Hi All,
I have downloaded the uboot and linux source from the
and try to compile it, but I got some errors.
Did anyone compiled it as separate source ? (both linux and uboot source - without using LTIB).
Is there any specific config file to be used?
thanks and rgds.
i have checked this out and now it got compiled. many thanks.
And this shows that you haven't checked out the "imx_v2009.08" branch :(
git checkout -b imx_v2009.08 origin/imx_v2009.08
> git branch -a
* master
remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/master
What does "git branch -a" show?
"git log" should show
as topmost commit.
yes Dirk,
I have cloned the uboot git, is there any way I can verify it for the correct version?
It has a SabreLite config:
Are you sure you followed Florent's advice "checkout the branch "imx_v2009.08""?
Hi Florent,
thanks for the correction and git works now.
but the source that cloned, is not having the config file for mx6q sabre, and so it gives error.
make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux-gnueabi- mx6q_sabrelite_config
make: *** No rule to make target `mx6q_sabrelite_config'. Stop.
make: *** [mx6q_sabrelite_config] Error 1
The address to clone is not correct. I provided you with the web page showing the details of the repository !
You should go on that page with a web browser, and you'll see that the repository can be cloned with the link provided at the bottom of the page:
hi Florent,
thanks for the reply, I tried with installing git in my windows machine and used git bash to clone the repository.
But I got a fatal error:
"no address associated with the name
The remote end hung up unexpectedly."
I used the command - git clone git://git.freescale.com/git/cgit.cgi/imx/uboot-imx.git
Kindly let me know if there anything to be corrected.
As Dirk said, we don't know which of the versions you use !!!
I cloned the first git suggested for u-boot:
then checkout the branch "imx_v2009.08", and build successfully the i.MX6DQ Sabre-lite u-boot with the commands that I put above.
As mentioned above: Please share the details you've done and the errors you get! Which U-Boot do you use?
hi Florent,
Linux kernel I have succeeded the compilation - by changing the menuconfig options.
For uboot, I dint find any config file related to sabrelite board.
Do anyone have done the compilation for u-boot?
Also there is no any specific func spec or documents for sabre lite, and IMX6Q processors.
any suggestions on this would be more helpful.
thanks and regards.
Please refer to the method used for other i.MX, such in the BSP doc: uboot_mx5x.pdf.
Typically, to build u-boot for the sabre lite board, it is:
make CROSS_COMPILE=/opt/freescale/usr/local/gcc-4.1.2-glibc-2.5-nptl-3/arm-none-linux-gnueabi/bin/arm-none-linux-gnueabi- mx6q_sabrelite_config
make CROSS_COMPILE=/opt/freescale/usr/local/gcc-4.1.2-glibc-2.5-nptl-3/arm-none-linux-gnueabi/bin/arm-none-linux-gnueabi-
Other cross compiler versions should work.
The page you mention above points to 4 different U-Boot/Kernel sources. Which one have you used? Please share the details you've done and the errors you get. Yes, a lot of people are working without LTIB.