I‘m working on IMX6Q kernel version:3.10.17
my sensor output is 1280*1080+25FPS
I want to know, can I scale the resolution to 1280*960 or 1280*720,not crop.if it work,how to do?
thank for your reply~~
Hi Richard,
Which BSP are you using?
If you are using LINUX BSP than you can find gstreamer based pipeline for Camera content encoding.
Hi,dear Saurabh
I‘m using Linux bsp version:yocto 3.10.17,but I can't get the document about gstreamer-plugins for 3.10.17, whether gstreamer-plugins for 3.0.35 is ok?
can your give me some help to make me work faster .thanks
Hope the following helps ipu-examples release notes - v0.1
Have a great day,
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Hi,dear Yuri
I need to scale the video stream and then encode it by vpu, Is it will be work?
any example?
> I need to scale the video stream and then encode it by vpu, Is it will be work?
Yes, Gstreamer using is good approach to do it.
Hi,dear Saurabh
I‘m using Linux bsp version:yocto 3.10.17,but I can't get the document about gstreamer-plugins for 3.10.17, whether gstreamer-plugins for 3.0.35 is ok?
can your give me some help to make me work faster .thanks
Hi Richard,
You can do IPU scaling according to your requirement.
You can refer mxc_v4l2_tvin test.
You can add support for the IPU task.
Hi,dear Saurabh
I need to scale the video stream and then encode it by vpu, Is it will be work?
any example?