Bonjour a tous,
Je suis en possession d'une carte de chez Emtrion (Dimm MX6) dotée d'un processeur freescale IMX6Q
On m'a demandé pour mon sujet de stage de tester le processeur sur ses performances, surtout au niveau des IRQs.
Dans mon entreprise on a besoin d'une IRQ se déclenchant toute les 500µs avec un état haut d'une durée de 150µs environ.
Je viens vers vous car je ne sais pas comment gérer les IRQs (je sais juste a quoi sers une IRQ mais rien de plus).
Je voulais savoir les démarches a suivre pour piloter une IRQ de la carte.
Merci d'avance
Sorry my english is bad. I try to make it compehensible
I am in possession of a card from Emtrion (Dimm MX6) with a freescale processor IMX6Q
I was asked for my company subject to test the processor performance, especially in terms of IRQs.
In my company we need an IRQ is triggering all the 500μs with a high state for a period of approximately 150μs.
I come to you because I do not know how to handle IRQs (I know just what has been using an IRQ but nothing more).
I wanted to know the steps to follow to control an IRQ to the card.
Thank you in advance
Best regaurd
is the IRQ an input to or an output from your card? I assume it is an input to your card that you need to handle.
Will you be handling your interrupt in kernel or user space?
If it is an input, according to page 19 of the manual here:
you will have to configure one of the the associated GPIO as an input. See here how to do so for user space or kernel space configurations:
Note: even though the above link is TI specific, the gpio_to_irq(), request_irq() and set_irq_type() are generic linux constructs and should apply to freescale linux kernel as well
You should speak in english.