I use imx6ull-14x14-evk ,in uboot mode, it can ping host through eth0,but when start kernel, it can't ping host.The indicator light for the Ethernet interface is also not on.I refer to the IMX6UL ethernet does work in u-boot but it doesn't with Kernel 3.14.38 ,But it doesn't solve the problem.
Hi 小飞 张
what bsp used in the case, one can try Demo Images from i.MX Software | NXP
i.MX 6UltraLite, i.MX 7Dual/Solo Linux Binary Demo Files
Best regards
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hi igorpadykov,Thanks for your reply
As you said, I downloaded l4.1.15_2.0.0 - ga_images_mx6ullevk.tar.But with MFGTool, no device Connect is displayed after the uboot is loaded.Unable to update system.If I directly use zImage and DTB in l4.1.15_2.0.0 - ga_images_mx6ullevk. tar, the problem of evaluation board is still not solved, that is, after kernel is started, Ethernet is not used.