Hi Luyan
for boundary scan mode JTAG_MOD should be high, also one can look at
sect.Chapter 9 Using BSDL for Board-level Testing
Best regards
hello dear sir:
JTAG in e-fuse bits_ Smode [1:0] and SJC_ Does disable need to be 0?
Thanks very much
one can look at AN4686
Configuring Secure JTAG for the i.MX 6 Series Family of Applications Processors
Best regards
Hi~igorpadykov :
I want to know what means"BSDL was only tested at 1.8 V." in the document IMX6DQ6SDLHDG.pdf
Thanks very much!
hello dear sir:
Below is the board settings which I have used:
JTAG_MOD is High;
POR_B is High;
BOOT_MODE[1:0] is [1:0] or[0:0] ?
What does "BSDL was only tested at 1.8 V." mean? is NVCC_JTAG is 1.8V or all NVCC power is 1.8V? or other ?
Thanks very much