How to make Seiko-LCD detect "tap" (and interpret it as a click)?

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How to make Seiko-LCD detect "tap" (and interpret it as a click)?

9,835 次查看
Contributor III

Dear all,

I am using i.MX53 QSB with Seiko-WVGA LCD, running Ubuntu.

It responses to the touch (it repositions the mouse pointer to the location where I touch).

However, when I tap a location, it doesn't detect it as a mouse-click.

Did I miss something here?

Btw, I haven't calibrate the LCD, could it be the case of this?

I don't know how to initiate the calibration. I tried to add "calibration" at the end of bootargs, but it doesn't help.

Thanks a lot.


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1 解答
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

I don’t have MX53START board on the hand now. You can check the logs and there should some logs for PMIC. Meanwhile, you can see PMIC part number on the board to get relative information.

Regarding the debian package, you can try attachment.


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NXP Employee

Some background information is for your reference:

1. There are 2 kinds of MX53 START boards. For M53 START board with Dialog PMIC, there was one HW rework needed before "Ensure TSIREF_GPIO7 is connected to LDO8.". To verify whether hardware or driver is OK, you can try the simple command "cat /dev/input/event1". Please note to change "event1" as right event device in your board. Then when you press touch screen, you should see there is response in console.

2. If the driver is OK, please get right evtouch debian package, since the evtouch package in lucid’s repository

have a bug cause server crash. The package can be found on the demo

image bundle of the release with this name. xserver-xorg-input-evtouch_0.8.8-3build1_armel.deb

Install debian package:

dpgk –i xserver-xorg-input-evtouch_0.8.8-3build1_armel.deb

if you don't install right evtouch package, you will see X crash and cause the show become blank.

5,077 次查看
Contributor III

Hi Xiaoli,

1. How do I know whether my i.MX53 QSB has Dialog PMIC or not?

I tried to run "cat /dev/input/event1", and I saw a bunch of binary characters everytime I touch the Seiko LCD Touchscreen.

2. I couldn't find the right "xserver-xorg-input-evtouch_0.8.8-3build1_armel.deb". Where can I find demo image bundle?

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

I don’t have MX53START board on the hand now. You can check the logs and there should some logs for PMIC. Meanwhile, you can see PMIC part number on the board to get relative information.

Regarding the debian package, you can try attachment.

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Contributor III

I just found what caused the weird behavior (log out whenever I touch the screen).

It's the Xinerama layout.

After I switched to Default Layout, it doesn't logout anymore.

I run evtest, I saw Z-axis event, but the behavior is erratic and I am still unable to generate click event by tapping. Even without touching the screen, sometimes events are generated too.

Is it because of calibration? Any idea how to calibrate it?

Oh... I just remember, is it because I need to go further and modify xorg.conf?

Thanks a lot.

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Glad to hear that x server crash issue was resolved.

Regarding new issue, I am not sure whether it’s related to driver behavior or xconf setting because the early test with touch screen is adopting egalaxy touch screen with LVDS. I don’t have MX53 QSB board with SEIKO LCD now. So some suggestions:

-      You can try to modify the calibration date of xconf to try.

-      Add some logs into touch screen drivers for the tests. If you are using Freescale PMIC, add the logs into drivers/input/touchscreen/mxc_ts.c. If you are using Dialog PMIC, add the logs into drivers/input/touchscreen/da9052_tsi.c.

5,078 次查看
Contributor III

Hi Lily,

- Is there any calibration program I can execute to find correct calibration values? xinput calibrator?

How to change the calibration values in xorg.conf?

- Where's the location of the log of the touch screen? Which test are you refering to? evtest?


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5,078 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

You can update the following section for calibration data:

Option "MinX" "0"

Option "MinY" "0"

Option "MaxX" "4352"

Option "MaxY" "3200"

Be frankly speaking, I didn’t recall the calibration program for lucid. We also spent the efforts to calibrate it before because the touch screen in early Ubuntu delivery is not used widely.

You can check the algorithm in evtouch and see how it compute x, y. For driver logs, you can log out X, Y points when pressing. For example:

input_set_abs_params(dev, ABS_X, 0, DA9052_DISPLAY_X_MAX, 0, 0);

input_set_abs_params(dev, ABS_Y, 0, DA9052_DISPLAY_Y_MAX, 0, 0);

input_set_abs_params(dev, ABS_PRESSURE, 0, DA9052_TOUCH_PRESSURE_MAX,

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5,078 次查看
Contributor III

I added those calibration data section in xorg.conf, but it doesn't have any effect.

Since there is no calibration program for lucid, do you suggest I upgrade to a later one? Is there a newer Ubuntu for i.MX53 QSB?

Thanks for the log-related info, I will give it a try.

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NXP Employee

I don't know. You can search Linaro web site and see whether there is any latest Ubuntu image.

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Contributor III

I searched in Linaro website, I couldn't find any new image release. it says "page not found" on the page where it's suppose to list those images.

So, does it mean that it's official, the i.MX53 QSB with Seiko WVGA LCD doesn't support "tap" event?

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

No. What I can say is that MX53 QSB is tested with eGalax Touch screen on Ubuntu.

Did you try to add logs in touch screen and see the behaviors?

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Contributor III

I couldn't find the source files (that you mentioned) anywhere in the system.

I checked, my board is using Dialog PMIC, so, I tried to find da9052_tsi.c, but no luck.

I also tried to find mxc_ts.c, couldn't find it either.

And I couldn't find drivers/input/touchscreen/ directory either.

Did I miss something?

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NXP Employee
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Contributor III

The thing is, without the pakage installed, just that file alone (da9052_tsi.c), I wouldn't be able to compile it, right?

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5,079 次查看
Contributor III

Hi Lily,

What I meant was that it seems like that I don't have the package installed (that supposedly come with the file, da9052_tsi.c).

What package that da9052_tsi.c is supposed to come with?

And which MX53 software from Freescale website were you referring to?


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5,080 次查看
Contributor III

I see, thanks.  So, the latest official release Freescale made for i.MX53 QSB Ubuntu image is lucid?

How about i.MX6? Is it lucid too?

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Oneric is used for MX6.

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5,079 次查看
Contributor III

Hi Xiaoli,

Thanks for the file.
I tried to install it, now it doesn't crash X anymore.

However, there is a weird behavior. Everytime I touched the screen, the Ubuntu will log out.

Any idea?

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Have you tested your kernel with evtest? Does it get the tap event?

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5,079 次查看
Contributor III

Hi Daiane,

I tried to run "evtest", command not found.

I tried to search for the file, it doesn't exist in my system.

Is it part of xserver-xorg-input-evtouch?

The problem is, after I install xserver-xorg-input-evtouch, my screen went blank.


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