612 with IMX8QXP to enable Bluetooth functionality. My goal is to load only the UART Bluetooth firmware, and to achieve this, I am consulting the document titled 'Getting Started with NXP-based Wireless Modules on i.MX 8M Quad EVK Running Linux OS' for validating the Bluetooth interface with the i.MX 8QXP board. Unfortunately, the mentioned file 'UART-FW-LOADER--GPL-src.tgz' is not accessible on the NXP site. Can someone help me in acquiring the release package?
Dear @jnj
Please also note that NXP now advise to use its btnxpuart driver instead of the Linux UART driver + FW loader.
btnxpuart driver can:
- replace Linux UART driver
- automatically download the BT firmware (automatically detect if combo WiFi+BT firmware was downloaded before, and download BT firmware if needed)
- automatically handle deep sleep
btnxpuart driver is part of the Linux kernel (CONFIG_BT_NXPUART)
It is available in recent i.MX Linux BSPs (starting 6.1.22 TBC).
Please refer to:
Hi @ocourson ,
I am currently working on Linux version 5.15.71_2.2.1, and developments are done with this version. For the design, we are planning to use two LBEE5PL2DL modules, with one as WIFI+BT+BLE and the other one as BT+BLE. Therefore, we are seeking the Linux UART driver + FW loader. Is there any issue with this, or do I need to compulsory change the Linux version to use btnxpuart?
Dear @jnj
It is absolutely not mandatory to switch to btnxpuart.
NXP just advise btnxupart use, because it can simplify customer work (automatic firmware detection and download, automatic deep sleep).
You can access to the link (IW612: 2.4/5 GHz Dual-Band 1x1 Wi-Fi® 6 (802.11ax) + Bluetooth® 5.2 + 802.15.4 Tri-Radio Solution | ...) to download it.
Note: you have to sign in to access authorized secure files.
Hi @Harvey021 ,
Thank you for the quick response. I have checked the mentioned link.But in software section I couldn't see the corresponding file . If I am wrong , please correct me
opt for secure Files.
You might have to refer to here (Secure Access Rights | NXP Semiconductors) to get further assistance for checking secure access rights.
Hi @Harvey021 ,
When I opt for the secure files in the software section I am able to see only the below 4 files.
I Couldn't see the UART-FW-LOADER--GPL-src.tgz as mentioned in the Document.
The reason that you can't see might not have implemented the procedure of authorization.
Please follow up the steps as Request secure access rights
The link (Secure Access Rights) brings help if any question to operate the request.
And you need to prepare the NDA number from your company during completing the procedure of request as above mentioned.
By the way, the tar package should be included in a compress zip file, similar to:
Hi @Harvey021 ,
I got a reply "Your registration to NXP Secure Access Rights is complete.".But when I choose iw612 as product and checked secure files , I couldn't see any files similar to Generic_SD-WLAN-UART-BT-IW612-LNX_6_1_55-IMX8-18.99.2.p66.10-18.99.2.p66.10-MM6X18423.P6-GPL.I can see only 10 secure files as below.
Hi @Harvey021 ,
Could you please help me to get the previously mentioned files?I have completed the all procedures to get the access to the secure files.
Dear @jnj
We asked internally to grant you access to that software package.
We will come back to you as soon as possible
Hi @ocourson ,
I can now access more secure files. However, in the release notes, it is mentioned that Linux 6.1.1 is running on i.MX8M Mini. I am currently working on i.MX8QXP with Linux version 5.15.71-2.2.1. Do we have any specific UART driver firmware for this particular platform and Linux version? I have downloaded this Linux_SD-UART-BT-IW612-18.99.2.p19.17-18.99.2.p19.17-MXM6X18398.p9-GPL file .Can I Use the same for IMX8QXP?
Dear @jnj
These SW releases apply to all i.MX6/7/8/9 Linux hosts (kernel 2.6.32 to 6.3.0), so you can use them on IMX8QXP with Linux kernel 5.15.71.
Linux_SD-UART-BT-IW612-18.99.2.p19.17-18.99.2.p19.17-MXM6X18398.p9-GPL is not the latest release.
Don't you have access to below release (or newer) ?
Hi @ocourson ,
Thank you for the response. Yes, I have access to the above-mentioned file. To enable Bluetooth functionality, I will flash the 'uartspi_n61x_v1.bin.se[bluetooth only firmware]' file to the chip over UART using the 'UART-FW-LOADER-350-src.tgz' and the following command:
./fw_loader /dev/ttymxcX 115200 0 /lib/firmware/nxp/<BT_only>.bin
I am seeking confirmation. Could you please confirm whether 'uartspi_n61x_v1.bin.se' is indeed the Bluetooth-only binary file?
Dear @jnj
fw_loader is not flashing the firmware, it is copying the firmware to IW612 RAM. It means that this operation needs to be done on each reboot.
- uartspi_n61x_v1.bin.se is the narrowband firmware (handling both bluetooth and 802.15.4), can be loaded over UART, using fw_loader or btnxpuart
- sd_w61x_v1.bin.se is the WiFi firmware, can be loaded over SDIO using moal driver
- sduart_nw61x_v1.bin.se is the WiFi+Bleutooth+802.15.4 combo firmware, can be loaded ovver SDIO using moal driver
Hi @ocourson ,
Thank you so much for the support.I have one more query.If I am switching to IW611 can I use the same fw and fwloader ?
Dear @jnj
Yes, IW612 and IW611 use the same firmware (802.15.4 only working on IW612).
And fw_loader is common to all NXP Wifi/BT chipsets.
Hi @ocourson ,
Thank you for the confirmation.Let me check and get back to you
Hi @ocourson ,
I connected IW612 WiFi/BT Module with the IMX8QXP MEK board and run the following command to download the firmware over UART to enable only bluetooth.But it throws a timeout error as below.
Do we need to take care of any hardware connections when connecting the IW612 M.2 module with the M.2 connector on the EVK Board?
Hi @ocourson ,
Could you please help me here?