i builded a complete image, but now i want to change some properties in the device tree file (dts) and simply just want to rebuild the dts file into a dtb.
I saw on net, that "bitbake my-own-linux -f -c deploy" should do the trick. But when i look at the date of the dtb-file in the build/arch/arm/boot/dts/ directory. it is not re-build ?
When i look at poky/meta/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-dtb.inc it seemed that the do_compile_append task is building the dtb with "oe_runmake ${DTB}" , but i think it is only callable with bitbake when i run "bitbake my-own-linux -c do_compile" , is that correct ?
Is there any way to re-build only the dtb with bitbake commands to have a consistent workflow ?
Hi Florian,
it is not necessary to use bitbake. You can just go to your kernel-source folder and execute
make imx_v7_defconfig
make file_name.dtb
and the new .dtb will be located at kernel-source/arch/arm/boot/dts/ directory.
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What about the .dtb files generated in the deploy folder in /tmp directory? Do we have to delete those files or they get overwritten? Also how to find which .dts files are relevant as there are many made in the /kernel-source/arch/arm/boot/dts directory?
Hello Mr. ghodga
did you find how to assign the desired .dts file to bitbake to be build ?
Hi all,
Below commands may work:
bitbake -c devshell virtual/kernel
make dtbs
Where are the built blobs supposed to go? I tried it, it built the blobs, but I can't find them anywhere.
Nevermind, I found it on yocto's tmp/work dir. I was expecting them to be on the kernel source dir.
One last note: make dtbs will build all dtbs. You can build just the dtb you want using, make <dtbname>.dtb
Beware you need the .dtb in the end. Also that the base dir is arch/arm/boot/dts, so if you want a dtb inside a sub-dir you must include it in the name:
make freescale/dtbname.dtb