Hello all,
I am using the i.MX8QXP EVK board. Due to a damaged USB port, I am unable to flash eMMC. As a workaround, I am attempting to flash the SD card with AAOS (Android OS). I have already successfully flashed Linux to the SD card. Could you provide the steps for flashing Android to the SD card?
Please refer to the section <5 Programming Images> of ANDROID_USERS_GUIDE.pdf
To use the fastboot_imx_flashall script to download images to SD Card.
$ sudo ./imx-sdcard-partition.sh -f -D /dev/sdX # can be as imx8mm, imx8mn, imx8mp, imx8mq, imx8qm, imx8qxp, imx95.
Hello Harvey,
I run the following command, but it didn’t execute properly. Additionally, I couldn't find the "imx-sdcard-partition.sh" file while attempting to flash the Android pre-built image on automotive-13.0.0_1.1.0_image_8qmek_car
sudo ./imx-sdcard-partition.sh -f imx8qxp -c 28 /dev/sdb
Hi @AjithAjmal
Android automotive OS (automotive-13.0.0_1.1.0_image_8qmek_car) is not supported for SD Card, for eMMC only.
Hi @Harvey021,
Thank you for your support! I successfully flashed the Android demo image "android-13.0.0_1.2.0_image_8qmek" to the SD card, and the board booted successfully.