Hi communicators.
I knew how can porting the OS from i.mx8 board. (as SD Card)
(As you may already know, sdcard is mmc. and emmc is embeded mmc.)
I recently completed to porting Android OS through SD card(mmc).
so I want to booting of OS through eMMC (Not MMC)
so I show you my step by step screenshot:
1. setting the boot switch
2. power switch ON
3. UUU.exe execute:
(I want to port to Android10 OS so I download and uuu execute)
1. CMD input : .\uuu_imx_android_flash.bat -f imx8mm -a -e -t 1
Loading Environment from MMC... Card did not respond to voltage select!
*** Warning - No block device, using default environment
3. ucmd mmc dev 1
4. MMC card init failed!
Card did not respond to voltage select!
** Block device MMC 1 not supported
am i wrong something?
the i.MX8MM B Board Specification screenshot:
and the origin URL: i.MX 8M Mini Evaluation Kit | NXP
It has eMMC 16Gib Memory.
how can I fix the problem?
did you fix this issue? refer to the user guide, if you download image to emmc, don't need to use "-t" option
I regard to your reply thanks.
1. did you use nxp board or customized board?
I use NXP Board.
the specific information URL to follow:
i.MX 8M Mini Evaluation Kit | NXP
2. what images version do you download? demo images or the images built by yourself?
I downloaded Android prebuilt images from this link.
did you use nxp board or customized board? and what images version do you download? demo images or the images built by yourself?
1. did you use nxp board or customized board?
I use nxp board. nxp i.MX8MM
specific URL: https://www.nxp.com/design/development-boards/i-mx-evaluation-and-development-boards/evaluation-kit-...
2. what images version do you download? demo images or the images built by yourself?
And I follow this Guide Document PDF: