How to run SoftISP ?

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How to run SoftISP ?

Contributor II

I am trying SoftISP on Linux (4.14.78_1.0.0) on imx8mqevk. It is installed under /opt/imx-gpu-sdk/OpenCL/SoftISP.
I just type ./SoftISP then it apparently makes 4 files (0-SourceImage.bmp, 1-RemoveBadPixel.bmp, 2-WhiteBalance.bmp, 3-Equalization.bmp) but they are not image files.
It always outputs files as bmp, the option --ScreenshotFormat jpg does not work.

root@imx8mqevk:/opt/imx-gpu-sdk/OpenCL/SoftISP# ./SoftISP
Denoise status: 0
Initializing device(s)...
Get the Device info and select Device...
# of Devices Available = 1
# of Compute Units = 1
# compute units = 1
Getting device id...
Creating Command Queue...
Creating kernels...
Please wait for compiling and building kernels, about one minute...
Kernel execution time on GPU (kernel: badpixel): 27.198 ms
Kernel execution time on GPU (kernel: sigma): 1.309 ms
Kernel execution time on GPU (kernel: awb): 1.892 ms
Kernel execution time on GPU (kernel: equalize1): 31.618 ms
Kernel execution time on GPU (kernel: equalize2): 1.586 ms
Kernel execution time on GPU (kernel: equalize3): 3.291 ms
Kernel execution time on GPU (kernel: debayer): 21.86 ms
Saving images...
root@imx8mqevk:/opt/imx-gpu-sdk/OpenCL/SoftISP# ls -la
total 26372
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Nov 25 23:28 .
drwxr-xr-x 5 root root 4096 Dec 4 2018 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1231 Dec 4 2018 .AppInfo.json
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 6220854 Nov 25 23:28 0-SourceImage.bmp
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 6220854 Nov 25 23:28 1-RemoveBadPixel.bmp
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 6220854 Nov 25 23:28 2-WhiteBalance.bmp
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 6220854 Nov 25 23:28 3-Equalization.bmp
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Dec 4 2018 Content
-rwxr-x--- 1 root root 449824 Nov 26 2018 Example.jpg
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1646744 Dec 4 2018 SoftISP

I have read AN12060 but it does not describe how to run it.
Would you tell me how to run SoftISP properly ?

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6 Replies

Contributor I

This does not answer the OPs question, but....

It is fairly simple to add a line that allows a compile on Ubuntu if you have OpenCL installed.  You can run 'clinfo' and see a platform and device.

I believe I just added a line to Fsl.gen,

<Platform Name ="Ubuntu" Supported=true>

It wasn't clear to me that all times are in 'ms'.  I re-read the appnote and the first table shows the time units, but not the 2nd.  The code outputs columns as being 'mS', so it was clear after building and running the code.

The code needs to access to the primary input image.  This is 'Content/'... it has to be in the proper location relative to the SoftISP binary.

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi 矢羽田 崇

build steps can be found in sect.2.1. SW-ISP Pipeline Optimized by OpenCL

AN12060 Software ISP Application Note 

Best regards
Note: If this post answers your question, please click the Correct Answer button. Thank you!

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Contributor II

I have read AN12060.
It states as per the following.

To run an application on a specific CPU use taskset command. It uses a bitmask, with the lowest order bit corresponding to the first logical CPU and the highest order bit corresponding to the last logical CPU. E.g., to run SoftISP on core 3:
root@imx8qmmek:~# taskset 0x8 ./SoftISP
To obtain the index of each CPU:
root@imx8qmmek:~# cat /proc/cpuinfo
To check that the process is really running on the specified core, check PSR column:
root@imx8qmmek:~# ps -aF

I do not need to run on a specific CPU, so I just type ./SoftISP
but unfortunately It does not seem to work properly.
Have you tried it and got the proper image files ?
If you could let me know what I am doing wrong, I am very happy.

Best Regards
Takashi Yahata

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Contributor II

I have not been able to make it.
Has anyone tried it and got the proper result on imx8mqevk ?
It would be appreciated if you could tell me how to do it.


Takashi Yahata

0 Kudos

Contributor III

Dear Takashi Yahata,

Are you able to get the details of how we can run the SoftISP application and what are the arguments we need to pass?

Are you able to got the images ? If yes, please can you suggest me what are the arguments we need to use?

Thanks and Regards,


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Contributor II

In my case I was booting Linux with SD card, I tried to run the SoftIP application on filesystem of SDcard() but It did not work well, I could not get proper images. I tried to copy the SoftIP application to USB Flash memory (example:/run/media/sda1) and run on it,  I had the proper image files.


Takashi Yahata

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